Autism Anyone?

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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by Sollomyn »

Hey...that might actually explain some of the odd phrases I've heard in my head too; like that one about the Buddhists. Maybe it's radio chatter from the police bands.
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Sometimes I think the shape of the skull plus sinus cavities act like a radar dish to accumulate energy. I feel buzzy there & my teeth itch when driving under large power lines.
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by SnowCat »

I wonder if ADD and ADHD are part of this too. I have mild ADD, and have had similar experiences. Especially the one about the sing in the radio. I'm thinking of a certain song, and when I start the car, there it is. I also "heard" a news cast years ago, announcing that Tiny Blair had been shot. I had a migraine that day, and had lain down trying to get rid of it. That was the same day that Smoky, RIP, had protected me from a malevolent entity in my bedroom. His health began failing soon after that.

I think Bigfoot, crop circles, and other unexplained things are cross dimensional things. They exist along side us, but on a different wavelength, except when the dimensions intersect.
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by Sollomyn »

I'd almost be willing to bet money that you're a high-functioning autistic; I was mis-diagnosed as ADHD for years, but I had a bunch of other issues, so they ended up diagnosing me with multiple things; ADHD, ODD, OCD, PTSD, IED, and DID, and Schizophrenia, although they later took that one off when they realized that I wasn't actually hearing and seeing things that weren't real; I just seemed to have a super sensitive sensory perception; particularly my eyesight and my hearing; after my eye test they found I have 20/10 vision. I thought that was bad at first, but it's actually exceptional, and pretty much unheard of; what most people can see at a maximum of ten feet away, I can see at 20 feet away, so it's double that of an average human; pretty much the same with my hearing. They weren't actually able to test my full spectrum of vision because I got all the way to the bottom of the chart and still wasn't having any problems seeing what the little dots were lol. Most humans eyesight is more akin to cats and dogs; mine is upwards towards the level of birds of prey, and honestly it kinda sucks; gets kinda overwhelming, moreso for my hearing, which is why I'm irritable a lot of the time, and can seem kind of short with people in my day to day life, other times just kind of cold, uncaring or indifferent to the feelings and goings-on of other people; literally my only goal when out and about in the city is to find any excuse to speed things up and get back home before I have a meltdown lol.

This is often seen in autistic children with sensory integration issues; a lot of us can only use one sensory mode at a time, but when we use one, it's dialed up to a hundred; sort of like selective sensory perception; it comes with a "holographic thought process", meaning you "see" your thoughts in the air in the form of different images and flashes and sounds, like your watching a movie. Autism is considered a type of learning disability given it's a neurological developmental disorder, which I took that to mean just a fancy shmancy way of saying I'm braindamaged lmao. As a result, the brain creates NEW neural pathways in order to adapt to survive. I have a theory that's why I've always had some weird abilities; because things everyone else seems to take for granted are ten times harder for me to understand, and because the regions of the brain that are normally responsible for performing those functions in others is glitchy in my own, so I had to start learning differently through alternative means. Kinda feel like an alien sometimes, but I've looked into it for myself; I'm definitely the biological offspring of my parents, and they didn't just find me in a crash spaceship somewhere lol. I've also confirmed that I'm not a vampyre lmao. was my therapist (my fourteenth therapist actually hahaha; I went through quite a lot as a little kid; I was WAY worse back then; I can pretend to be normal pretty good now; years of practice lol), suggested the possibility that I'm autistic, as it's a wide spectrum and a lot of the traits found in the six disorders that doctors had previously suspected were all a part ASD; Autism Spectrum Disorder. The zoning out, the anti-social tendencies, the sensitivity to lights, sounds, textures, tastes and smells, the dissociative episodes, mimicking words and actions of others, the little ticks and twitches, fascination with numbers and specific dates and times and routines and rituals; lining objects up, spinning objects, getting hypnotized easily, the odd monotone voice, the emotionless "flat affect", temper outbursts, etc, etc. are all symptoms of ASD...."as well as the trait of being just plain damn weird." hahaha, to quote my last therapist. He was pretty cool; real funny and father-like, and a little fae himself lol.

But yup....I'd look into it SnowCat; might explain a lot of potentially missing pieces of the puzzle that is you. ;)
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by SnowCat »

I'm not sure I want to explore an autism diagnosis at my age, although a number of the traits do fit.
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by barker »

When I use the vacuum cleaner, I psychic/telepathically sync the sound in my head, controlling the suction to suck up ghosts.
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by barker »

Sollomyn wrote:the brain creates NEW neural pathways in order to adapt to survive. I have a theory that's why I've always had some weird abilities; because things everyone else seems to take for granted are ten times harder for me to understand, and because the regions of the brain that are normally responsible for performing those functions in others is glitchy in my own, so I had to start learning differently through alternative means. Kinda feel like an alien sometimes, but I've looked into it for myself; I'm definitely the biological offspring of my parents, and they didn't just find me in a crash spaceship somewhere lol. I've also confirmed that I'm not a vampyre lmao.
That is absolutely what I know too. My schizophrenia diagnosis is not a dis-ability at all, it's just an evolving body and mind. DNA is self-judgement. I have self-judged sane so frankly the doctor is just there to see if it's all working - and it is. halfsm
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by Sollomyn »

Indeed; I sometimes wonder that too; if a variety of "mental illnesses" and "neurological disorders" are actually just the natural evolution of the human race; sure it might be a little messy at this stage, but I'm sure Darwinism will end up perfecting everything eventually lol. Autism for example used to be exceptionally rare, and often more severe; nowadays though, close to 50% of the population are on the Spectrum, with not nearly as many severe cases (completely non-verbal, unable to control body movements, etc, etc). It's kind of like evolution has been refining it to the point where it's slowly becoming less and less of a disability and more and more of an advancement. I wouldn't really be surprised if in the next few decades, close to 100% of people will be born on the Spectrum, and only a fraction of them will be unable to function without assistance; not long after that everyone will be high-functioning autistics; a few more decades after that, everyone's going to be fully functioning savants; a while after that....well, we'll have pretty much gained full control over ourselves and our mental powers as well as our environment to the point we're pretty much an entire civilization of godlike beings lol. Evolution is always a little messy and mutated though when new things start developing lol.
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by barker »

Sollomyn wrote:I wouldn't really be surprised if in the next few decades, close to 100% of people will be born on the Spectrum
I can shift in and out of autism, so yes, it is there in the collective mind. I experience this by taking particular curiousity at my own words. The only word that really means anything to me is patience, but every other word I can perceive as an opportunity or threat. That's when my mood is elevated (kinda fake) and I don't care what others think of my time alone.

Further, I know schizophrenia is integrated by the collective. 100% of people I meet are coping with it, usually by believing in the flag of their country. Because, I have found that the cause of insanity is *failure to believe*, not the believing itself. Belief is always loving.

I say this species will be 150% tech-savvy and self-actualised… well, already. But it takes time to forget things such as war, death and aids. I bite off as much as I can chew, of all this karma... and convert it into wisdom, for my next life if it doesn't happen perfectly here on Earth. barker
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by Sollomyn »

I'm conflicted on the notion of an after-life; I believe we'll at least be ghosts for a time, but after that I'm not sure; I kinda suspect my energy will just dissipate and that'll be the end. Part of me doesn't really like the idea of an after-life or reincarnation; part of me likes thinking this is the only life I'll get; makes me want to do better with it and not waste a bit of it, thinking I'll just be able to redeem myself in a next life which may never happen. I guess I believe in living this life as though it's the only one I'll ever get, even if it turns out it's not.
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by barker »

Something tells me there is more to it than this moment here and now... I call that evolution. While I am perfectly happy to get it done in this situation currently, I do not know if "God" is about to change. Religion is seeming a bit outdated- what comes next I just don't know.
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by Sollomyn »

That's what I've always liked about Wicca and paganism in general; it seems like more of a philosophy and a way of life, as opposed to most religions which are about dogmas, punishments and rewards. Wicca seems to me to be all about enjoying and appreciating the Earth, and life on it. Sure there's a lot of other stuff to it, but I think that's about the essence of it, magick or not; that's more of an aside in my opinion haha. Or perhaps an even more reduced bare essence of Wicca could be Knowledge, and the never-ending, loving pursuit of it. :)
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Re: Autism Anyone?

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

You can't shift out of autism. You can have better days, and you can have very autistic days, but autism is a part of you and you will always view the world differently than NT people.

I can mask my autism pretty well if I am in situations I enjoy, but can't function so much with the daily requirements of society.
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