What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

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What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by greycat »

It doesn't change anything. Even if you know the person, tell them to be careful, still they end up murdered. Knifed in the back by someone they trusted. Then the ones you don't know but feel their pain, hear their cries. Each time it hurts so much that you knew it was going to happen but you can't help. So what is the point ? I feel so guilty, because if I knew it was going to happen why couldn't I do anything about it ?
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by Firebird »

That's a hard one.
But for the folks you don't know, how do you have a way of verifying that anything really happened?
And for the person who was stabbed that you did know, do you see who is the perpetrator ? You could be a valuable resource for the police department. That may be way to ease your pain.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by SpiritTalker »

To teach or to warn as far as I could ever figure out.

Maybe the only use is to prepare us - & those we might be able to warn - for what cannot change.

When we feel their suffering they know they aren't alone at the moment when they are most vulnerable. There is one hand to hold onto. That matters.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by barker »

The only way to alter an outcome that is predestined is free will, correct definition being: beauty is force. I know the popular theory on free will is that you just do what you want. But when you start doing your best moment by moment *in order to become* more anything desirable, "time" collapses/expands and knows best and you get a miracle, every new moment.

I am at this point in my life know working on the theory that each "synchronicity" (Jung) is a miracle in itself. It is, some are cleaner than others, but there's one miracle at a time, and, basically if my free will is to force beauty to evolve in around me then it's all pristine and graciously.

I'm not the expert on you or this ability. But like you I don't see the point in somebody (you) being cursed with bad knowings. There has got to be a good outcome in there somewhere. Suggest you work with the thought that "Earth is becoming more beautiful," and "when I get better at that than that, I'm going to be alright." cheers barker
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by Astro Logical 1 »

Perhaps there's a higher meaning just in the act of bearing witness to things than we are aware of in our individual form on this plane.

The Akashic Records may depend on observers. At times I wonder if it is the duty of the clairsentient to simply document the facts as they happen.

Perhaps precognition isn't actually foresight. What if it's something else and we just place the significance of it on foresight because of our own preconceptions about our individual importance.... we may just be involved in something we don't yet understand and the ability to see outside of time and space constraints is merely a side effect.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by SnowCat »

I had a pre cognitive dream of my mother disinheriting me. I wasn't surprised when she died, and it was true.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by SpiritTalker »

This is a copy of another but relevant post:

I can think of several times I've had foreknowing of a death. There is always a delema of whether it's better to tell or keep quiet. Who benefits from knowing? Does the person want to know? We aren't obligated to blurt it out just because it knocks us for a loop. And when we're experiencing the knowing, it's hard to stand back and apply discernment, but we can expand the precog while the doors are open, to "see" if knowing will be helpful or harmful. We have to keep our wits about us and grounding does assist that. But we aren't Master of the Universe, and rarely will foreknowing change the outcome.

So, why do we have these experiences? Does the Universe get some cheap thrill as we bang our heads against brick walls? I have a vague theory. I believe I recall a former Egyptian life in which my job was to say the formula prayers that assisted the dying as they crossed over. It's possible that in some manner, I'm still commissioned to aid the traveling soul in opening the way. Just maybe we have the experiences of death pre cogs to be an aid in opening the way for the modern traveler. Maybe.

In something huge, like 9/11, the Japanese tsunami, Malaysian Airlines catastrophes etc., there is a very noticable pre-disturbance in the force and lots and lots of people fore knew something was coming, all deep-state cabal plots aside. Knowing ahead doesn't give one an ability to change the massive event of cabal’s manipulating monetary gain and for sure you're not stopping Nature. Not single handedly but there's power in numbers in the collective consciousness.

I wonder about collective consciousness being positivly used to divert calamity. I believe this was the principle behind O.L. of Fatima or Marian apparitions that may or not be authentic, and/or was adopted by Project Bluebeam. My idea is that, when we get hit broadside by a precog, we can center our individual selves within the collective, and let the Whole Collective work it out. Maybe a precog is rattling our chain for this very purpose?

Additionally, maybe it’s our soul being synchronized with the timeline. Major natural calamities could create branches in the timeline and we’re aware of a split ahead in the road and choose which fork to take in the cosmic consciousness.

Edit: so in summary, in individual cases of foreknowing an impending death, we can help the crossing over process just by being aware of it. In mass-calamity cases we can take it to the Collective Consciousness to assist the group's passing-over and/or have to re-synchronize with the timeline to continue our purpose.


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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by Astro Logical 1 »

Perhaps there's no point to it.
Perhaps it's a side effect of another phenomenon.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by stormofwind »

I had dream of my friends divorce..
Why are very connected..
It was two rings gold and diamond and they seperate.
My great grandmother had it ..
It's where I get from.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by barker »

These dreams are all about spiritual insight. They apply to no-one else. They wake you up from unnecessary situation and renew your intellect. Dreams are never negative (pure love being the case), but sometimes you are being ignored, and that is what nightmares are to let you know.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by L.J.Hex »

I have had these things happen couple of times, not in dreams but while being wide awake. Just knowing things beforehand, usually when something bad is going to happen or just a big change. (Hurting my ankle, girlfriend leaving me, warning about getting nearly hit by a car etc.)

To me it seems that these things are inevitable, but knowing they're gonna happen have made the shock of the event way easier to cope with with. Also once this thing probably saved my life. I "saw" being hit by a car just seconds before it should have happened but this vision made me stop in time and I wasn't hurt.

Perhaps its a way of making you be prepared for what ever the event is, no matter if you dream about or "see" it otherwise. But why does this stuff have to happen about bad things? At least I haven't had anything about the good stuff coming up before it happened.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by MizLynn3 »

I’ve had what I call,’The baby dream’ Before I was pregnant I saw me, the baby and their Dad. All 3 times. It’s like watching a movie. I knew the sex, what he was wearing n how my room was, even detail.

I know that if I dream in the 3D person (I’m watching myself in the dream) , that more than likely it’s gonna happen.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by BaethanOC75 »

Hmm. @greycat. I sense anger in your post.
I'll try to explain this, correctly, without misleading you. You are assigning blame to yourself for something that is not your fault. You are an observer to all of this. Your psychic abilities can be seen as a gift or a curse.
If you predicted wining millions, moved to a big fancy house, snob your friends, etc. Would you see that as a curse or a gift?
There are 3 paths involved.
Path 1. The person who was murdered. (RIP)
Path 2. The murderer
Path 3. Yours.
You attempted to stop what you saw, but the reality is, is it, was it, your CHOICE. Was it your CHOICE on path 1 ?
Was it your CHOICE on path 2 ?
You made your CHOICE on path 3, attempted to warn those on path 1 & 2, but it is their CHOICE on what to do, not you.
I am sorry for your friend, and I hope this provides some understanding... All of us, humans, animals, plants make CHOICES every moment.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by SapphireRoad »

Concerning the point...
I think there is a certain ability related to the Lunar realm which in deeper layer gives an insight into the mechanism on which the Universe is operating.
This meaning you can foretell the outcome based on events that happened.
Maybe you dreamed this night 1-2 days in advance and it's too late to alter that but
barker wrote:The only way to alter an outcome that is predestined is free will
If you consciously reshape, work more intently on this day's calls you might as well alter the next results to a more desired shape.
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Re: What is the point of precognitive dreaming ?

Post by barker »

It's true, using the telescope you can tell what God is... but if you use a toilet roll... you just believe that you are god.
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