Spirit Guide Experiences

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.
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Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by SpiritTalker »

There must be many here with a wide variety of experiences with spirit guides in many forms, & who could describe their methods of communicating and validating their experiences. Maybe you just haven't been asked.

When & how did you recognize your guide(s)?
How has the experience assisted you?
What tips would you give seekers of such experience?
What validates your experience for you?
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by EveningWithAstaroth »


Personally, I have a lot of things in my ear from day to day where spirits and or entities are concerned. It isn't always easy to differentiate.

From the age of a young child, I've seen spirits, and entities. I don't mean spirits of what appears to be departed human beings, but I have seen some like that as well- not as often as other things.

A lot whom deal with mediumship write they see spirit. The majority of mediums see spirits of once living humans.

I am not one such medium. I instead since a young age had a different gift- I could see spirit but they were never incarnated on earth in a human form, anyone understand?

I am not a person whom sees spirits of the dead, I am an individual whom for whatever reason sees instead entities that were never human.

This is relevant for me, because the spirits I see and deal with are not passed loved ones, or past human beings for the most part- they are not ghosts. Therefore many of the paranormal experiences I have had have been with entities that are very very malicious.

I do not know what others call what I see in a psychic sense, point blank, psychically I see, feel, and sense , and even hear demons.

I have trouble believing therefore in the good, the benign spirits others are used to.

I however, have had good experiences with spirits, guiding voices.

But these come when utterly necessary, and often times, these occurrences for me, are rarer.

This is the story of when I became utterly convinced there had to be good out there too:

I was walking to the store down the street. A woman was a little way ahead of me pushing a stroller in which rested her infant child. While walking behind her, I began to hear a male voice speak to me within my own mind, coming as if a thought- but not my own thoughts and in a male's voice. These thoughts said "Get her to stop"!!!!! I thought "What's that, say that again"? "Please make her stop. Tell her to stop, she needs to stop". This made me very uncomfortable as this male voice was asking me to randomly tell a stranger walking ahead of me to Stop... and I am very much not the kind of person to start talking to people out of doors whom I don't know. I am not a very social person. And do not trust people due to past abuses from them. So I told this voice "Why? What for"? "I'm going to embarrass myself". And he said "Do it please. Embarrass yourself please, it isn't as if you have not done it before, you know already how feeling humiliated feels, nothing to be afraid of there". I tried to continue walking the male voice said "Do it now. There's not much time". I tried to ignore it and it said "I am not even-curse word begins with F- asking you". Then the male voice started begging "Please! Please! Please! Please!"

I sighed openly, and thought well he has a point embarrassing myself and getting others dirty looks is not exactly new to me, so I thought of a way to try and halt her from walking any further without outright randomly telling her to stop. So I quite randomly coughed very loudly while saying the word- "Right"!

At this time, she began to try and cross the crosswalk to the other side of a street, and she was about to push her stroller with infant into the street- my random "Right" cough halted her actions, just as a random vehicle neither one of us heard coming turned then on the curb she was about to push her infant over- the car turning down the street and over the cross walk she intended to cross. So it looked just as if just as she went to start pushing her child out into the road, a vehicle sharply turned to take the street she was just about to cross. Her infant in the stroller was a couple inches on the crosswalk out, the car turned, and physically you could see she pulled the stroller back- sort of unexpectedly.

I am not sure if my spirit guide saved her child from harm that day or not. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't say anything at all.... all I know is- she had intended to cross, and a vehicle took a sharp turn, I am not sure if I had remained silent if the child would have ended up in danger or not.

What came of that, is as soon as she noticed the vehicle turning down that street- she pulled the stroller back towards her a bit- indicating she felt the vehicle was too close for comfort.

After the vehicle passed she turned and looked at me, and gave me a look- one of those "You're weird" looks.

I had actually expected her as I walked behind her on my way to the store to keep turning back to give me those little "You're really weird looks". That is simply what I usually get whether I do anything or say anything or not.

She didn't. She gave me one "Oh you're weird looks", and then continued to walk, only I noticed a difference. Instead of walking scared and fast away from me throwing back you're weird looks, instead she turned and walked with a smile on her face- a genuine one, and seemed to look off a bit up in the air. Enjoying the sunshine and the nice day.

That is an experience of how I have been able to communicate with my guide.

I didn't ask to communicate with him, but he took it upon himself to interrupt my walk, with cryptic messages to randomly say something to a stranger.

The time I tried to communicate within thought to attempt to have a thought conversation with him was interesting for me as well. I will relate it if any here would like to read it, for now though, it is late.

This experience has shown me that just maybe there are good spirits out there too.


Most of the time, I have found communicating with this male thought that comes to me whom I call my guide very difficult.

I have tried guide meditations and the image of a black haired man whom dresses in black clothing- jeans and a t-shirt whom has blue eyes had come to me in a spirit guide meditative exercise, as well as a probable self meditation exercise both of which I found and used from a book.

But I can't possibly know for certain if this meditative visual experience of this dark haired individual is the very same male thought voice that comes to me from time to time.

I have another experience with the male voice. I was trying to communicate with the dark haired guy that had came to me in those meditations for the first time.

Normally the dark haired person doesn't speak much during meditation.

I have not just seen him in mind's eye though and oddly I have been seeing this same dark haired spirit long before I tried the spirit guide exercises. I have seen him in mind's eye when I was sixteen and he told me he was my grandfather's brother, and my great uncle. He told me of the circumstances of how he died. I asked my grandfather about it because this spirit asked me to ask my grandfather what tb is- because I asked the spirit- what does tb mean? At that age I didn't know what tuberculosis was. I asked my grandfather and when I spoke with my grandfather about it I tried telling him it was coming from his brother- that his brother wanted him to know he is here. And that his brother was talking about tb and told me to ask what it was if I wanted to know. The thing is. I never met my great uncle... he died young, around 16 or 17. He did not die of tb, but he ended up contracting it.

I never even knew about him, and it shocked my grandfather to hear me ask about him. I remember I started the conversation by asking my grandfather "Hey gramp? Did you have a brother, who died really young? Around the age of seventeen"?

Eventually my grandfather got angry with me- he wasn't a big believer of such things- and when my father came into the room after getting in from outdoors my grandfather looked at him and asked "Hey Scottie, what did you tell her about my brother"? And my dad asked "Brother why what do you mean dad, what's she done now"? And my grandfather said "What did you tell her about my brother's tuberculosis"? and my dad told him the truth "I never told her anything about that dad". My grandfather's reaction? "Oh don't give me that garbage"!!! And my father said "No really dad, I've never talked to her about that, why what did she say"?

I've been trying to figure all this out, this dark haired person that came to me during the guide and probable self meditations, looks sort of like how my great uncle did when he came to me in my mind's eye and spoke with me about his death.

This for me has been confusing, and I don't know what, if anything it means....
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by Ashrend »

When & how did you recognize your guide(s)?
How has the experience assisted you?
What tips would you give seekers of such experience?
What validates your experience for you?

For me things have been a little more traditional, in that I found my guides whilst meditating. After lighting candles and incense that I felt was appropriate, grounding, centering ect I invited any and all beings into my home that did not wish to cause me harm. Whilst meditating just sat on my sofa in my flat alone I saw in my mind's eye a leopard jump out if nothingness Infront of me and the fireplace. I asked its name and it told me it, after this the leopard came to my side and since then has been the one who would guard me against those that wish to harm me, alerting me to the presence of malicious beings and helping to defend against them. Shortly after discovering this guide I felt a huge presence behind me that I focused on to learn it was a dragon. This being is the one that would guide me the most trying to teach me what they can when I'm ready. I wasn't able to get their name from the get go it's taken all my time as a witch (1.5 years) to learn parts of them and their name. They have spoken to me but rarely, only communicating when truly neccecity otherwise just present when I wanted or needed them.

The experience of first contact and since has helped me grow alot into the witch I am, learning about myself and by abilities and growing in strength.

The only tips I can give you is to be open and try to open your mind to be better to perceive them and communicate with them. Since my first contact I have had trouble relaxing myself enough to open my mind and understand them, but can still feel their presence and tell them my wants and needs.

The feelings I have gotten using meditation and communicating with them has been my validation. As well as another experience I had when trying to meditate deeply, communicating with the dragon guide and being tested to see if I was ready to keep growing as a draconic witch.
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by SpiritTalker »

You see? You needed to be asked. We need to support each other. Because we get the :roll: treatment or we get the :shock: look and people get scared/angry. And the way I feel about these people's reponse is :annoyed:

When & how did you recognize your guide(s)?
I've seen and heard disincarnated spirits since i was 3. I just assumed everyone did. examples:
1. When i was 4 some neighbor kids encouraged me to eat a mayapple fruit. The voice in my head said it would make me sick so I threw it at the brat's head who was grinning. Later I asked dad about the plant with the umbrella and :shock: . He rounded up the neighborhood kid-pack and took us around the block to show us what we should not eat. Since he'd told all the kids the same thing there could be no more dirty tricks.

2. The elm tree on our property had a friendly nature spirit living in it. He'd overlay his form into the bark of the tree for camouflage but I'd see him shimmy like Jello when he moved. He was very tall, bipedal with long skinny arms and legs. Naked but it didn't matter. The neighbor's cherry tree had a different spirit, fat & round-shaped but it wasn't so friendly. It would put it's face right in front of mine and glare like a bull dog :evil: . My sister's response when I'd told her the cherry tree didn't like us: :shock:

3. In college with some dormitory friends my spirit-guide appeared while we were giggling over the ouija board. It scared the crap out of the other girls who all saw him, and they kept saying "go-away, go-away" which was rude since why else were we playing with the board if they didn't expect spirits?! Doh. But it meant a lot to me that The Group saw him & described him as I knew him in my mind & dreams :mrgreen:

How has the experience assisted you? I'd have to say it's shaped my whole life. The giggling college dormitory group evolved into a serious parapsychology study group over time. Each followed her own particular psychic abilities & interests and shared with the group so everyone got an intro to a variety of topics. We experimented mercilessly on each other, mwaahaha. :lol:

Edited for brevity. Our group worked with a professional medium and eventually a few developed trance channeling. If you're not sure what that is then do some You-Tube searches to see examples.

Trance channeling for me evolved into hostessing a couple of teaching circles in the years after college. One of the "beings" who i channeled was said to be extra terrestrial &' dictated material teaching us mental focus & manifesting of the will, while a teaching guide dictated lessons on past lives. I have a life long history of abductions by Grays (sigh. yea, I know :roll: ). I've written in another topic about being called out of bed in the middle of the night to find 4 gray aliens in the kitchen. I really hated that. I mean, really :annoyed: . Trance work is a practice in witches covens in which Aspecting the Goddess would provide teaching and predictions for coven members.

What tips would you give seekers of a spirit-guide experience? I urge exercising critical thinking skills. Don't believe or disbelieve. Allow what you receive from spirit guidance to have plenty of time to pan out, make sense to you or resonate on your truth-meter. Evaluate what it tells you about your conscious life and your invisible life in general. I feel that for real information to be useful it has to either fit into your life & deepen your perceptions or guide you to develop & make different choices. It's OK to challenge. Then you learn what you can trust & can build on from there. We don't usually get proof.

Meditation is the most commonly used method of contacting one's guardian or guide. The form they take relates to their role in our lives. I harp a lot on centering as the key to meditation and trance because that's what I'd learned. It's not the only way.

Another thing is you just can't expect "normies" to believe you. Don't look for acceptance or a shoulder to cry on if spirit work is a large part of your path. We aren't here for the applause. These things have to be experienced to be understood &' then be evaluated by their fruits/results. We can expect to be of service to the very folk who don't believe & make jokes of it all. We don't all have to do things to the same degree either. We can say no.

What validates your experience for you? Personal anecdotal experiences and research, research, research.
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by SpiritTalker »

Just for clarity (and some of you know a lot more about the types than i do) as far as I've read, there are 4 general types of spirits we can be experiencing but not all are examples of guardians and guides; under 2 main categories of human and non-human. Deity aspecting involves the semi-divine and divine.

The Fae have 2 categories of the Seelie who are sometimes helpful beings like brownies, elves and leprechauns and the unseelie would be intentionally menacing like wood elves. It's unlikely either would be long term guides but can offer intermittent instruction. IMO Extra Terrestrial Interdementional beings seem closer to the Fae than to dis-incarnate spirits of the dead.
Nature Spirits are either of the Fae or an elemental like water sprites. The elementals are too variable to be guides. The Greek Daemon referes to creatures such as nymphs & dryads.  They can be worked with if they're willing to intervene on human's behalf. Our more customary totem animal spirits I think come under nature spirits & often assist their clan & their descendants. I'm not familiar with this even though I've read "Animal Speak."
Daemons are often viewed in a christian culture as a spirit that is used for harmful purposes. Being used suggests they would not be acting on their own will. In Roman mythology a Larvae daemon was a ghost of a person who hadn't had final burial rites & thus the deceased's spirit could be compelled against it's will. It seems Christian thinking adopted the Roman mythology. D's wouldn't be acceptable as spirit guides. Not good vibes. (I must credit M from the Trad Witch Community Forum for this definition.)
The human dead are usually who someone refers to with the phrase "spirit contact" if they don't add qualifying definitions. Ancestor cultures are more friendly toward their dead than Christian cultures. Ascended beings of renown would be in this broad category. They once lived among us but have attained semi divine state.

Aspecting as one method of invoking one's Deity for instruction to the clan is another consideration. A relationship with your deity is the summit of spiritual guidance & guardianship.
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by SpiritTalker »

EWA wrote: "I've been trying to figure all this out, this dark haired person that came to me during the guide and probable self meditations, looks sort of like how my great uncle did when he came to me in my mind's eye and spoke with me about his death.

This for me has been confusing, and I don't know what, if anything it means...."

@EWA, I don't know if you were wanting comments but I Know my guide can change his appearance and often uses costumes to illustrate a point or connect the moment to something he's said earlier. As example: in a dream he wore the Pope's white priest cassock & instead of the red shoes he wore beaded Indian moccasins. He did this to connect what he was saying in the priest robes to what he'd said once when dressed as a Plains Indian chief. The 2 discussions were related in the lessons they contained. In dreams he has more solidity & realism than when I see him "in my mind's eye". I always know it's him because his eyes don't change. Manifesting in the 3-Dimension physical realm isn't necessary & he's only done so once. When I hear him during waking hours it's always been in fragments or brief comments, not like a sit-down chat over tea.

I've seen a few "walking dead" at the cemetery where I'd worked. They seem to be in a pocket of a different dimension and just go about their routine oblivious& unaware of the physical world I'm seeing as the background. They dont look the least bit transparent like you'd expect a ghost to be. & Not zombie-apocalyptic either. They were normal like when they inhabited a body. I looked up their obituaries in the files, and if there was a photo I could confirm that what I saw walking around their grave matched the photo. Ive matched enough photos to ghosts to convince myself.

This idea of dimensional-pockets is one to think about. Plus the different categories of spirits. Where do various types of spirits go when we can't see them? Are they still "here" but not visible? Or only visible to someone else on that same frequency? What is there inside our heads that tunes to different frequencies? Is it hardwired or can it be changed? We can only determine this by our own experiences.

When I was in the convent I saw the long-deceased founder of the order - recognized from a photo of a painting in a pamphlet I came across later in the library - & saw her as solidly as I'd see anybody in the flesh. The first few times we'd met i hadn't realized she was a spirit. Then id stumbled across, or was I led to?, that pamphlet :shock: . The only non-physical thing in her appearance was that her habit was never wrinkled. Ever. She attended every mass. When I would go to the chapel for private meditation, she had sometimes stopped in and we'd talk face to face. For reasons of her own she told me things that were going to happen to various sisters and they did happen. She was quite involved in their day to day lives. Well, I suppose she would be. One time when I was struggling to understand a particularly difficult spiritual concept she laid her hands on my head - which I physically felt - & imparted the actual experience of the concept into me. Geez what a time saver! I was fully awake and conscious during these visits. I think you can understand why I seldom talk about these things... :roll: :shock: :annoyed:

Did I ask for these sightings? Nope. They were free. I was just temporarily on their frequencies. I responded to the wavelength. I don't have the guts to know what a D-Class frequency is. I've seen some things stuck to customers at the cemetery...resembling light-ball-jelly fish feeding off their grief and possibly relieving them of some of their anguish in the process. These things were a part of nature just as microbes break down the chemical bonds holding the corporeal body together & worms, ants & such feed off the decay; only these things feed off emotional bonds. That in turn helps to dissolve attachments & that then allows separation from the physical realm that holds a spirit back from naturally progressing to the light. Maybe its just the way i see it but these non-human "things" seem to work with nature & not against it. Thus they aren't D-class IMO. They aren't pretty nor are they human, but they do a service.

Another example: I saw the shapes & faces of 4 frightened spirits -&'a mental picture of a boating crash - clinging to a customer (who i later learned worked in Search & Rescue) who had come to the office for pricing info. While he met with a sales person I'd asked my guide to intervene and lighten the poor guy's load. I didn't know how to remove them except by reassuring them & leading them elsewhere to get on with their crossing over. I'm not so sure that being told "hey, by the way you're dead so you can let go now" would have been reassuring. When the customer left he had only one spirit clinging like a barnacle on his back. Probably by the time he'd driven out thru the gates they'd pried that one loose as well. I didnt ask. A cemetery is a good place to leave them, IMO.

But I've rambled long enough with the intent of illustrating some types of spirit interactions and the assistance of my guide just for comparison. Maybe the non-human "things" i see have no relevance at all to what you described as your experiences? But spirit-guides seem to be able to intervene without invitation to prevent harm which seems to be what your dark-haired great-uncle is doing. They have their rules and areas of expertise. They alert us to danger that approaches no matter what form or face it wears & they keep us from being blind-sided when we're focussing on other things...like daily life.
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by Shekinah »

Hermes once said "we must reach up, the spirit realm does not reach down without our solicitations". We must present an image of a serious student in quest of illumination and make predictable effort to open portals and walk between worlds.
My magickal name was retained from the code name given me while working with the Agency. That I had adopted the name of a Goddess (taboo in most Wicca circles) haunted me for years. Most likely this fretting and concern attracted the attention of Shekinah to make first contact in the course of a solitary Circle. Her presence was dominantly felt and Her appearance was perceived to have an ever morphing face (features ever changing) and She had flowing silver hair. Beautiful but overpoweringly somewhat fearful and unearthly. She spoke in my mind that I should not be concerned about using Her name and that She would work with me if I wished. She has been my guide, protector and patron Goddess for many years. Not a day passes without occasional mental entanglement. When in my sacred space I reach out to Her and She almost always comes.
Truth and Reality are highly guarded secrets. Nothing is as it appears. "The ONENESS sleeps in the stone, breathes in the plant, dreams in the animal and awakens in man" (Indian proverb)
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm slooowly reading Emma Wilby's "Cunning Folk & Familiar Spirits" and regarding the question of did the person ask for or seek out the spirit contact, pg. 60 refers to WC trial records and gives plenty of testimony that usually a person was minding their own business & going about their daily occupation when the spirit presented itself. The person was alone at home or alone while herding livestock or while traveling a-foot. The spirit was heard to speak or most often appeared visibly as if from no where, unsolicited in every example.

The second most common way to first encounter a familiar spirit was by receiving it as a gift from another practitioner or as an Inheritance from a family member.

Familiars in either case were either the deceased human-type or Fae-type in an animal form.

Remember back then there wasnt an Internet for easily exchanging ideas, and yet the same general types of familiars were encountered in vastly different locations and centuries.
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by SnowCat »

I had a dream, some years ago, of walking into a bank. Two golden eagles landed on the roof of the bank as I was going in, then transformed into Hopi men, and followed me in. I had forgotten that dream until now.

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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm hoping to learn more from you guys about those animal spirit-guide experiences & how you work it into your daily walk. Ashrend has mentioned being alerted & protected by one form when harm approaches and being taught by another. Shekinah also mentions receiving guidance and protection through divine communion. EveningwithAstaroth tells of her guide intervening to prevent harm to another & relieving others in distress. And I mention being protected & taught. Even though our experiences differ they all show we are receiving something of value to us personally, although not always comfortably. Thank you for putting yourself out there &'sharing. Keep it up.
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by SpiritTalker »

How-to suggestions:

You can assume a spirit guide is there. What these efforts do is train YOU to recognize the spirit's presence.

- Use any method to relax that you already know works for you. There's no need to re-invent the wheel. If you drum, do so. If you listen to music, do so. if you knit, exercise, etc., etc. Maybe you do well going for a walk rather than sitting alone. Use what you know.
- establish a routine you can reasonably meet; set & keep a regular appointment when you will be available. Discern your perceptions within the designated time frames to establish what is relevant.
- Set the stage, create an atmosphere: light a candle & burn a bay leaf.
- Be comfortable. Have pen & paper beside you.
- Center and then extend an invitation, either out loud or by projected thought.
- Ask for a recognition signal or name that the guide will always use to identify themself.
- Invite your guide to also enter your dreams just before you fall asleep each night. Keep a pen & paper by your bed.
- be open to synchronistic events during daily routine.
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

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Mine was a goddess who literally saved my life, but would rather not have my experiences on the public web for all to read.
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by stormofwind »

Whoever my spirit guide is saved me from a potential bad relationship..
I was going to date this person I heard somebody don't and stay away from her.
Luckliey I listened to it.. She turned out to be controlling mean person..
With her now husband.. a couple other times it spoke to me about my friend
And what she going through and things will work out...
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Re: Spirit Guide Experiences

Post by barker »

The guide always comes to me as a magical present moment. It tells me something, and the rest is due faith. Not for free, but for what is a guide worthy? It's secret.
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