Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

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Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by Ethereal Moon Rose »

I have an almost 13yo daughter whom, as of late, has taken more of an interest in witches and witchcraft. She knows I am a witch (I've indirectly told her I am a witch...) but I don't think she understands what that entails exactly. I have a feeling that she is going to tell me very soon that she wants to be a witch. I can't put my finger on why I think that, but I can definitely sense something....

SO. Where do I start? What do I tell her first? Do I introduce her to Wicca first? Or just Paganism? I really don't know where to begin.

Anyone have any ideas? Looking forward to your replies.
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I can see everything closer to the perspective of a teenager, but can't be sure these work. I'll give it a try though:

I think you could start with explaining Paganism. Talk to her about the wheel of the year, the pagan holidays, their meaning, the gods and the way they can help.
Then, the phases of the moon. Thanks to all the teenage TV-series that involve vampires and werewolves, she will be fascinated by the power of the moon.
While talking about all this, involve the term wicca and only a few info about it.
Then introduce her to Wicca. After that, explaining magic and energy work in a very simplistic and modern way, should do the job. She will have to be able to talk about all these at school and with her friends. If she is very social, witchcraft and Paganism have to be possible to explain to the less open-minded children, without making her seem a weirdo in front of the others.

Good luck, and let us know what your little witch thinks ;-)
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by moonraingirl »

I agree with everything that Bychan said.
Just want to add that it would be good to talk about the fact that wicca/paganism is not evil but many people may accuse her of evil stuff. So based on where you live and what kind of people she meets try to explain that she doesn't need to inform everyone about what she does. Also explain danger of black magic.
Apart from that, I think that this common interest may be great for your relationship and something you can share during her teen years.
You can try to think about what special abilities she may have. For example if you noticed the may be an empath or healer or if she's interested in spirits, herbs, animals... and start from there, developing her natural gifts.
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Don't forget to just ask her what her particular interests are, and what draws her to WC. Then you can tailor your discussions two-way and involve her ideas, not just lecture. And tell her what your interests are. Share it, don't explain it.
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by corvidus »

Ethereal Moon Rose wrote: SO. Where do I start? What do I tell her first? Do I introduce her to Wicca first? Or just Paganism? I really don't know where to begin.

Anyone have any ideas? Looking forward to your replies.
I had a conversation with some people about this awhile back, and the general consensus of the group was that the best place to start teaching older children and young adults about the occult/wicca is with the stories and the lore associated with the tradition.

Children and young adults aren't really interested in the technical aspects and the fine details. Just look at how popular the Harry Potter series is. Even if 'real magick' isn't the same as in novels and movies, it gives a general idea of how magick and witchcraft work.

There are tons of young adult novels and movies about witches and witchcraft (so you'd have to sort through them and find which ones might be best).
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by Ethereal Moon Rose »

Thanks for all of the great replies.

@Bychan- yes, I have talked to ALL of my kids about the wheel of the year and how that's how our ancestors used to be able to track the seasons, essentially. Ah yes, we always bask in the full moons energy once a month. Thinking about it now there are several things that we already do that are deemed 'witchy' or 'spiritual' but I guess we have been doing them for so long they just come naturally now!

Other things I've mentioned/brought up (on one or more occasions, simplified for their age)
The chaos theory/Gaia theory
The axis mundi
The Summerland
How we all have our own energy and power
How everything has its own energy
How energy never dies
Herbal lore
The Fae
Our spirit guides/animal guides/totems
How different crystals have different metaphysical properties
Different Gods/Goddesses
Lunar energy
Using our 'power finger'
They like to meditate with me

I'm sure theres plenty more I have forgotten! (I might add to the list as I remember them, I'm sure it will be a good reference for families going through the same thing....)

@Corvidus- We both really enjoy watching Charmed and one of our fave movies is Practical Magic. My daughter also likes the Twilight series (I know not very magical, but down the same track). She also likes Harry Potter but isn't a die-hard fan.
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

If they already know that much, it won'the be a shock for them when you say something like "Y'all remember that everything has it's own energy, right? Well, we can also interfere with that energy and make it aid us. Wanna try?"

The only problem remains, how will they deal with the others. Meaning, do they want to keep it secret or try to explain it to their friends and risk to be looked at as a witch. They need to know the "risk" before talking about it. Otherwise, anyway you introduce the to the craft will be perfect! ;-)
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by Ethereal Moon Rose »

Well considering we live in a small country town basically ran by Christians, it' s probably best that she keeps it on the down low anyway ;)

Yes, you are right. I guess it also depends on what questions she asks me too. Guess I'll deal with it when it comes! :)
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by blue_moon »

My girl will turn thirteen next year in febuary.
We got her a cellphone when she witched schools ao she can call me. Shortly after that she installed a moon widget.

It's all about the moon! So thats where I'd start. But having a witch mother it's almost natural :evilwitch: :fairy: last year she got a wand for a gift from my brother in law (my sister's a witch to).

Like the others already said start with the basics, moon and the wheel of the year... lore...

And see what she wants to know! My girl is interested in herbs and plants, potion magick and divination. We didn't have "the talk" jet but I'm planning on going to pretty soon.

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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by Shekinah »

With your teaching don't forget the advise them to stay in the broom closet because we live in a dominant Christian society many of whom will not wish them well. Younglings will be applying for scholarships, college admission or seeking a career. There are many who would stifle these aspirations and some still think a Witch should be burned. This is a difficult pill to swallow for a teen because they seek to flaunt what they perceive as their specialness. Some may have an ulterior agenda to spite Christian parents or frighten peers. Impress upon them the seriousness of committing to our way of life and that with power comes consequences and responsibility. If their calling be genuine they will gravitate into the Trad on their own all you need do is mentor their progress, answer questions and welcome them into your rituals and circle when the time is appropriate. Most of us pretty much made it into the Craft by our own intuitive insights and genetic memories and they will too. The worse thing we might do is force our ways upon them and deny their own freedom to do as they will.
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by Ashrend »

I would definably start with lore and that kind of information it can be harder to learn that stuff when your older as it can be a bit boring or lack luster at times but it's important to know as the basis of all her knowledge, whilst obviously slipping in the interesting bits she will want to practice on her own. I'd say start with things like where does magic come from, a large list of gods, goddesses and deities, how to stay safe if she doesn't already know and things like we try to teach the newcomers on here like grounding, sheilding and centering ect. Maybe you could even make them an account on here to ask their own questions as we would all guide her as safely and as best as we could
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by Firebird »

Those of you with young girls (or boys) you might consider asking them if they would like a rite of passage ceremony. For women it is preferable to preform the ceremony the day of menarche though anytime in that first year would be good. Same with boys, in that year of dropping.
We are missing this in our cultures and it can be fun and empowing for the child.
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Re: Teaching tweens about the craft- where to begin?

Post by Nerys »

When I was trying for a baby I think about what I would teach my kid if it had interest in paganism. Years later when I was expecting I had to have total bedrest during my pregnancy. I had then allready many pagan books, wrote down bits in a stack of papers. Some years later through mailorder found Llewellyn's Teen Witch Datebook year 2003 and in it I wrote tips, advice, some easy recipes, all sorts of small correspondences lists etc.
When she show her interest at age 8 remember letting her see this diary, but she herself say is too young yet , she wait few years for it.

We made the poster mentioned in my other post today. I saved it in my cabinet of magick supplies. Maybe in future someone read it.
I looked it up now. It has chapters text by some pagan authors.. Writing section per day is small so wrote very short bits.Some blank spaces left on each page so she could write in it too later on. It has text of spells top of page and priorities for the week. Recipe of mom"s (me) favorite dream pillow. In back list wrote list websites witchvox (now gone) much free reading at www.sacred-texts.com A short list of books.
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