"Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

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"Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by Shekinah »

Way too many humans plundering the planet. Ever increasing carbon footprint. Not just Co2 now methane ice on the seabed melting speeding up global warming. Better harden our power grid and building codes to tolerate >200 mph cyclones over a longer season as hot ocean water feeds hurricanes and typhoons. History shows that as temperatures rise and humans stress and population increases social instability prevails.

High probability there will be a global confrontation in our near future. Need to get the population down to 500,000,000. Any volunteers to get off the planet :-)
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Post by planewalker »

Shekinah were you R.C. Christian and did the whole Georgia Guide Stones Thing?
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Post by Shekinah »

Yes, I was a Rosicrucian (AMORC & FRC) for 30 plus years till I finished all the degrees. Had nothing to do with the Georgia Guidestones but the Order did and I completely agree with the inscriptions. The concepts are in agreement with those of our Shadow Government, Illuminati and designs for a NWO.
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by SnowCat »

Shekinah wrote:Way too many humans plundering the planet. Ever increasing carbon footprint. Not just Co2 now methane ice on the seabed melting speeding up global warming. Better harden our power grid and building codes to tolerate >200 mph cyclones over a longer season as hot ocean water feeds hurricanes and typhoons. History shows that as temperatures rise and humans stress and population increases social instability prevails.

High probability there will be a global confrontation in our near future. Need to get the population down to 500,000,000. Any volunteers to get off the planet :-)
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by SpiritTalker »

Either we all tighten our belts and use less resources, living simply so others can simply live, or we fester, oops foster, elitist survival for those who can pay for it. Our Earth is bountiful, but not endless unless we recognize Her maintenance needs.

In no way can I advocate extermination. That goes against life just as do islands of plastic garbage in the oceans, nuclear waste dumps, manufactured epidemics, etc. We have to wake up and enforce ecological management laws worldwide.

And we need to get off fossil fuels. We must find the way to supplement the economy involved so the generation-wide changes to free-energy can be made, & it should be a world wide effort, no exceptions.
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by planewalker »

People have been against change to the status quo since there have been people. "Oosaa ottity gherah bizzed frickle!" - Loosely translated as "These d@mn kids and the wheel are going to kill us all!". "Bresp chelk foosh-nooht!" - "We must kill them all and have OUR society!" and we are still here.

Shekinah, you'll excuse us if there are those of us who are diametrically opposed to your "vision" of paradise for "know-it-all bigots" on Earth. We can find a balance between new technology and reasonable laws and values. Society advances and overcomes obstacles by growing and going forward with what wisdom we can muster. Not by committing patricide, matricide, fratricide, sororicide and finally suicide.
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by Shekinah »

I am simply saying the days of welcoming baby factories are over unless we wish to go the way of a petri dish microbe colony. We are better then that. Religions are the primary antagonists to population control. Deep time sustainability of finite resources demand we reduce our global population and it may be too late to do it by attrition. The preponderance of humanity is stupid and steeped in obsolete traditions, beliefs and a corrupt social order that can not survive itself.

Whether we like it or not the elite in positions of power have established "safe haven" infrastructures to protect a chosen few to be instrumental in the reconstruction of a new world order. Humans will not change nor are they bright enough to see what we are doing to our world. The religious institutions say fear not the Lord will take care of us or no problem we are the chosen ones or global warming is a myth humans can't possibly be destroying an entire planet and killing vast oceans. 7.5 billion humans running amok reproducing exponentially far exceeds any span of control.

As ocean level rises coastal lands will flood pushing herds of humans inland increasing population density. As temperatures rise seasonal and weather patterns shift moving grain belts and insect populations north. If it were not for genetic engineering already we could not feed the world. I'm sure you have noticed shrinking packages, rising prices and fruits and vegetables not as palatable as they once were. We are in trouble on a slippery slope to self destruction and we are not being told by governments for fear of panic and chaos. The beating of war drums and rattling of sabers may well be an orchestrated plan to selectively trigger an extinction event.
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by planewalker »

I agree that there are radical changes coming. Not all of them are of the negative nature of your expanded narrative. I think the backlash to your subject was that you seemed to be championing active genocide. There will be population reduction in abrupt, violent spasms. Some of it because of armed conflict. Some by natural cataclysm. Some, I believe by methods not yet considered.

I think your statement was seen as favoring world-wide "Line up passively, you seven billion people. Please walk into the gas chambers for the good of the human race. Thank you." That just runs contrary to most peoples nature. There is the problem of over-population because the human race has such a strong survival instinct. I'm lucky that the market I use sources most of their produce locally. I'm far enough north in NY that we are in a farm belt with extensive green housing.
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by barker »

I get "Innocence must die" ALL the time in my voices. I don't mean to scare anybody but I can only conclude that it is the system. No-one in particular just a popular majority and angels that are being controlled by the system to sin... Just like people would physically if that didn't occur.

"Sin for love" is NOT a worthy intent!

Note: this post, and the comments related to it, were all moved to another thread in a forum more appropriate to the this topic, to continue the conversation there since it differed from the topic begun on this thread.

To visit new thread, click here: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 35921.html

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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by Shekinah »

I had no intention to advocate line up for controlled genocide sorry if my post appeared to suggest that. I will say business as usual must end and as we have heard from our star gate friends "No civilization has ever survived itself without negotiating a one world government." Ideological, ethnic, philosophical and individual State national diversity always breeds conflict.

The very fact that the thought of a one world government remains distasteful to the masses attests to a lust for individual nationalism and all the negative passions such a social order elicits. What is more important pride in racial, ethnic, national diversity or survival? "The needs of the many supersede the desires of the few". 0.5 billion forever set in stone is sustainable 7.5 billion headed for 21 billion within 100 years is not. Do we reach for the stars or do we wallow in the quagmire of our own undoing?
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by Shekinah »

planewalker wrote:I agree that there are radical changes coming. Not all of them are of the negative nature of your expanded narrative. I think the backlash to your subject was that you seemed to be championing active genocide. There will be population reduction in abrupt, violent spasms. Some of it because of armed conflict. Some by natural cataclysm. Some, I believe by methods not yet considered.

I think you're statement was seen as favoring world-wide "Line up passively, you seven billion people. Please walk into the gas chambers for the good of the human race. Thank you.". That just runs contrary to most peoples nature. There is the problem of over-population because the human race has such a strong survival instinct. I'm lucky that the market I use sources most of their produce locally. I'm far enough north in NY that we are in a farm belt with extensive green housing.
"Strong survival instinct cause for over-population" that will result in our extinction. Does not compute. Political correctness aside It's simply lust and irresponsibility. Given enough time (which we do not have) interbreeding will result in a blended population so trying to preserve ethnicity and race is ultimately impossible. Natural law will eventuate humanity into ONE blended species. Global commerce and intercourse will in time result in a one world order. This is the natural evolution of a species we simply do not have the time and must proactively intercede in our own future. We are not separate souls on planet earth we are ONE entangled Spirit (Cosmic) Consciousness integral within the multi-dimensional life phenomenon the nexus of which is Akasha..
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by planewalker »

Now there is really something to discuss. I was making the point that historically the survival instinct has been extreme. The survival of the species after the Toba genetic bottle neck of some 2 to 3,000 widely separated individuals replenishing the race shows the innate drives we are trying to conquer. They are mixed with manufacturing empires fighting for diminishing returns, government non-disclosure of essential factual material and a failure of the industrial powers to force the education of the ignorant masses that adhere to ancient doctrines that can no longer be supported. We have to have an exodus to the rest of the solar system. There will be enough wonder and death that we may avoid retro-active abortion by nuclear warhead.
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by Shekinah »

Well said. And Yes the natural drive to reproduce has been a wee bit over done by mother Nature. :-) I have tasted war and it is very unpalatable, 15 years in the jungles of SE Asia and I truly hope my prognostication is wrong. But the humanity I experience every day certainly appears to be on a major moral decline and intent on depending on Divine intervention. Oh! where is that leader of humanity from out of time and place who occasionally shows up in history to save our sorry asses?
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by planewalker »

Gotta say we're way more on the same page then off. I wasn't deep Black like you were. Got to nervous getting info out of Hungary before I had solid ties to the Federal government in'75 on a student visa. Tier II wanted educated officers and I was just starting higher education and already "had the chops" as one old hand put it. After school, I got to play Fulda Gap speed bump in the Air-Cav reaction reserve in Germany for a year, rotate state side and make my way into the 75th and went apes...t over low level drops from choppers. Insertion team at Selines to open the way for the rest of A Co./1st Batt so the Regt wouldn't get hammered on the regular drop to fully open the airfield. Caught steel pulling one of my troopers out of a bad place. They were now sure I was crazy as a loon, so they hung some fruit salad and Capt. Bars on me and I started being one of the go to guys for training and running inter-unit insertion teams with beacon/FAC & PJ teams. Bought my early retirement from a germ outside of Basra in '91. I think we've both had enough of the sharp end to last a few lifetimes. Let's keep hoping for that leader or a rush of brains to the heads of a bunch of average Joe's at the same time.
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Re: "Innocent People Should Die!" and Other NWO Thoughts

Post by Shekinah »

Thank you for your service Planewalker. Most of my active duty career I was a special operator (Air Commando) in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia with Air America and the CIA. Following the war my Witchy history assigned me as a Noetic consultant with Star Gate. Still haven't learned my lesson to retire as I fly with Homeland Security as a medical resource and back up flight crew. Been busy in Central and South America. At 75 I am having to slow down a wee bit. Time is cruel.

Off I go this morning to the Virgin Islands with an engineer to get one of our critical communication links up and running. Three hours out via Lear.
Truth and Reality are highly guarded secrets. Nothing is as it appears. "The ONENESS sleeps in the stone, breathes in the plant, dreams in the animal and awakens in man" (Indian proverb)
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