Drawn to a particular Day of Power?

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Re: Drawn to a particular Day of Power?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I have always had unusual dreams on the Autumnal Equinox, even before I was drawn to the Craft in my mid-30s. I don't know why.

My personal favorite is any full moon I can spend at the beach on the shore, or overlooking the watery Moon's reflection. It's totally hypnotic.
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Re: Drawn to a particular Day of Power?

Post by Firebird »

I think Monday's in particular are powerful for me, maybe because that's the day I was born on.
Two holidays have a certain energy that I resonate with, besides Samhain which as a kid made me so happy to have a holiday that was well accepted and didn't appear to have a religious connection.
When I confronted my mother one day about where all the other holidays in the year went, she said well...there's May Day....and proceeded to show me how to make a may basket. Had such fun leaving them on the porches of unsuspecting recipients, ringing the doorbell then running. (Haha that's about the only time you could get away with ring and run!) Anyway, because of that early intro it has become a personal day of power.
The other one is Lughnasadh, as it is my anniversay in one tradition and the first holiday I led in another. It also feels like the gateway to Autumn, another time/season of power.
By the way, please swing by the intro section and let us know a little bit about yourself, TY,
blessings, Firebird
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Re: Drawn to a particular Day of Power?

Post by smogie_michele »

Mabon is my favorite holiday. It always prompts me to clean house and make it homey, preparing to be inside for winter.
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