Scrying interpretation help?

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Scrying interpretation help?

Post by Akairyuu »

Hi everyone. So I did my first scrying with my android tablet screen turned off seeing as I don't have a proper scrying mirror (It worked, and it was both convenient and nonconspicious :)).

It was just a general spirituality reading and how it would progress for trying it out and although I did not get much, I did get a couple of images, which were a cauldron, a pot of flowers and what looked like a paintbrush (The wide type you decorate with). The cauldron in tea leaf reading I read can mean new opportunities or perhaps just my interest in magick/witchcraft etc and that flowers can mean happiness and furtune but the paintbrush confused me. Perhaps to do with creativity?

Can anyone perhaps help with a more coherent interpretation based on the images I got?

Thank you :)
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Re: Scrying interpretation help?

Post by SpiritTalker »

You can try to weave your impressions into a "story" or a phrase... Creativity-good fortune-magic illustrates the personal involvement of a creative attitude that colors the magic we do.

Or take the 3 images and word-associate on a piece of paper. Write down all the words that each item makes you think of. Let your intuitive side out to play and not the logical side.
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Re: Scrying interpretation help?

Post by Firebird »

You know..That's a pretty good idea. I've looked at the blank screen myself and thought what nice black glass :lol:
Magic in a pinch!
Spirit has a great idea with exploring what the images may mean to you. Creativity seems likely, flowers could be growth. Let us know how it plays out.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Scrying interpretation help?

Post by Akairyuu »

Thank you. I'm not usually good at reading for myself and usually go through a ton of different scenarios which confuse me.

About flowers meaning growth, though, that did enter my mind as I have been seeing a lot of trees in my meditations lately, and I'm the type to be spontaneous and creative with my magic (But methodical in the way I construct my spells). I had the idea that the cauldron could have related to the general theme of Witchcraft but something that just came to me was that it could refer to cooking/experimentation as I am quite experiment and like to try different things.

Overall it seems like my journey is heading in ano interesting yet good direction from what I can see/feel :)
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Re: Scrying interpretation help?

Post by Shireside »

Seconding Spirit's idea of word association! Solitary divination results can be so individualistic, it's easy for another's interpretation of your vision to throw you off track...That being said, though, broader symbols like flowers and cauldrons can often carry vibes that lots of folks can agree on.

For me, cauldrons are about creation and transmutation, even birth. The classical witch throws all sorts of mess into a bubbly cauldron with the intention of making something well beyond the sum of it's parts, and I've heard the cauldron being compared to the womb where new life is cultivated. Flowers are lovely, and they're also the primary reproductive part of the plant, so you could draw some similarity between the two images in that vein.
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Re: Scrying interpretation help?

Post by Sarina »

A cauldron has that womb shape that the chalice has. Could it apply to goddess/female power in some way?

Bright Blessings,
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