We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by Firebird »

SpiritTalker wrote:I really don't "get" the numbers you post when their totals differ, Blackwolf.
yes, thank you SpiritTalker. The numbers seem meaningless with out a direction to go with them. What does one do with the numbers once they have all these totals?
I've done menial numerolgy and all numbers boiled down to 1-9.
In the 666 thread, that number still boils to 9, which is completion, (in the simplest of terms) whether it is 999 or 333 or 666, each trinity adds up to equal 9, but I digress from the topic.
Perhaps, Shawn, you could make a thread explaining exactly what one would do with the totals.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Bless the little guy, Snow.

I "hear" my cats too, and a squirrel I used to know, but I don't know if they think words to me or in concepts that my brain translates to words. 6 of 1, half dz of the other. Once when I was deliberately making mental contact with a former cat while she napped, there was just the concept of "dark cat", and when she woke and trotted to her food dish, the food became "cat" because she wanted it, and when she was done, it became "not cat". She wasn't much on conversation.
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Shekinah, a couple of phrases you've used to describe the Watchers make me sit up straight and pay attention. "They are the keepers of Akasha & the archetype of sentient beings." Huh. I need to chew on that a while.

Also you've said they have a home planet. Imagine my eye brows raising to my scalp. A physical realm planet? And where is it? What time line?..or whatever. Not that I'd know 1 from infinity. Can you humor me on this?
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

@Spirit Talker

First the numbers relate to different boundaries of the code.
You can find some of them in info I posted in Advanced Witchcraft months ago.

However the reason I posted it is due to the statements made.
Those are valid as I know them and teach.

The goal of the deeper levels of the Craft, are to open portals to other dimensions
and keep them open, for information and energy transfer. Always was the goal, though
that got lost as time passed, and lineage of the older ways was lost to many.

I recommend reading the deoxy link I posted. It is written as fact/fiction, but there is
deep truth underlying it. The Ong's Hat, and many universe info has basis in modern day
quantum physics research for good reason.

As far as when we moved into speech, it was when the upper stratum of the brain began
developing, and the frontal brain came into play. The bicameral brain paradox.

Further, it was the movement away from instinctual relation, into moral overlays.

Yet the wiring for language was always there, as speech is only part of vocal ability.

Sonics, are more important as the ability to affect matter, is intimately tied to that,
as we are bio resonators.

I could bring in the animal soul and anthropomorphic images and interdimensional travel,
but that might blow some circuitry, lol!

Let's just say there are reasons why there are certain animal headed figures and drawings
many past cultures, and how that is connected to certain functions not generally known
regarding the R- Complex, and then a Neo-Cortex link.

But that statement itself, if you research phrases and words contained within, might give
you a link and something more to think about.

As I have stated before, and you know as well, Earth is a school. There are "grades" one must
pass, before one "graduates."

Shekinah here, might put it differently, but I am pretty sure he knows what I am hinting at.

It can not be given to those not ready all at once. (no disrespect or slight to you meant).
Just in general speaking.
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

If someone really wants to learn the code, they can pm me, and I will give them
a link to my group on the other site I started. I gave up on posting long things here
when my posts started being altered.

(no disrespect meant, just fact for me)
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I didn't take offense. Not at all. I know earth is a school, and we aren't shown until we can ask.

The problem that plagues me is that I see relationships, connections ect., but don't see what the connections reveal. I'm waiting for my frontal cortex and lizard brain to duke it out or shake hands. I swear I can feel the mental effort trying to jump from one to the other. The brain neural paths just d-o-n-'-t q-u-I-t-e stretch that far for a bridge. I feel it terribly. There is a gap I can't cross. Thump thump thump. I've read your adv. topic. It just falls in the gap after a few lines.

Edit: when I do a spell, I don't bother much with tools or "ingredients", but think it (to form a picture), feel it (to know it is done and already completed), and say it (using sound bytes to seal the thought and energy), then let it go. It's a very dumbed down condensing of all the stuff I've read. That's the way I've gotten past the brain-gap I can't cross in my conscious comprehension. The best I can word it anyhow.

I've always felt the gap, and have always had to find ways past it in school; but numbers just defeat me. I could put numbers into musical notes & I can't play the piano. But I used to play my arithmetic problems on the piano when I was a kid and get the right answers. Each section of the keyboard had different values. It drove mom nuts with the racket, since she did play piano and a bad musical cord shot up her left nostril. Arithmetic does not carry a tune.

Okay, this has rattled off track here, but the distant point I'm fixed on is that coincidences I see in my path of psi development, ET abductions, trance channeling, and the same people here and there and between, and the Watcher's many crisscrossings in history and in my connections, are hints of ...? Nothing relevant? Or something profound? Or Bait and switch? Any scrap of info I can scratch to the surface helps.
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

I have to laugh.

Look where the word "Gap" really came from...

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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oh my. That Is funny.
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by Shekinah »

SpiritTalker wrote:Shekinah, a couple of phrases you've used to describe the Watchers make me sit up straight and pay attention. "They are the keepers of Akasha & the archetype of sentient beings." Huh. I need to chew on that a while.

Also you've said they have a home planet. Imagine my eye brows raising to my scalp. A physical realm planet? And where is it? What time line?..or whatever. Not that I'd know 1 from infinity. Can you humor me on this?
Do you not call Watchers from four quarters of our world and invite them into your Circle? Noble guests they be, Lords and Ladies of Gods and Goddesses. Akasha is the nexus (center of the web) of consciousness evolving in the life phenomenon throughout the cosmos and was established by the first sentient beings to inhabit one of the first worlds three billion years prior to the formation of our solar system. These Ancient Ones have evolved into powerful beings and are tweaking the formation of planetary systems, seeding and nurturing worlds as they become habitable and are bringing together a web of Spirit (Akasha). They tell us :"A god did not create the universe but rather the universe is creating Gods". We, as all life, are units of awareness feeding a sense of presence, experience and knowledge to a web of Cosmic Consciousness that Is an evolving Divinity. Collectively we are helping in the creation of Spirit.

The Watchers do not need a home world but find it a pleasurable experience to have a home. Their world is a rogue planet devoid of a central star and outside the parameter of any galaxy. (secluded in the tranquility of deep space/time and out of reach of any who might attempt to find their world). The environment is habitable by any prevailing life forms and is maintained by technology that can only be described as magick. It serves as a place to host aspiring visitors. Some of our "T" shaped doorways to nowhere found at archeological sites and some megalith formations were portals (star gates) to their world.

Why am I telling these things you might ask? As old Bob Lazar once said nobody is going to believe it anyway and the Agency is curious to learn how such thoughts might be digested by a select few. A wise pilgrim would be well advised to spend time in sacred space opening portals between worlds and establishing a presence in the realm of Spirit.
Truth and Reality are highly guarded secrets. Nothing is as it appears. "The ONENESS sleeps in the stone, breathes in the plant, dreams in the animal and awakens in man" (Indian proverb)
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Overall, pretty well said, Shekinah.

As I stated elsewhere in my posts, along these lines:

"A wise pilgrim would be well advised to spend time in sacred space opening
portals between worlds and establishing a presence in the realm of Spirit."

"The goal of the deeper levels of the Craft, are to open portals to other dimensions
and keep them open, for information and energy transfer. Always was the goal, though
that got lost as time passed, and lineage of the older ways was lost to many."

We just use different terminology. smiley_dance
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I try to believe 3 weird things before breakfast to compensate for alledged reality.

Why should witches busy ourselves opening portals if the Watchers already built them? Is it a case of "evolve, dang it"? I'm a little unclear on the details. Who's coming through the portals? And why? Info and energy exchange? Hmmm.

You've said that "Collectively we are helping in the creation of Spirit." This is basically the theme you hear in most circles from Jane Roberts to Shirley McClain. If it's repeated often enough, maybe humanity will catch on. I'm not making light of it. This is what I live for.
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by Shekinah »

Portals are only closed doors until we open them. Sort of like cutting a doorway in your circle sphere of protection in order to leave or enter the sphere. Your circle is a doorway as is a scrying mirror each must be opened before passage between worlds is possible. By mental imaging the portal and projecting through it are we able to venture into ethereal realms. The old archeological portals haven't been used in eons as the art of activating them has been lost. We did open a "T" at one site to verify what it was and ended up on that rogue world. It was a specific gateway to a specific location. The Watchers move in mysterious ways now so probably no longer need such gateways. I once saw a "shadow being" vanish into a small tree and assume it was a Watcher. He walked right into the tree and was gone. Such occurrences might be the origin of legends of gnomes, leprechauns and Fae.
Truth and Reality are highly guarded secrets. Nothing is as it appears. "The ONENESS sleeps in the stone, breathes in the plant, dreams in the animal and awakens in man" (Indian proverb)
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by SpiritTalker »

And the stargaTe that Dan Burish pushed J-Rod through? How do they know where the other end comes out?
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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by SnowCat »

Bob Lazar is a name I've seen elsewhere. People seem to either believe him wholeheartedly, or think he's completely round the bend. I think the truth is usually somewhere in between. I have also heard of a place called Skinwalker Ranch. I understand the concept of "skinwalkers." Not sure exactly what Skinwalker Ranch is supposed to be.

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Re: We are not alone, why isn't this international news?

Post by SpiritTalker »

This is part 1 of 2, about 20 min. Long, and part 2 is shorter. It summarizes the ranch and activity that has been observed. If you get skin walking, that's about what's going on. It's unexplained. It's a virtual Swiss cheese of portals.



And Cerne has admitted they are opening portals. Do any of these people know what they're doing?
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