Final goodbye in a dream

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Final goodbye in a dream

Post by lizzel21 »

First of all I had no idea where to put this post so I picked the place o thought it fit, but plese feel free ro move it if I was incorrect! :) Anywho, recently I lost a very close family friend, he has known me since I was born and I was very close to him. He had a few bad strokes and it was very hard for him to talk but I was always able to figure out what he was trying to say. I had a dream and it was me and him sitting on his back porch like we usually did but everything past the porch was just white, and on the porch with us was his dog that had died years before but had always been at his feet durring its life. He and I talked about all kinds of things, mostly catching up as we hadn't seen eachother for a long time. It was very peaceful. The weird thing was that he was talking absolutly clearly, like he had before his stroke. Then he finally got up and he said "It was really good to see you, I'm going to miss you, but dont worry, I'll see you again, it will be a long time, but I will see you again. Goodbye" and as he went inside I woke up. I didn't think about it much until later that day when my mom called me and told me he had died at about 6 that morning, when i had that dream. I know that I'm more attuned to the supernatural because I have had a lot of experiences in the past, but I always sort of thought that I was some kind of doorway that things from the other side can open and communicate through but you cant open it from this side, if that makes any sense. But latley I've been wondering if its something that I can hone and maybe use to help people . I know how much his wife appreciated hearing what he said to me in my dream, and it gave her a bit of closure knowing where his spirit was close to the end. So I guess I was wondering if anybody else has had any similar experiences and if anybody knows what I might be able to do to maximize this skill so maybe I can help more people in whatever way I can rather than just waiting for something to come to me.
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Re: Final goodbye in a dream

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Yes, I have had similar experiences. Mine was that a friend I had lost contact with was very depressed, and thinking of suicide. In the dream, her step mother told me I needed to call her because she was considering suicide. I called her the next day and learned that her father had died unexpectedly and her step mother, who she considered her real mother, had disowned her and asked her not to come home again or contact her anymore. This was the source of her depression, she'd already been abandoned by her real mother, now a second. She was considering suicide until I called her and told her I was here for her. She has since reconnected with her real mom and I think it has been good for her.

As far as honing in on the ability to get information from he other side, I'm still learning. For dreaming, if I want to get a certain message, or talk to a certain spirit, I'll take some time to meditate about what I want before I sleep. I will ask that specific spirit visit my dreams, or a message be conveyed. I've had good results doing this, that is if I can remember what I dreamt. I use to be able to recall my dreams so well, but lately it's been harder for some reason. If you can remember your dreams a dream journal can help you discern what's a true message or spirit and what is something you created in your dream. I look for patterns Sometimes I have reoccurring themes in my dreams. I think those are messages that I haven't understood or learned yet, so they are repeated for me. Typically if I'm told something in my dream, face to face from another person, it's a spiritual message. But, the message to can take any form. Often being a friend, my husband, or like I mentioned earlier, my friends step mother, since she was the cause of the depression.

Now, seeing past the veil while awake is an entirely different story. I find meditation helps. And, I also find when my emotions are high and I'm upset about something, the veil will drop without warning. I've yet to come up with any good practices to so that I can use like and on/off switch except meditation.

And, I have no idea why this is but I get most of my clairaudient message while I am driving. It's so great to read your post and meet someone else like me. It's like you said, for some reason I have an easier time reaching the other side than others. But, unfortunately, I spent most of my childhood turning "off" this ability that's it's much harder now to turn it one or control it, than if I had just accepted and developed these abilities from the beginning. And, I'm also like you the way that if I could control these abilities I would like to use them to do some good or help people. Thanks for your post!

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Re: Final goodbye in a dream

Post by SpiritTalker »

When I was learning mediumship and building the ability, I kept a weekly appointment to meditate at a regular time for 15-30 minutes with my spirit guide. The time was dedicated only to that purpose, to learn the feel of the energies, develop telepathic reception, how to get my thoughts out of the way, and eventually trance speaking. Not all mediums use trance voice. It's not essential.

If I had nobody to act as "spotter" to sit with me and take notes, then I kept a notebook and pen handy. If any spirits wanted to participate, they had to work with my guide. He would pass on their messages until I progressed to trance-speaking. it took me about 2 years to learn, and is like riding a never forget how. halfsm

Other safeguards I've used were to state I want contact with my guide only, (stand firm as granite on that), light a white candle even with the lights on, and set a glass of water beside it. The white candle is programmed to disperse negative energies and the water absorbs discordant energy. Pour the water down the drain when you're done and wash the glass. Do not drink that water or pour it on plants.
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Re: Final goodbye in a dream

Post by SnowCat »

When my friend Raymond died, I dreamed two nights before, that we were foxes, and dancing on the rooftops together. His online name was TrickFox. I think it helps when you get to say goodbye that way.

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Re: Final goodbye in a dream

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I'm not the greatest help with figuring out how to maximize these occurrences (because I've tried and failed, so I'm always looking for ideas too!) but I've definitely had experiences like this. A long time ago I lost my great aunt and she told me in my dream the exact time she was going to be leaving this world - and that's when she passed away. Then recently I just lost my neighbor who was like a second mom and a few weeks before she passed away, she told me it wouldn't be much longer because she couldn't keep fighting anymore. She'd been non-verbal for a long time after suffering from meningitis. The best advice I can offer is to write down these experiences in a journal and leave yourself open to accepting messages like these. I personally believe that if you put your will and wishes out into the universe that they'll be heard and granted.

I think it's wonderful that he came to see you. I really hope that helped you with some closure, too. <3
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Re: Final goodbye in a dream

Post by lizzel21 »

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to everybody! My husbands granny was in the ICU and we spent labor day weekend with family. Shes doing great now which we are all incredibly happy and quite surprised about! Thank you all for your wonderful replies and for your stories! I didn't expect to get so many so quickly.

RosieMoonFlower, I'll definitely try meditation, I've always been impatient and had a hard time trying to get to that calm meditative state, but it's something I need to try harder at haha.

SpiritTalker, you're a medium? That's really cool! Thank you for giving me so much info. I've always been interested in spirit guides but I'm not sure where to start. And stating you only want to talk to your guide is genius, I never would have thought of that. And I had no idea water had those properties, thank you! You've armed me with wonderful information that I can use to build my skills.

SnowCat, I agree, it always makes it easier to deal with when you know they are ok and possibly thinking of you :)

Sakura Blossom, it really did help in dealing with his death, when I saw him in my dream he was healthier than I ever remember him being and knowing that when he died he went somewhere where he is healthy and happy and waiting to see all of us it makes me so happy. I've hardly felt sad about losing him because I got to see him feeling so good and healthy.
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Re: Final goodbye in a dream

Post by Firebird »

What a gift. loveface
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Re: Final goodbye in a dream

Post by Suhrt »


I just read your post and found it really interesting.

And, yes... I have had this experience a lot of times. Both with strangers, and people I know. (In the case with strangers I dream of them, and sometimes they tell me how they died or stuff like that, and then after I've had those dreams I hear from them on the news or internet or stuff like that, and I realize it's the same from the dream).

But I'll share this experiences with you:

When I was a kid my grandfather died, I was so close to him it was devastating for me. You can't imagine how much I mourned him and how bad I felt. He loved me very much also, he treated me like he never treated anyone ever. Even my mom, and uncle have told me how he never was so loving with them (and neighbors have corroborated this to me). The thing is, he breathed for me. But then when he died I was just so so so so bad. Then one night, I dreamt with him, and he spoke to me a long while, how I shouldn't be so sad, I had an entire life before me, and he made an analogy, with a story he told me. I woke up and I thought it was just a dream, but then I found out, the story he told me about to cheer me up, was totally true and really had happened at some place in the world, and it really did help. I didn't feel bad anymore and I just remember him with so much love, and no sadness.

The other case, was with this friend. This was more recent, it happened this year. I've wanted to visit this friend for a very long while but I couldn't, I had a lot going on in my life and he lived in another state. So one night, I dreamt with him, and we were having like dinner party kind of thing, with another friend even (who introduced us)... and we were eating together very happily. I told him how happy I was to see him, and share with him, and he was happy too. Then, after I had that dream, I contacted the friend who introduced us... which was on the dream and told him. And then he said, that our friend had died! and that was him visiting me and saying goodbye (he was very old and sick by the way) ... so yah...

The other case was with my grandmother, and it's actually two stories:

One day I had a dream, I can't remember the details, but even when I woke up I felt my grandmother's scent which filled my bedroom entirely. He scent is unique... and very strong (in a good way), she always smelled really good, like flowers, or freash baked cookies, I can't describe it. Her smell was always with her, even if she just took a shower, the soap or shampoo would sucumb to it. So my room was filled like that so strongly, I even went to my daughter to see if she had inherited that smell or something but it was not it. Later that day I received a call telling me she had past away.

The last years of her life, my grnadmother and I had problems. I don't know if it was out of old age but she sort of developed very wrong and bad behavior. So I sort of distanced from her, although I did love her very much. But it was the only way I found to avoid her from really hurting me, and I hurting her back. Then I always felt really sad when she died. But then one night I dreamt of her, and I was in her bedroom and we hugged and she spoke to me, and she said she was sorry for her behavior, I told her how I was sorry too, about everything and we had like this really needed conversation. After that, I felt so tranquil, and I felt like she did too. I've always felt like this was not a dream, but her, who really did talk to me.
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Re: Final goodbye in a dream

Post by lizzel21 »

Wow thank you for sharing, your stories are so touching!
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Re: Final goodbye in a dream

Post by Suhrt »

you're welcome!
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