How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by Firebird »

Hi lalunarises, there are many ways of developing the different psychic senses. Depending on which you wish to focus on.
There is a search feature at the top right of the screen. Try rummaging around there and see if any thing pops up for you.
In the meanwhile please swing by the intro forum and let us know a little bit about you. Thanks!
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Hi lalunarises!

I totally understand the confusion and craziness that comes along with the development of abilities like this. Firebird has a great suggestion but can I ask what specific abilities you're working with? I can try to offer some suggestions based on that.

Looking forward to getting to know more about you! :D
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I was part of a learning circle in college. We practiced telepathy, designating one night a week at a specific time. We rotated the roles and one of us was the sender for the month, and the rest were receivers. We exchanged notes on weekends.

We worked with a professional medium to learn mediumship. Some picked it up right away, some never got it, and I was about in the middle. Learning trance and voice took me about 2 years, working whenever the group got together on weekends. It isn't something you can do without a partner.

I practiced remote viewing on my own, using random coordinates from a local area map for targeting. It had to be a local map so I could visit the target afterwards. (This was before Google Earth). I created my own experimental protocols.

I made a pendulum and drew some charts in a notebook. Then worked at that too. Viewing auras can be done any time other people are around. Summoning, shaping and grounding energy is a matter of just doing it with intention and practice. Daily practice is best in 10-20 min sessions, 2-3 times a day.

Practice, practice, practice otherwise you get rusty. Create your experiments and play with your talents. Clairvoyance occurs randomly. That is the nature of the gift. Be willing to go with the flow.

Learning meditation aids the ability to summon, sustain and control the experiences. You can tell that i treated learning as a science. I'm Virgo, I analyze lint. There are user-friendlier ways to proceed by living daily through our intuitive senses. Being aware, being present-in-the-moment and sensing energies that surround us can help that along.
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Rebooting this old topic for newbies who may be interested.

Also recommend learning grounding and centering before adding in any particular psychic interest. This gives you an edge, and smoothes the way.
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I still struggle with that. There is a Reiki practicioner who also has a MD and helps me understand these abilities.
Apparently my unknown origins makes it harder to determine what kind and how powerful my abilities are,so we work with what we have.

Astral projection,which I involuntarily do everytime I feel overwhelmed, must be stopped,so he suggested, same as other people from here, grounding and centering.

Producing electricity fluctuations when angry or scared(probably buberty stuff) also became a recent problem and inconvenience for those in the house who actually use electricity at that moment, he taught me how to get into the "autistic state" as he calls him,+linden tea

Hearing electromagnetic movements, the water through the pipes, the dog howling a few km away, my down street neighbour when he gets outside at 3 am for a cigarette and shuts his door....these are still a problem for my sleep lol. If anybody has any ideas about getting a proper sleep, please feel free to write me.

Empathy-still learning,but info from the forum and "empath zone" are great for newbies.

Healing-still in process. Astral projection healing seems to work, but nobody else I know tried it, so it's kinda running in the dark.

The rest, just came naturally as a way to adapt and not sound or seem creepier than I usually am.

P.S. Meditation,Grounding,Centering and Practice are not advised for no reason. These, like ST said, are the foundation for a healthy "awakening", or as healthy as it can be :-)
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Gee BW, I hadn't grasped the depth of your discomfort before. I also have a history of astral projecting when flummoxed and my brain just hibernates in some deep freeze. I've been forced (no other description applies) to ground and center. It has been the anchor point for me, and what I think of as a mental GPS (global positioning system) by locking on to here-and-now back in the body with a visualized :serpentrune: cross road. Honestly. learning to cast the circle was a big help in getting the four-way axis and positioning myself to hold my ground &'not bolt OOB. I wonder if what I call centering is what you are calling an autistic state? It's focussing on a inner, quiet spot, in my belly but not in a place or time until I choose it, and fix on the physical body with good old witchy intent.

Hearing electromagnetic motion... Heh heh...(looks around nervously) Just last night I had to shut off a battery powered candle because it was making too much noise and kept me awake. I had wanted to have candle light to sleep by. Sigh. Yea, at my age I still sleep with a light on. I hear my neighbor's cell phone ring, in his pocket, inside his house, windows closed.

I don't interfere with electricity but my teeth buzz near power lines, & my skin crawls like my hair itches. I have had experience when I had been extremely upset and walking through a store, that items just slid off the shelves as I waters parting for the prow of a ship... To the point I'd left the store to get a grip. The most recent time was about 2 years ago, & as I retreated, I'd heard a mother yelling at her 10 year old son for knocking things over, and he was saying he didn't do it... And, she yelled that it didn't just fall by itself...oh geez. I was so embarrassed. :oops:

So it's not always a situation of developing psychic abilities but of toning them down to something manageable. life's little secrets shared. :mrgreen:
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

ST, lol, I usually don't victimise myself, nor I intended to do it here....watching everything with a healthy dose of sarcasm, makes everything better hehe.

Yeah, the autistic state, is the quiet spot in my mind, which allows me to detach from the reality and adjust in my own rhythm. Shaking my head, or blinking repeatedly brings me "back to earth". Apparently I also smile when I get in that state, so people just leave me alone, in my happy place.

It is quite funny when I have an argument with my mom and refuse to say something I know would hurt her, and the energy that builds up,ends up in the light-bulb blowing up, the TV burning or the phone catching fire (not the Samsung). The usual ones, are just power falling down for a few seconds and then coming back, and the most scary one, when the streetlights close to our house blew up (all at once) least everybody understood that I was feeling something for my 2 deceased dogs on Christmas day; more than I was saying lol.

Things moving around? Ugh, too scary for me, glad it doesen't happen :-December
Candles use to get blown off or fire getting more powerful put of now where. I'm still meditating on that...

Another funny thing, is feeling a presence in my room. I always considered it to be just my fear of darkness or so. Since I "merge" with my inner wolf, I just learned to tell that "feeling" that I am busy tomorrow. Maybe another time...and it works Yay!

Haha, poor kid! I bet he believes in magic and witches now. Well said there. If there would be someone who could control all this perfectly, that person would rule the world!

I open myself up in this forum, then I did to the psychologist (we have to do a checkup every 6 months-I still pass without any problems, but don't talk about witchcraft-just to be sure)
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Yep, we're perfectly normal people. I've passed the psych personality tests too and I'm well adjusted according to society's standards (isn't that a scary thought?) :) We 2 ought to go out for a beer, coffee or something, huh?

Hmmm, and your inner wolf to me is what I call my shadow, my strong sense of knowing who I am, and this (name a weird experience) will not unseat me.

High five, gal!

How about other folks here? Anybody else having a problem being overwhelmed with their psi selves? Any tips to share?
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by SnowCat »

I used to cause poltergeist type activity when I was stressed. I was an assistant manager for Cinnabon at the time. We'd be having a busy weekend, and after hearing "I need a void," from my cashiers for the bobillionth time, cups would start flying out of the dispensers at them. One of the supervisors almost got beaned with a rolling pin one morning. It got interesting sometimes.

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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I haven't beaned anybody, but not for lack of wanting to! I'm gonna remember the rolling pin idea. My best friend has an interesting ability to diagnose computers by their sounds & vibes. She says it's like feeling the sounds. And back in the days of large computers with the pull-out racks of memory boards, she could walk along in front of the cabinet, then she'd feel the faulty board's location, and narrow it down to the particular board. She'd do this before the repair man arrived, and she got it right every time. Just to give an idea of how long ago it was, she was the first woman student to be accepted in computer sciences - as it was called then - at the college we attended.
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by Newbiewitch94 »

For me my abilities have always been there
Premonition this is something that has happened to me since I was a teenager. I remember the first time I had a vision I was hoping me and this guy who had not long broken up with me for a so called friend of mine would get back with me. That night I dreamed of him asking me back next day it came true. Now I will say that is not the only one I've had but the only other way I can explain that happening is somehow long before even devoting myself to Wicca and the craft I wiled him to get back with me.
Medium ship I'm new to this and still learning about this.
Empathy this one again I'm new to but I think this one I've had for a long time and always put it down to anxiety. I wouldn't mind telekinesis but I think it along with pyrokenisis is the sort of thing I'd end up abusing
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by rainygreeneyes »

Wait, so that's why I hear my charger making a high pitched noise when it's plugged in?! I thought I was going crazy lol
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by Shekinah »

lalunarises wrote:Hi! I'm new to this forum but was curious how everyone learned to develop their abilities? Did you have a mentor at all?

I've always known and have been told that I have special abilities and the more I seek the stronger they become. My dreams, tarot readings I do for myself and many other instances have been INSANE lately. I just don't even know how to understand and best utilize it all. I know a lot of it takes time but I want develop grow and use my gifts with intent. I journal and read as much as i can but not sure how to learn more or who to find to help guide me / share instances with. So that brings me to my question as to how did you start learning?
The key to all magick is mental visualization so this is a good place to begin. Our words and rituals are only to facilitate mental imagery they have no power in themselves. Many begin with creation of a mental image of a single candle flame and play with changing the color, progress to more complex imaging such as an image of a flower then a landscape where you might meander around observing your mental creation.

Next we need acute intuitive skills used in such things as aura viewing or divinations or telepathy and remote viewing. An easy way to fine tune intuition is to guess the time prior to looking at your watch.

Realize that we do not accomplish profound magical manifestations by ourselves so we need assistance from the Spirit realm: God/Goddess, Watcher, Elemental, Lords of the Quarters, Fae, etc. So spend time in your magick circle imaging the particular psychic skill you wish assistance with or instruction in. A good Witch has a strong working relationship with his/her Spirit Guide and communes regularly. A part time Witch not serious about walking the walk will soon lose the attention of those other worldly beings that might teach and potentiate wisdom and power.
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Re: How did you learn to develop your abilities?

Post by Pallando »

Read, Study, Practice, Improve... repeat.

Yes, have a spiritual faith and belief... but also have a spiritual practice.
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