Glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

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Glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

Post by valerian moon »

Hello, I'm looking for glamour magick that doesn't involve makeup or jewelry (makeup meaning stuff you put on your face), my school has a strict dress code, that I just learned about today.
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Re: glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

Post by SnowCat »

Can you elaborate on the strict dress code, and on what you're looking for exactly?

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Re: Glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

Post by Kassandra »


Sounds like the glamour magick you're looking for is to make you more attractive to others (?). If so, here
are some of those kinds of spells from the main website: ... spells.htm

As a side note, despite its name, glamour magic spells do not necessarily involve being more attractive. They are just spells to change one's appearance in some way. Could be to be taller, etc. Or it could be for you, or an object, or a location, etc., to be invisible in certain peoples' eyes. For example, one member here does a glamour so people will not be able to stumble upon her coven when they work outdoors. Once I resorted to using such a spell until I could get my car properly registered (while it did work, I really don't endorse using magic like that, lol). Glamour magic comes in handy.

An interesting example of an invisibility glamour work is how Jesus (one of the most celebrated energy workers ever) is documented in Christianity's holy scriptures to have walked without being noticed through throngs of people trying to get him (seems he either ran into crowds of fans wanting him to "do miracles" for them, or mobs of haters attempting to torture and kill him). Solomon was another famously powerful magician in the Bible, who happened to specialize in sorcery. There were physics, and magical order, behind all the so-called "miracles" they did.

Anyway, good luck with your efforts. :wink:

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Re: Glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

Post by corvidus »

Kassandra wrote: Solomon was another famously powerful magician in the Bible, who happened to specialize in sorcery. There were physics, and magical order, behind all the so-called "miracles" they did
Haha you're not kind enough to the King who supposedly submitted 72 demons into a brass vessel and drowned them at the bottom of a lake. Sorcery is child's play to that kind of perspective..

Just an opinion though :)

IMO glamour is all about social interaction. Get people to start talking about your style when you're not around. Work that thing!!
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Re: glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

Post by valerian moon »

SnowCat wrote:Can you elaborate on the strict dress code, and on what you're looking for exactly?

We have to wear certain colors, and no jewelry, makeup, or jackets and sweaters (except when it's cold out)
and I was looking for something to make me appear more confident, not attractive. I couldn't care less if I look conventionally attractive to a lot of people, as long as I look like i know what I'm doing, and don't look like the nervous wreck I am.
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Re: Glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

Post by SnowCat »

Believe in yourself and be confident. Remember that you're not the only nervous wreck. Smile, make eye contact, and keep your head up.

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Re: Glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

Post by Firebird »

And if the negative self talk jumps in, (and it likely will) challenge it with a "I can do it!" And.. "I am strong!, I can do whatever I put my mind to, and look good while doing it!!"
Rebut with that or some similar phrase every time the negative imp upon ones shoulder shows up.
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Re: glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

Post by Kassandra »

xxmoonxraverxx wrote:We have to wear certain colors, and no jewelry, makeup, or jackets and sweaters (except when it's cold out)
This would drive me nuts! One can't fix one's self up and show individuality (I guess that's the point, but still). I'd wear really crazy underthings with controversial slogans and imagery on them, and be like, "Ha! You can't regulate my drawers, suckers!" I think I'd be worse now than I was when I was a teenager, lol.

xxmoonxraverxx wrote:I was looking for something to make me appear more confident...don't look like the nervous wreck I am.
Ah, OK, that clarifies things some. It sounds like you don't need a glamour spell at all, since those are focused more on how other people perceive you, than on how you perceive yourself. Sounds more like the tools that might help you are a consistent, morning meditation practice, and along the lines of firebirdflys' suggestions, inoculating yourself with positive affirmations. There are spells and other activities that might help, too...


Meditation is like a daily reset button. It can reset your thoughts and emotions to a baseline of positivity and calmness. It could help you ground before you leave the house every morning. Maybe 15 - 20 minutes or so, is all it takes. You could keep going back to that calmness in your mind throughout the day, as needed, but (I find) it's important to first set the tone in the morning.

I know what it feels like to have an avalanche of thoughts dump themselves onto your consciousness when you wake up in the morning. They just kind of take over if you don't first control them. And they'll keep rolling around in our heads uncontrolled all day, causing anxiety. So before I turn any gadgets on, while I'm still somewhat sleepy, not entirely out of the hypnagogic state, the melatonin is still somewhat high in my system, I sit on my cushion and meditate. I format the meditation according to what I think I need that day. I like to switch up: sometimes I listen to soothing music that seems to reset my entire energy field in a nice way, other times I listen to a guided meditation; sometimes I incorporate a moving meditation of some sort, like yoga. Most mornings I'm too tired to do all that, and just sit and focus on breathing.

When I'm done and the avalanche hits, I'm ready for it. :wink: I have attained a baseline of calmness that will underlie the avalanche. The avalanche (or "monkey chatter," as they call a stream of mundane thoughts in Buddhism) always changes from day to day...this week it's this set of problems, next week it's that set of problems. Blah, blah, blah, it will always be something, usually someone else's problem that they'd like to make your problem. But the eternal calm beneath it all, the quiet awareness remains the same, week after week, year after year, decade after decade (lifetime after lifetime?). No one can take it from you, because no one gave it to you. You reached it, you attained that awareness, so it's yours to access anytime you want.

Positive Affirmations

While meditation could help you control the nervousness that you feel, the thoughts behind the feelings will still be there unless you actively change them. You may have had negative things said and done to you, that keep replaying in a loop in your head subconsciously. They will continue to cause the feelings, since energy follows thought. That's where positive affirmations come in. It's like you're brainwashing yourself, for good. The energy that used to go into thinking the negative thought you redirect into a different direction, and create a different thought form.

It takes time. It's like a New Year's resolution, which I've heard takes at least 3 weeks to solidify as habit. But after awhile the new, confidence-building thoughts become your go-tos, and the old nervousness-causing thoughts all just fade away. You won't be feeding those "thought trolls" any more. It helps to write positive affirmations on 3 x 5 cards, or on journal pages. That helps get them out of your head, and into 3D reality. It also helps to say them out loud, as this fires different areas of the brain, so more of you is involved in anchoring the new thoughts into your consciousness.

I think the best affirmations are the ones you come up with yourself, and the best time to come up with positive affirmations, is during the morning meditation session, while the mind is clear (before the avalanche hits). Visualize how you want the interactions with people you'll have that day to look and sound. Visualize yourself poised, confident. Create. Orchestrate your reality: you are the conductor, and the musician, and the music itself. The affirmations are the sheet music; at first you'll need to look at them again and again, but after a while, you won't need them any more. You'll have memorized the new (confident) song in your heart. :)

This is how positive affirmations work. They are awesome. Reprogramming your mind is the best spell work of all.

Spells and Other Activities

Auxilliary to meditation and affirmations, you might also try some of these:

--Take a self-confidence ritual bath, tailoring the wording, ingredients, etc. (such as where it says "goodwill" change to "self-esteem" or whatever) of this ritual bath: ... 24355.html

--Do a simple, self-love candle spell, enumerating and affirming all your good personal qualities: ... ml#p241023 (you will feel so good about yourself after doing this spell, trust me)

--Make an empowering sigil, something that really makes your day. Decorate it so it's hidden in plain sight, and give it its own page (or make it the cover) in your binder, so you could look at it throughout the day

--Get into "heart coherence" whenever you feel anxious, like taking medication. In the second video in this post, note how the girl's heart rate measurably lowered when she did the heart coherence exercise Howard Martin showed her : ... ml#p220344 It's like taking an anti-anxiety pill, instantly calming. ::coolglasses::

--Watch your dreams. They will reveal underlying issues you might not see, as well as advise on how to solve them in clever ways of which you would not (consciously) have thought.

--Do a hoodoo spell that incorporates Crucible of Courage and Mastery (incl. Queen Elizabeth root) ingredients and elements (Google to find).

--Shield yourself frequently so you're not taking on other peoples' energetic "stuff" empathically.

All this might sound like a lot to do, but they'll get habitual after a while. You'll develop a knack for self-healing and self-care that's natural, and effective. We can learn to re-parent ourselves.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

Post by Kassandra »

corvidus wrote:Haha you're not kind enough to the King who supposedly submitted 72 demons into a brass vessel and drowned them at the bottom of a lake. Sorcery is child's play to that kind of perspective.
Agreed, and first I wrote necromancy, but that's commanding "dead" human spirits. Wasn't sure what to call someone commanding battalions of jinn, making them build things for him and whatnot, lol. Sorcery was the best I could come up with. Not sure what to call what that guy did. (?)

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Re: Glamour magick without makeup or jewelry?

Post by moonraingirl »

The most powerful magic is a smile. Even if you're not in mood, your brain will start releasing "feel-good" chemicals if you smile and soon your smile will become more genuine. I'm not suggesting that you pretend something. Please don't show your teeth all the time :-)
But a quick smile when you talk to someone will do wonders! I work with people (in a shop) and know from experience that people react so much better to me when I smile at them. Just don't overdo it, try to be natural and smile only so much as is considered normal in your culture.
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