Bird Omens-dove/pigeon

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Bird Omens-dove/pigeon

Post by Firebird »

Hi guys,
Had a weird visit today first thing this morning. On our parkway was a really large white dove or pigeon how ever you want to look at it... he was probably a white Rock Dove which is a very large pigeon. Anyway he hung out on the parkway all day. I threw him some seeds and sat with him for hours. I tried to catch him but he would never let me get any closer than five feet. He was able to fly and he went up onto the roof and hung out, then on our white truck for some time.
He was hip to the box and the stick with string trick and I finally gave up and just left him out there. Then this evening I went out to take a picture of it because he had been hanging out on the corner of the roof much of the day when all the sudden the Sharp Shin Hawk came flying over the crest of the roof and all at once the chase was on. I watched them bob and weave all down the street and turn and go out of sight. I don't know if the hawk caught him or not. Other thing is they took off towards the east and turnd left, north, before they went out of view.
I feel real bad that I didn't try harder to catch him. The same hawk got my cockatiel a few years back. I was worried for this pigeon because the hawk tends to roost in my ash tree...pooping on my car :evil:

I've been pondering the oracle implications. I've already had 2 ringneck doves fly into my yard and decide this was home, they've been caged for about 5 years now. When they showed up I was pretty sure I would be working on a path of peace, that has indeed come to be.
When the cockatiel showed up on my front yard about 3 years ago I never did figure out why, but the first day he got out of the house that hawk got him in an instant.
We've had rock doves before (at the last house) and I wasn't sure I wanted more, they are terribly messy. Now I'm feeling so guilty for not making a greater effort to capture him. What was his message? Why did he hang out from dawn to dusk only to chased and possibly eaten by a hawk?
I took a pic in the morning and the one on the roof was seconds before the hawk showed up. (The fuzzy thing to the left is the neighbors palm tree and above is the ash tree).
By our truck
By our truck
A close up
A close up
His silhouette at dusk
His silhouette at dusk
:cry: firelessbird
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Re: Bird Omens

Post by SnowCat »

It could be a message about balance and letting go. The hawk has no choice in being a predator. The dove has no choice in being prey. He may have been telling you that things will be all right.

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Re: Bird Omens

Post by Firebird »

Welp, here I stressed and...
the bird is back this am and hanging out in my driveway.
Now what?
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Re: Bird Omens

Post by SnowCat »

He's okay. He's telling you it's okay.

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Re: Bird Omens

Post by Firebird »

Yeah but should I try to capture him?
This is good he's ok and I'm really glad the hawk didn't get him but why is he here? What does he want? What is he trying to tell me?
Augh, sometimes I don't get it untill after the fact.
Thought maybe he was old and that here would be a good place to die, that has been my usual experience with birds.
But he really moved fast with hawk in tow. :?
He has some oil or grease on his back and head, been walking around under parked cars maybe.
Perhaps I should name him Albion ::coolglasses::
Here he is back on the roof...
Albion, at the corner of the roof
Albion, at the corner of the roof
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Bird Omens

Post by bluejay_1919 »

Albion is absolutely beautiful. He's definitely there for you, although I can't put a finger on the exact reason. I have a very spiritual connection with birds of all types, especially Blue-jays. Two Mourning Doves love to hang out at our house. I enjoy, every night and morning their beautiful cooing song. It's so peaceful. Yet, they never stray from our land and home.

I sense nothing bad from him being there at all. In fact if you have a hawk nearby, take notice to him or her too. Hawks are glorious birds. We have one here, that is my husband's spirit animal. Hawks can mean that you need to open up and pay attention to your own psychic abilities and intuitive nature. Alot of us close that off. They can also mean for one to become the leader, take charge and be confident.

As for capturing little Albion, trust your intuition. Maybe he will give you a more clearer sign.

Could he be a gift from a deceased loved one??
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Re: Bird Omens

Post by Firebird »

Thanks you guys,
Well here's the update.
He hung around for most of the day yesterday, either on the roof or in the driveway behind my car. I decided not to capture him with the idea that he was maybe just a little lost and wayward from his home. By about 6 pm I couldn't locate him, don't know if the hawk made another chase or if he just left because I wasn't paying him enough attention.
Either way he left and has not returned this a.m. :(

Something else I realized, Albion showed up on the dark of the moon, and white? I'm seeing this as a new perspective to black and white thinking, which had been a trap for me. Always felt I was able to see the grey, yet catastrophising due to the PTSD would constantly pull me back. In the last several months a shift has occured, it was subtle...not light a lightbulb moment, which is what I would have expected. ..and that's another thing, expectations, what trouble they can be! There is still more work to be done but the heavy-ness that had been my life seems to have lightened up quite a bit.
The greater message would seem to be peace, (especially in my home)...something I have prayed for a very very long time. The turtle doves seem to have been the catalyst and now Albion telling me I have achieved it.
I had finally broke out the animal oracle book and dove (pigion) is has quite a history other than being the hearld of peace. Interesting also is he disappeared shortly after I broke out the book :?
I have to go right now, but I'll be back with that info soon.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Bird Omens

Post by Becks »

This is such a sweet thing. I get a loving vibe from that sweet thing.
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Re: Bird Omens

Post by Firebird »

Ya, I feel what your saying Becks, he does emanate an aura of love.

SO.... Here's the update!
He came back around mid afternoon yesterday. I poured out some seeds and sat with him for some time. He got real close but would not eat out of my hand. I asked him why he was here, hahaha and wouldn't you know it, the message was hungry!
He decided to hunker down on the roof and this time spent the night. Seems a bad place since the hawk nested in the ash tree a year ago and comes back frequently.

Anyway here is some really cool info about dove/ pigeon from the book called the "Beasts of Albion" by Miranda Gray.
♡...In Greek myth the dove with an olive branch in its beak was an emblem of Aphrodite the Goddess of love and beauty and was the mediator between Heaven and Earth.
Together with swans doves drew The Chariot of Venus, Aphrodite's roman equivalent.
Dove with pure white color have been universally regarded as a positive symbol that represents purity harmony and faithfulness.
Dove/pigeon was an Oracle for the Romans as they considered the bird the messenger of the Gods.
In Arthurian Legend the dove was the emblem of the Grail messenger Kundrie, her garments were embroidered with the symbols of doves and the Celts also associated the bird with healing, images of doves are found at many temples and springs.
Doves had traditionally been offered as a sacrifice to different gods either in the traditional sense or by the release of the birds, flight patterns could then be used for divination.
Dove is the most frequently mentioned bird in the Old Testament in which it symbolizes simplicity and innocence. In the story of Noah and the flood Dove is the one who brings back the leaves that confirms land is nearby.
In medieval times dove was considered a good omen or a friendly warning.
Miners would refuse to descend if a dove was seen near a mine opening.
Doves should never be sold but given as a gift of love
It was sad that sick people would not die if they were laying on the mattress is stuffed with the feathers of dove.
Dove was the only transformative shape that could not be taken by the devil or by witches.
In modern times the symbol of dove has been used in many agencies working towards peace. The release of doves at major sporting and cultural events are still used universally to recognize friendship and cooperation.
Pretty sweet, yes?

So this a.m. I could not locate him but now at 9:30 he's here and wants seeds... :lol:
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Re: Bird Omens-dove/pigeon

Post by SnowCat »

Didn't I tell you that he's saying things are okay? Five cents please.

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Re: Bird Omens-dove/pigeon

Post by Firebird »

Cha ching! Thank you :fairy:
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Re: Bird Omens-dove/pigeon

Post by Firebird »

Here he is this morning!
Chillin by the birdbath
Chillin by the birdbath
bluejay_1919 wrote:I have a very spiritual connection with birds of all types, especially Blue-jays.
I adore bluejays. :D
Some people don't because they are so noisy. We have a local mocking bird that does a pretty good bluejay :D
bluejay_1919 wrote:Two Mourning Doves love to hang out at our house. I enjoy, every night and morning their beautiful cooing song.
yes it really is. :) that's cool they continue to hang out nearby. Our ringneck turtle doves in the cage coo all the time, even in the middle of the night, (sometimes I wonder if it is because of the streetlight.) They may wake up and think oh, the sun is comming :lol:
bluejay_1919 wrote: Could he be a gift from a deceased loved one??
Ya know, that was really my first guess and after having checked with everyone and all was ok I set it aside. But there is an elderly gentleman I should give a call to.
I have mixed feeling about the hawk condidering it ate my cockatiel but I do have a great deal of respect and honor for hawk. It is our totem for the when the hawk chased the bird to the east I'm having questions about those implications.
One last thing it could possibly be is a friend with whom I've been estranged may be attempting to extending the "olive branch".
I really appreciate your insight bluejay it's been a lot of fun pondering the possibilities.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Bird Omens-dove/pigeon

Post by Kassandra »


Fantastic story, firebirdflys. Thanks for sharing with us. Just curious, why did you feel led to capture the other two, and have caged them for five years now. Also, why did you want to capture this one? What was the purpose?


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Re: Bird Omens-dove/pigeon

Post by Firebird »

It became obvious to me that they had been caged birds that were set free, in fact I was pretty certain they were from a few blocks over where the owners changed their pen from birds to pigs. I used to ride my bike by, one day I heard them and then got a visual.
Since they had always been caged it was safer for them with the shredder hawk nearby. I used to have these types of birds before. But being free range in the house is really messy.
This white bird...I can't figure out. I don't know if he is wild and maybe bonked his head, or if he is from someones flock and bonked his head. In any case he is still here. I wanted to give him the opportunity to go back to wherever he came from.
Gotta go, but I'll come back with pics of them all.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Bird Omens-dove/pigeon

Post by Kassandra »


Ah, I see. You were giving them refuge at your home. Yes, that one in the picture in this thread is huge, kind of "muscular" for a bird, lol.

Funny, but I think it was the day before you posted this, while I was meditating I heard someone psychically, loudly and clearly, say "you're just a little dove" or "you're my little mourning dove," or something like that. It was said very affectionately. I don't know who it was, or why that might have been said to me. A lot of other philosophical things were said, but I can't remember any of it now (if I don't write things down immediately when I come out of a meditative state, I forget it all). But, I remember the dove comment, clearly, as it really surprised me...I could be described a lot of ways, and something gentle like a dove wouldn't be one of them, lol.

Then, just yesterday, I was walking to my car in the afternoon, and I kid you not, there was this lone mourning dove perched on an electrical wire in the middle someone's yard, with a tiny branch of some kind in its mouth. It watched me walk by. I thought about your post, then the message I heard, and now this, and I asked the universe, "What are you trying to tell me? What is the message here?" Haven't gotten an answer yet. Three times the charm, though. I'll find out soon enough. Weird.

Edit: I do remember another comment I heard while I was meditating. It was something like, "You think of yourself as a tough person. But what you may be overlooking is that part of your heart that is a gentle, peace maker. Cultivate this part of your heart by studying the dove. It symbolizes peace. Learn from it, move in the world like it, take on its attributes, etc." I took that to perhaps mean the dove is a spirit animal to me (totem). ?

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