Tips for a Beginner?

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Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Thistle »

Okay, I'll start this off with me and plants? Don't quite mix. My bf went through this phase where he kept buying me potted plants...despite my warnings. I killed an Orchid. I've been told those are difficult to. But I did. I tried...but alas. He went back to cut flowers. lol The most recent was a spider plant. But that's only because I forgot to bring it in before the cold weather...and poor thing. I've tried growing stuff before but it didn't quite work.

I really want to grow herbs, and even vegetables, at least eventually. Some flowers would be nice. I'd love to have a lavender plant. I've been doing some research, but I thought I'd ask here too. It's a project I always want to do for Ostara, but I'm always so worried it's just going to go bad.

I live in an apartment, in the pacific northwest. So indoor is good. We also have a balcony I can keep plants on. Just any advice tips for someone who is prone to failure when it comes to gardening would be greatly appreciated. ::coolglasses::
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Falcon_Heart27 »

I totally feel you on this one, Thistle. Despite my great love for plants, I kill the poor things every time. Drowning, or dehydrating. Root rot. Leaving them out in the frost. It's bad.

In fact, if it weren't for my garden-savvy dad, I don't think I'd have *any* healthy plants in the house.

While I don't think I have any "tips" for you, I can tell you, cacti are a pretty good starting point. I have managed to single-handedly keep my own cactus alive for a few months now. ;)

Also, perhaps you'd like to make info sheets and watering schedules on index cards for each plant. So you know where to keep it (sun or shade, etc.) and what days of the week to water it on and how much. All that info can be obtained via Internet. This can keep you from forgetting things, and keeping your plants well-tended.

I hope I helped at least a bit. :)

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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Thistle »

Completely helpful! It's also good to know I'm not alone. I feel so bad for the plants! My grandma and great-grandmas both had gardens. I didn't appear to get that gene. I have a sister...plants just thrive for her.

My bf has no faith in me. lol I just suggested a cactus, but he gave me a look and said he doubted it. He brought up the Orchid. -_-
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Vesca »

I have the same problem you do, I tend to forget about the watering part of plants...

Anyway, my sister gave me a plant that I have been unable to kill for a few years now (I guess it survives pretty well through.. anything..). I'll have to ask her what it's called. :)
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Thistle »

If nothing else, I'm feeling better that I'm not alone! lol And that would be great, Vesca. Or even if you had a picture? I'm determined to grow something!
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Vesca »

Alrighty so it's called Tradescantia zebrina; commonly known as Zebrina.

If you have pets, it is somewhat poisonous so... probably not a good idea to keep it around if you do have little fur babies that have free range.

It looks like this:

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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Thistle »

ooh it's beautiful! and ah. I do. My little furball likes to sniff everything.
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Vesca »

Maybe not the best plant, then. You could try looking for plants with similar qualities though. Basically, it's extremely low maintenance. Even if I forget to water it for.. a month... it survives, gets a little dry but revives quickly anyway. About once a year I add more soil to its pot, but that's about the extent I have to go for plant care.
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by random417 »

Hmm... Try an aloe plant. Mines managed to survive me for almost4 years now
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Thistle »

"Managed to survive me" > I cracked up at that. lol Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be happy to manage even one plant! It would be a start. :D
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Vesca »

Here's some bare-bones advice my sister gave to me about keeping plants alive.

Keep it moist, but don't flood it. You can tell how much to water it, or how often, but feeling the dirt with your bare fingers. If it's dry, water it a bit, but it shouldn't be drenched or it will die.

Add new soil when it needs it, the nutrients get used up as the plant lives (naturally).

Make sure it's getting enough light. Some plants need more/less light, so they can be placed in different spaces within a room (further from the window, or at differently facing windows).

If it seems to be dying for no real cause, just withering, and it seems to have overgrown the pot a bit, try to trim back some of the stems so it's able to maintain the branches it has with the nutrients and water/sun it's given.

I've never tried growing anything in the actual ground. Partially because I don't have much space for it here, and partly because I have a phobia of worms (don't ask). But that's the advice she gave me for keeping potted plants alive.

The other big piece of advice was: Leave it alone. As in... don't over-care for it. Plants need time and their own space to do their own thing, over-pruning, watering, messing with it will only hinder its growth.

Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by PsychoTeddy »

I have had the same issues. haha My grandmother can make anything grow and keep anything alive. I struggle and that's putting it nicely. It wasn't until the last couple years that I started taking an interest in gardening with her. Last spring I planted a garden outside and I attempted starting herb seeds indoors. The outdoor garden did surprisingly well. My herbs... I got a few little guys popping up and then they all randomly died.

I figured out some of the things I did wrong and I plan on starting some seeds again soon. I'm from Oregon so the cold and gloomy weather really effect things here. I got an aloe vera plant given to me last spring and it has survived my lack of a green thumb. That would be a good one to start out with for an indoor plant, like random417 said. If you start getting more confident then you could even look into buying a small grow light and set up something so you could start some herb seeds or something. :)

If you're able to use your balcony for a small outdoor garden you could probably search around on pinterest or other similar sites and find a way to make some small garden beds to do some vegetables in. I did spinach and carrots in one of the raised beds I have and they survived and gave me a lot to harvest.

IMO, the only way you will figure things out and learn is just by experimenting/researching/doing it. Good luck, darling! Let us know how things go!
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Vesca »

Oh, going to add one more thing my sister mentioned.

It's easier to keep them alive and growing if you start with an already-sprouted plant. That is, don't begin with seeds if you're not sure you can keep it alive. Find an already-flourishing plant and just re-pot it.

I like growing from seed, it's satisfying... when they grow. But just relaying some info, in case it helps anyone. :)
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Thistle »

oh a fellow Oregonian! I don't live there now, but it's where I'm from. I live by Seattle now. So yeah, I get the gloomy weather. Not to mention our living room doesn't get much natural light. So I'll have to do some research into that. I really really want an herb garden.

I'm definitely gonna check into an aloe vera plant.

Vesca, lol either one is terrible for me but I do hope to grow something..some day. Actually...I took a horticulture class in high school haha. I'm in an apartment I'll be looking into something simple Maybe some day I'll get better and do a real garden. I was told bulbs might be good. So perhaps I can manage some tulips at some point. That's my favorite flower.
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Re: Tips for a Beginner?

Post by Firebird »

Hi's a list from the aspca.. ... plant-list

The plant you pictured there is also called wandering jew, and it's ok for cats...the above site says Aloe is not. :evilwitch: neither is pothos, which no one can bad I was going to suggest that one. Keep in mind over watering is what kills most plants. Many kinds of potted plants only need water once a week. A good soak and well drained, don't let them sit in water for extended days.
Good luck, I know you can do it!
Blessings, Firebird
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