Hera and Hades

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Hera and Hades

Post by Kyrie »

In the time I have been away from this forum, I have hit some major milestones in my spiritual practice. The biggest was the discovery of my patron deities.

My matron goddess, Hera, was the first to show up. It started with my noticing peacocks and peacock feathers EVERYWHERE! But it didn't occur to me until I was meditating one night. I was walking down a path to a sacred space to communicate with my unknown god and goddess. I did this meditation all the time, but during the meditations, they were standing in the shadows. On this particular night, however, the goddess stepped out of the shadow. As soon as I saw her, I knew who she was, but she also told me her name: Hera.

About a month ago, I found my patron god. We had just moved into our new house and I set up my altar and felt like I should do a basic ritual just to "break it in" so to speak. I already had part of the altar dedicated to Hera, but the "god" side of the altar was pretty basic. Just a white candle to represent him. During the ritual, the "god" candle started flickering like CRAZY! So I stopped what I was doing. I focused on the candle and went into a meditative state. After a moment, a name popped into my head: Hades. I'll admit, I got a little scared. Once the ritual was over, I did some research. I also went back and looked at my journal and some old tarot readings I did when I was trying to find my patron god. In hindsight, it is so clear what those readings were showing me. I just wasn't ready to see it then.

I have done a lot of research on BOTH of these deities as well as working on a personal relationship with both of them. I feel that both have pretty bad connotations about them. Hera is mostly seen as a jealous and vengeful goddess, but the feeling I get from her is very motherly. She has helped me through some pretty tough stuff.

As for Hades, my initial panic was of course due to the notion that, as God of the Underworld, he is associated with the Devil. Blame it on my Christian roots :\ He is stern, but fair. And the job that he does is a necessary one. One thing I did realize, as someone who has had to deal with a lot of death and grief, is that he can help me to understand the bigger picture of life and death. Hades has become more of the strict father figure to me. He understands. He listens. But he doesn't sugar-coat.

So, that's my experience. Has anyone else worked with either one of these deities, and, if so, what were your experiences like. I'm excited to find out :)
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Queen of the Dead
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Re: Hera and Hades

Post by Queen of the Dead »

I'm just going to be casual about this. Hades is a pretty chill dude. He doesn't actually kill anyone, he just rules over the dead. Peaceful deaths are handled by Thanatos, and suffering deaths are handled by Thanatos' sisters. Anyway, Hades is actually quite neutral in alignment. I wouldn't call him evil at all. Intimidating, yes, at first, but never actually harmful. He is cold though (that's probably where the 'chill' part comes in) but entertaining him is as simple as telling a satirical joke or two. He's also known as one of the most (if not the most) faithful husbands in Greek mythology.

I haven't worked with Hera, but her reactions to Zeus cheating seem fair.
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Lana || Pansexual || Witch of Persephone and Hades || Eclectic Pantheist

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Re: Hera and Hades

Post by Kyrie »

No, I don't consider him evil at all. But even the ancient Greeks wouldn't say his name because they feared that to do so would bring about your own death. He is intimidating....but not evil.

In my opinion, he's like the father that is going to sit back and watch you put your hand on that hot stove so you learn your lesson the hard way, but will be there to bail you out when you get in real trouble. Any time I've asked him for guidance, he's been completely up-front with me....I don't think cryptic is much his style!
Queen of the Dead wrote:He's also known as one of the most (if not the most) faithful husbands in Greek mythology.
I'm glad you mentioned that because I didn't know. It seems interesting to me that both of these deities are faithful in marriage, especially in a culture where monogamy isn't really a thing.

Hera seems to be the kind of wife that stands by her marriage come hell or high water. She came into my life right around the time I got engaged, and has really helped me build a solid foundation for my marriage. She's not really one to beat around the bush either. When my fiance and I get into a fight, I feel her...almost like a psychic smack upside the head. Then I have to suck up my pride and go apologize. :\
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Re: Hera and Hades

Post by Queen of the Dead »

Just remember that it isn't always your fault, and sometimes you might want to wait for your partner to apologize.

And yeah, Hades is probably one of the most underrated Greek gods. I love him, personally.
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Re: Hera and Hades

Post by Nightwatcher »

Hades is a key deity for myself as well. Even when I was small and first learning about the Greek pantheon, I didn't understand why everyone hated him so much. And no, Hades is not cryptic at all which I personally appreciate (but then again, neither was Lady Artemis with me... it might just be they both know I'm slow with these things... >//>).

I'm curious as to how you see them both. I've only once run into Hera (long story) so I'm curious. I love learning the different guises and forms they appear to others~! (now I sound like such a fangirl dork again...)
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