I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by Xiao Rong »

Have you tried reading about other people's experiences with godspousery or doing some divination on the subject? I think as a general rule, you shouldn't leap into a commitment JUST because your partner is insisting on it or telling you it's good for you (can lead to dangerous roads very quickly). As others have mentioned, it might be a good idea to draw up or discuss boundaries with you and Loki (like a pre-nuptial agreement). Again, the choice is up to you.
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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by asthesunlovesthemoon »

I think we're going to discuss boundaries tomorrow. Thank you so much, Xiao, I really needed to think about this and I think I'm going to postpone the wedding for now.
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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by TwilightDancer »

Good luck on your new path. :fairy:

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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Working with Loki myself, I honestly wouldn't even ever consider doing something like this. Of course, this is just myself personally and I'm by no means telling you what you should and should not do. However, making such a commitment to any deity is tough, because they will expect you to uphold your promises to them and you do not want to be on the receiving end should you break one of these. Loki in particular, as I am sure you know, is very fickle with these things. Thankfully, I have never had a problem because I never promise nor do I make any kind of oaths or anything binding that could be used against me in the future. We have an understanding that we work together, not for one another.

I agree that setting boundaries will be very good for you, and I'm very glad to see that you will be discussing this with him. (: I wish you the best of luck with whatever you choose!
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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by Kassandra »


Like Coyote of the Native Americans, Anansi the spider of West African culture, or the kitsune of Japanese culture, and many other similar spirits of other cultures, tricksters teach us by tricking us. And that's OK. That's just what they do. But, is letting the teacher become a spouse, thereby giving him power over you, such a good thing? Could such a spouse treat you as an equal, or would he want to keep you "barefoot and pregnant," figuratively-speaking? And would keeping you that way teach you to learn to value your own independence and personal sovereignty? Could such a lesson be taught in a nice way by a trickster, especially if you choose to keep giving your power away like this?

But hey, do what you want...all I'll say is that the men of my mother's culture who were tricked into "marrying" their kitsune wives, well, they learned the hard way that doing so wasn't such a good idea, though they seldom lived to tell about it. The ones who did tended to turn dark in some way over time, and rarely managed to be "themselves" again. The kitsune always dangled some kind of power or goal in front of them, based on the wants and needs of each man's ego. This is all too easy to do with greedy human beings.

The men who had a sense of personal power and wisdom never took such bait, but the ones who believed all the promises did, every time. And the kitsune always deliver on their promises, the lesson being "be careful what you wish for, sucker." lol
dead guy and kitsune.jpg
dead guy and kitsune.jpg (13.82 KiB) Viewed 1810 times
The fate of many-a-gullible-guy duped by a cute kitsune.

Photo source: zerochan.net/1329409

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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by asthesunlovesthemoon »

Yep, I'm postponing this for a while. At least another six years, I'm too young for this
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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by Kassandra »



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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by asthesunlovesthemoon »

I'm going to be honest now, but if I'm going to recieve, 'this is your childish imagination,' I don't want to hear it.

I've been studying Wicca for three years. I've been attracted to it for seven. Me and Loki have been lovers for a year. I'm just fourteen years old, but I'm an old soul. I've been through a lot, and I find that I'm attracted to relationships with power imbalance.

Everyone who's told me they loved me lied to me. The only love I believe in is between the Gods and humans.

I think it's relevant now to ask why Loki is attracted to me? Is he tricking me? I feel awful thinking like this, truly.
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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by Sakura Blossom »

It's not really anything we can tell you, and I couldn't tell you either unfortunately.

I think the best thing you might want to do right now, is suggest that the two of you take a break so that you may search your feelings and find these answers for yourself? The best we can do is just offer you advice. I understand exactly how you feel, I've gone through that too.

But you said so yourself, you are only 14. (: You have many years left to decide fully, if something like this is right for you or not.

This is my suggestion, and it doesn't mean you have to follow it. I think it would be best in your situation, though, to calm things down and try to search for what you feel is best and right for you.
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Re: I Am to Marry Loki This Friday

Post by Kassandra »

Electra wrote:I'm going to be honest now...I find that I'm attracted to relationships with power imbalance.
This is a very wise self-observation. It means there's a chance to change this tendency. Awareness is the first step. Power imbalances never, ever end on a good note...not in spirit world, nor in the mundane world. Usually the one with less power gets the short end of the stick, in the worst of ways. Always, therefore, insist on equality whenever possible.

Electra wrote:Everyone who's told me they loved me lied to me.
People who have been treated badly, treat others badly because that's all they know. Perhaps those who said they loved you truly love you, and weren't lying. But their "definition" of love...in other words, how they translate the word love into actions, may be kind of f-- up. But again, that may be because that's all they knew how to do, that's all that was "modeled" to them growing up. Perhaps they just don't know another, more positive way to love someone else. I could say that about certain people in my own life, let me tell ya.' And maybe people have said that about me, too. And unless you're perfect, perhaps people have said that about you, too.

That's why I came to this conclusion, that people often mean well, but they just don't always "do" well.

Electra wrote:The only love I believe in is between the Gods and humans.
I would suggest not turning your back on humans, Electra. We are all imperfect. I think when we incarnate here as humans, it means we are to live here as humans, to love here as humans, and that we each have a purpose here whatever it is. If we were to live and love as spirits, we would not have come here. I think under such circumstances, then, it would be a mistake to turn one's back on humans, despite their imperfections. But, perhaps that's just me.

But, if you do look to the gods for love, look to the ones of a higher vibration. Don't think that every "god" is going to love you with a sublime, egalitarian love, and treat you as an equal. Are you kidding me?! What has mythology taught us humans for thousands of years now? Gods have egos too, and they can be selfish, childish, manipulative, destructive a--h--s. Again and again we've learned this. Let us not forget that lesson for our own good, shall we?!

And think for a moment about that word, "trickster." Does that imply a high vibrational being? Or does that word connote "disingenuousness," "untrustworthiness," "duplicity," etc.? Would you hand your paycheck to a smiling bank teller with the name Trickster on her badge? Would you give your car keys to a grinning mechanic everybody else in the shop calls, Trickster?

Trickster the mechanic.jpg
Trickster the mechanic.jpg (30.77 KiB) Viewed 1845 times
[Jack Nicholson voice...]
"Hi there, I'm Tricksterrrr. Lemme' jump
that car there fer ya,' lil' lady, hehehehe!"

Photo source: web2carz.com/autos/everything-else/1435/5-ways-to-spot-a-bad-mechanic

Hey, if you've indeed been lovers for a year, couldn't you just continue to be such in the future, keeping Loki as a GWB ("god with benefits")? hehe Tell him it's your way or the highway, and see what happens. He probably wouldn't agree to that because what fun is it to be a god if you can't push humans around? My suspicion is that if you put yourself in the power seat with such a god, make your own decisions for yourself, your attitude of self-sovereignty would be viewed as "disobedience, insubordination," or something like that. Just hold to your boundaries, is all I'm sayin.'

I don't know. To me, personally, being a mortal does not mean one must automatically be subservient to a god or gods out there somewhere. Why do that? I know I'm probably in the minority on this message board with that viewpoint, but that's OK; I'm used to it. But, I do find it interesting how "gods" seem to desperately want --no need to be worshiped by us puny humans. Hmm, wonder why that is. And what does that say, really?...who's really in charge, here?

Who really needs whom, here?

Perhaps at one time we were as gods too, but our genetics somehow got tampered with along the way, and we lost much of our god-like abilities long ago. Perhaps the human tendency to worship "gods" and otherwise be attracted to relationships with power imbalance collectively left us, in the end, with the short end of the karmic stick. It really does make you wonder, doesn't it...

Sakura Blossom wrote:It's not really anything we can tell you, and I couldn't tell you either unfortunately.
Indeed. As to your last two questions, I think you probably know those answers.

Hang in there, little goddess. Remember who you really are. :wink:

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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by asthesunlovesthemoon »

Thank you all for the support, and I've decided I'm too young to make these kind of promises. I have many years to decide, and until then, I think I'm going to stay with Loki just as a lover.
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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I think that's a very wise and very mature choice, Electra. (: I'm very happy that you've found what you think is best for you both, and I hope it works out very well!
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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by Lillady »

After reading this thread I would have to say that you are making a very wise decision Electra. Handfasting, is a huge step and I am glad you saw the light, per se. I will not harp on you and keep my opinion to myself all I can say is good luck to you now and always!
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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by Nightwatcher »

...I am VERY confused. Could someone explain please? ^^;
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Re: I Am To Marry Loki This Friday

Post by Zili »

Nightwatcher, some believe that a human can embrace a god/goddess or other being as a spouse these are marriages/handfastings of the soul tying their spirit to the other's. In this case Electra was considering tying herself to Loki, but based on age and the fact its Loki we're talking about has decided that the better option for her now is to wait.

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