Who is "Yahweh"?

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loona wynd
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Re: Who is "Yahweh"?

Post by loona wynd »

Erebus Elysium wrote: That's when it came to me: Before Judaism, Christanity and Islam, was Yahweh, Jehovah and Allah something before he was named the creator god?
As I understand it he was a Canaanite War God. Remember back then every group lived in tribes. Then he gave a message to Abraham asking him to worship just him and the rise of him as a creator God and as the God started.

Re: Who is "Yahweh"?

Post by RoseRed92 »

Check out the name "Yaldabaoth". :)
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Re: Who is "Yahweh"?

Post by random417 »

El, the Caananite father God functioned as a template, Bael (or Ba'al if you prefer) meant Lord, was more a class of Gods than one god (someone who works with ATR or Voodoun chime in on the family idea, if they would). Near where the burning bush incident occurred, there was a village named YHV, which lent its storm Bael to Moses. YHVH as a name PROBABLY was meant at first to suggest origin.

Mind you, this is real rough, I'm simplifying, mostly because I'm on my phone. Nothing anybody else pointed you to is wrong either. There are many facets to this actually. The jump to monotheism from polytheism wasn't as smooth as people like to think.
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Re: Who is "Yahweh"?

Post by Seraphin »

Erebus Elysium wrote:An idea just occurred to me: It has been shown by Archealogists of different fields that plenty of demons of Christian faith where, at one point or another, a pagan god. Lucifer was the Roman God of the Morning Star, Ba'al was a fertility god (I even hear that "Beelzebub" was based off of Ba'al's full name), and Loki and Hades have been (and are being) twisted into black-hearted connivers. Even the very image of Satan and Baphamet was stolen from Horned Gods like Pan and Cernunnos just to "make a point".
You're right, plenty of Daemons from Judeo-Christian religions came from Canaanite, Ugaritic and other Ancient Pantheon. I work with daemons and therefore work with some of the so called "fallen angels" and Underworld Gods. This means that I have some experience with the Judeo-Christian pantheon and knowledge about Judeo-Christian folklore and mythos. My beliefs are based on my experiences and some stories from early biblical literatures, and may differ from the common pagan thoughts on the matter.

I have discussed some tidbits about daemons here in this thread.

As we all know, pagan nations were hardcore idol worshippers and as such, were an unacceptable influence on the "set-apart" Yahwist community. Now to gain control and power and strike fear into people's heart, I believe that some Deities of the Old were labeled by both Jewish and Christian theologians as evil demonic beings because the Bible directive is to wipe out all the Ancient pagans together with their beliefs and spiritual paths cruelly and indiscriminately. They claimed that their "ways of worship" are abominable inhuman practice. Some were even forced to change and adopt the basic pillars of Judeo-Christian doctrines.
Erebus Elysium wrote:That's when it came to me: Before Judaism, Christanity and Islam, was Yahweh, Jehovah and Allah something before he was named the creator god?
YHVH is God of Israel. (Some believe) He belongs to Canaanite pantheon and was worshiped as the King of the Gods. At a later period, He began to wish to be worshiped alone and to assure this, He and Israel entered in a covenant under which YHVH will protect Israel and, in turn, Israel will not worship other Deities. This promise was fulfilled when He commissioned Moses to be Israel's savior from the bondage of Egypt and ordered Israel to strictly observe all His commandments.

In His conversations with Moses and other prophets, He claimed to be the Source of all being. Everything is dependent that derives existence from Him and Him alone. Because of this He was promoted as the Supreme God and Creator of the Universe and the very existence of other Deities was denied.

Well I personally believe Allah and Jehovah are different from YHVH. I don't believe that the Jehovah -- the Christian God and Allah -- the Muslim God is the same Deity as YHVH, I do believe that they evolved from the original Hebrew God YHVH and now exists as Deities in Their own right and brought new faiths into the world.

How do I say so? It's because YHVH is a Sabbath and Moedim (biblical feast)-keeping, kosher God who demanded His followers to observe the Torah (His Instructions). Do Jehovah and Allah order Their followers to walk in Torah, keep the Biblical feasts, or the seventh day Sabbath? No.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Who is "Yahweh"?

Post by SapphireRoad »

This guy has etymology correctness over 95%, provided you have patience for 2h long video:


I agree it is like a team to pick like 1 of 15 or something like he said.

Apart from that
I think that opinion that Yod He Vau He very derived by more "primitive" people from sexual moaning
evolves into letters from right to left masculine feminine masculine feminine
reflecting on macrocosm marriage
& then
microcosm marriage

Thence the formation of the world.
So make your call... 1 of 15 or also some mystery of creation concealed, yet revealed?
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Re: Who is "Yahweh"?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

Seraphin_npocampo wrote: Well I personally believe Allah and Jehovah are different from YHVH. I don't believe that the Jehovah -- the Christian God and Allah -- the Muslim God is the same Deity as YHVH, I do believe that they evolved from the original Hebrew God YHVH and now exists as Deities in Their own right and brought new faiths into the world.

How do I say so? It's because YHVH is a Sabbath and Moedim (biblical feast)-keeping, kosher God who demanded His followers to observe the Torah (His Instructions). Do Jehovah and Allah order Their followers to walk in Torah, keep the Biblical feasts, or the seventh day Sabbath? No.
It is the same god. Not from a faith standpoint. But from linguistic and archaeological one. Allah is directly related to Canaanite El. They're considered the same. It goes back before Canaanites and Arabians were Abrahamic. When they were pagan and El and Allah were the heads of the pantheons. I don't know too much on Arabian paganism, but I know enough to have found this out, which I was surprised about.
I am the Earth, The Sun and the Stars
And I am the also the Moon
I am all animal and birds,
And I am the outcast as well, and the thief
I am the low person of dreadful deeds,
And the great person of excellent deeds
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Re: Who is "Yahweh"?

Post by SapphireRoad »

is pronounced either 'a' as can't US or can't UK or cat and car to give less confusing example.

El Iah

Now some say El is Lord or God while יהוה
is certain specific god.
Iah is a part of this faces of God thing in Hebrew up till today,
Some say Iah was Egyptian word for Moon.

Since I don't speak Hebrew I'm not much scientific here. Some Kabbalah call Iah for 2nd Sefira and I use it like that in magic.

Etymology is a journey of adventure and discovery. At the moment I feel to have barely crossed the gate into knowledge.
I trust etymology way more than historians.
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Re: Who is "Yahweh"?

Post by Corbin »

From a gnostic standpoint of that style of God; 'THE GREAT I AM' are all a masks of the demiurge, easier considered from a psychological point of reference: God (with a capital G) would be divinities `Ego', While the Goddess (capital G) more akin to the wild and powerful Id.
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Re: Who is "Yahweh"?

Post by korbin »

Yahveh is short for Yod Heh Vav Heeh. It means the four elements earth fire water and air. It could be that God IS the four elements combined in one creative force. While muslims and christians call it God and worship him truth may be more complicated. For instance the words "your kingdom and glory forever, amen" sound like monoteistic worship of one god, but in reality it might be just code words to invoke creative force of the four elements, and should not be understood literarly. Christianity and islam seems to me as made by men who have understanding of the occult practices. They have used their occult knowledge of the powers to create a religion which serves the religious head only. While making the people willing producers and contributors of more power to the religious head. For example do muslims all prostrate towards mecca, imagine all the power Mecca has gotten by a billion of people worshipping that place. Its become a great place of power where any witch can tap into that power. I suspect those arab elite clergy are doing exactly that.
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