A Year and a Day: What Should You Study?

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Re: I'm starting my year and a day of studying, I need some

Post by FoundMyCalling »

I also wish you a great journey.
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Re: I'm starting my year and a day of studying, I need some

Post by BabyBear »

I suggest any book by Scott Cunningham or as Ace said Silver Raven Wolf, mainly "The Truth About Witchcraft Today" and "Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham, anothers by Silver Raven Wolf you could check out are"Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation", "Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation" or "A Witch's Notebook: Lessons in Witchcraft".

As for practicing well i did on mine but only beginner stuff and i started out with doing meditation for a few months before doing anything more, in fact i used this site called magickaschool.com to use as a guideline cus they have a free plan/course and it basically gives you a lesson a month with all sorts of info about wicca and everything then gives you homework like month one they gave you facts about wicca history, then for homework they give you suggested readings for the month, two forms of meditation to practice, and a list of topics where you choose two to research more on your own for the month.

Re: I'm starting my year and a day of studying, I need some

Post by FoundMyCalling »

Thank You BabyBear I will check the site out.
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Re: I'm starting my year and a day of studying, I need some

Post by Xiao Rong »

Hey Found,

1. What books would be best to start reading for beginners?

I would echo Baby Bear's suggestion of Scott Cunningham's books, with the caveat that a lot of people don't like him and in your studies you'll probably find a lot of stuff that disagrees with him. His books are pretty good places to start though, and his writing is clear and concise.

You can also find more book reviews in our special book review forum, to see what other people think!

2. Is it okay to do spells and rituals during the year and a day of studying?

Sure! I imagine that any book with a course of study will probably involve doing some spells or rituals (rituals almost certainly, for self-dedication and to celebrate the Sabbats and Esbats).

3. For meditation I could go outside but there is snow and it gets cold fast, would it be okay to meditate inside?

Absolutely! I'm from somewhere up north, and trust me, right now is not the best time of year to be meditating for long periods of time in nature (otherwise you might lose some fingers and toes ... ) There are plenty of meditations that involve, say, looking at candle light or just relaxing on your couch.

4. What websites would you recommend to learn more about Wicca?

Actually, when I first started out, I found http://paganwiccan.about.com/ to do a pretty good overview. There's also lots of great threads on this forum if you were interested.

Anyways, hope this answered some of your questions. Bright blessings during your studies!
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Re: I'm starting my year and a day of studying, I need some

Post by Firebird »

Dear Found...another member, Nera, is starting her study of the elements as she travels around the wheel of 2014. So besides the book readings, you might want to follow such a path. We are starting with Air...each element study lasts 3 months,
it would be great to get a bunch of folks
sharing their experiences
from the exercises,
or sharing other exercises and projects.

Here is Nera's thread :
http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... ml#p187168

Blessings, Firebird
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Re: I'm starting my year and a day of studying, I need some

Post by FoundMyCalling »

Hello Fire I'm going to do the year and a day with the elements as well as reading all I can about Wicca.


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Re: I'm starting my year and a day of studying, I need some

Post by Firebird »

I'm not sure I can be of help, turns out Nera is on a different elemental cycle.
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I need some help

Post by Summerlynai »

A year and a day of studying? What exactly is tht? Could yew message me details on it. I think I would benefit greatly from something like that.
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Re: I'm starting my year and a day of studying, I need some

Post by Rainbowkiss »

I would recommend going to Wicca spirituality.com. This website is Erin Dragon song's site and it is one of the greatest wiccan website.

Re: I'm starting my year and a day of studying, I need some

Post by Philomena »

I think Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice by Thea Sabin is a great book to work with when anyone starts studying :)
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Re: I'm starting my year and a day of studying, I need some

Post by FullMoonRising »

Hi there, these are 2 books I found helpful ;

A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magic Spells
By Cassandra Eason
A Witch Alone
By Marian Green (A Practical Handbook)

All the best and enjoy!! FullMoonRising
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Re: I need some help

Post by SpiritTalker »

Summerlynai wrote:A year and a day of studying? What exactly is tht? Could yew message me details on it. I think I would benefit greatly from something like that.
Rebooting an old topic to add my tuppence. Year-&a-day is a historic custom used by mystery schools, religious houses, magical lodges whereby a novice prepares for initiation with a year-long study of the "Faith". You learn the jargon, foundational beliefs, basic history & get a sense of the calendar rythym the group adheres to. You would do this by reading introductory level books as suggested elsewhere. You should definitly learn the daily maintenance practices of grounding, centering and shielding & counted-breathing meditation.

And speaking of meditation it helps to focus our attention on something rather than trying to quiet the mind by not thinking. The mind doesn't ever really shut down but we learn to control it's wanderings by focusing. If I said "don't think of elephants" you couldnt NOT think of an elephant. To quiet the mind means to control it vigilantly again and again and again. Centering is a good way to meditate.

Operational Craft basics could be divided into related trios & each trio expands on the energy-management theme. Spending a month on each wouldn't fill a whole year.
- Grounding, centering & shielding (these 3 repeat in various forms in our rites & spells)
- Sensing, raising & directing energy; know how to raise & project energy
- Creating sacred space, circle casting, benefits of a balanced altar arrangement
. Learn how to perform a simple circle ritual - a year-&-a-day is ample time to learn in

Religious basics could be broken down to:
- Primal Mother Goddess 🌒🌕🌘and Horned God🦌 concepts represent in Nature
- Developing your relationship with Deity
- calendar holidays full Moon 🌕 & Samhain 🎃, Imbolc 🦔, Beltane 🌻, Lammas 🍞
- Moon phases Correspondences

Concentrate on sensing energy rather than buying tools
Keep a record of any spells that you have read & want to try
Use your physical senses to enhance observational skills & your psychic senses will follow

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Re: A Year and a Day: What Should You Study?

Post by Corbin »

Get out in natural surroundings on your own a lot, with no time constraints, without thinking a lot - let thoughts simply come and go - and just observe and enjoy nature. Pause. Practice breathing.

Notice and enjoy the simple things. Recognise the things you don't enjoy or like and gently peel them away until you understand the core of why you don't.

Then take that placid observation and apply it to the buzz of everyday life; become a consciousness of observation, an actor not a reactor. Wake up to the world.

While books may educate us or inspire original thought they are wheat and chaff - developing discernement is more important and it is nature which informs us. You can't teach spirit, you've got to stretch out.
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Re: A Year and a Day: What Should You Study?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Replying to an old post
FoundMyCalling wrote:I decided to start my year and a day of studying, but I would really appreciate the help you could give. I also have some questions. :

General advice -
. Break topics down to individual parts as you read.
. Simplify what you read & make it manageable. Jot down notes.
. Get more than one author’s opinion.
FoundMyCalling wrote: What books would be best to start reading for beginners? :

. See the book review sub section http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum/forum154.html
. Thea Sabin’s Wicca for Beginners because it has techniques to build a good foundation
. Carl McCollman’s Before You Cast a Spell is a reality check
FoundMyCalling wrote: Is it okay to do spells and rituals during the year and a day of studying? :
Yes. Study is more than reading, it is also doing the lab work. As you learn circle casting you also practice grounding, centering, visualization, raising & projecting energy which are also needed to do spells. There are a few different ways to create sacred space with and without circles. Try them out and learn how you respond to each method & which gives you the most assistance & support in your spell work.
FoundMyCalling wrote: For meditation I could go outside but there is snow and it gets cold fast, would it be okay to meditate inside? :
We can meditate anywhere. Do the grunt work of tidying an indoor space. Outdoors you want to remove anything you’d trip on or get hit in the eye with. This is like cutting wood and carrying water - monotonous tasks that open the way. Then meditate within the area you plan to use for ritual working before you set up your magical altar. Get a feel for the energy of the place and project positive, loving energy to prepare it.
FoundMyCalling wrote: What websites would you recommend to learn more about Wicca? :

EUTM has much to offer. I like the friendliness here. Wicca’s just one form of the Craft. Blogs are good research for a wide range of opinions. There’s no single way to approach or practice the Craft.
FoundMyCalling wrote: Do you know a good way to meditate? :
Meditation is focusing & holding your attention more or less in a receptive state. It’s not quieting the mind so much as holding it in one place. Give the mind something to focus on. Candle gazing is a simple method. Focus on the flame. Observe it. Really look at the flame and it’s multicolored dance. When your thoughts wander just return attention to the dance. Practice 5-10 minutes at a time.
. To aid meditation: Touch tips of thumb & index finger to aid concentration; Touch tips of thumb & middle finger to aid centering; touch tips of thumb & ring finger to aid grounding.
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