Help figuring out Goddess?

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Help figuring out Goddess?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I am very new to all of this (I used to study this a long time ago, but at the time, I was only reading about the "Lord and Lady". I have now really, really switched gears as I am finally old enough to know what I believe). I am/was looking to work specifically with Brigid, as I always felt close to her and I actually use her fire for protection (or at least, I try to. I'm so new to this, I probably shouldn't even try that without knowing how to properly do it. It's hard to explain what I do). Whenever I do, I get very, very, very hot and my right hand burns in a good way.

Does anyone else work with her? And any other Celtic deities? I'm wanting to learn more about them.

And how do I know if she's the one who is talking to me? Or what is going on? I want to learn.

Thank you!
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Re: Working with Brigid

Post by Lillady »

In Celtic religion and Irish mythology, Brigit or Brighid (exalted one) is the daughter of the Dagda and one of the Tuatha Dé Danann. She was the wife of Bres of the Fomorians, with whom she had a son, Ruadán.

She had two sisters, also named Brighid, and is considered a classic Celtic Triple Goddess. She is a woman of poetry and also of healing. Many compare her looks to that of two-face in batman as one side was not so pretty and the other very comely. The meaning of her name was Breo-saighit, a fiery arrow. Brigid was associated with perpetual, sacred flames, such as the one maintained by 19 nuns at her sanctuary in Kildare, Ireland. The sacred flame at Kildare was said by Giraldus Cambrensis and other chroniclers to have been surrounded by a hedge, which no man could cross. Men who attempted to cross the hedge were said to have been cursed to go insane, die or be crippled. She is also sometimes known as Brigit of Kildare and Mary of the Gael.

Miracles during Brigit's lifetime were commonly recorded by those who had witnessed them or had some relation to a person who had. In Saint Brigit's case, most of her miracles were related to healing and domestic tasks usually attributed to women. If Brigit wished or predicted something to occur then it came to pass. A few examples of her miracles are described below.

When Brigit was of marital age, a man by the name of Dubthach moccu Lugair came to woo her. Since Brigit offered her virginity to God, she told the man that she cannot accept him but to go to the woods behind his house where he will find a beautiful maiden to marry. Everything that he says to the maiden's father will be pleasing to them. The man followed her instructions and it was as she said.

Several of Brigit’s miracles occurred on Easter Sunday. On this day, a leper had come to Brigit to ask for a cow. She asked for a time to rest and would help him later; however, he did not wish to wait and instead stated he would go somewhere else for a cow. Brigit then offered to heal him, but the man stubbornly replied that his condition allowed him to acquire more than he would healthy. After convincing the leper that this was not so, she told one of her maidens to have the man washed in a blessed mug of water. After this was done, the man was completely cured and vowed to serve Brigit.

On another occasion, Brigit was travelling to see a physician for her headache. They were welcomed to stay at the house of a Leinsterman. His wife was not able to have children that survived except for two daughters that had been dumb since their birth. Brigit was travelling to Áth with the daughters when her horse suddenly startled, causing her to wound her head on a stone. Her blood mixed with the water here. Brigit then instructed one of the girls to pour the bloodied water onto her neck in God’s name causing the girl to be healed. The healed sister was told to call her sister over to be healed as well, but the latter responded that she had been made well when she bowed down in the tracks. Brigit told the cured sisters to return home and that they also would birth as many male children that their mother had lost. The stone on which Brigit had injured herself cured any disease of the head one had when they laid their head on it.

One of the more commonly told stories of St. Brigid was when she went to the King of Leinster to ask for land to build a convent. She told the king that the place where she stood was the perfect place for a convent. It was beside a forest where they could collect firewood and berries. There was also a lake nearby that would provide water and the land was fertile. The king laughed at her and refused to give her any land. Brigid prayed to God and asked him to soften the king’s heart. Then she smiled at the king and said “will you give me as much land as my cloak will cover?” The king thought that she was joking and because Brigid’s cloak was so small he knew that it would only cover a very small piece of land. The king agreed and Brigid spread her cloak on the ground. She asked her four friends to hold a corner of the cloak and walk in opposite directions. The four friends walked north, south, east and west. The cloak grew immediately and began to cover many acres of land. The king was astonished and he realised that she had been blessed by God. The king fell to the ground and knelt before Brigid and promised her and her friends money, food and supplies. Soon afterwards, the king became a Christian and also started to help the poor and commissioned the construction of the convent. Legend has it, the convent was known for making jam from the local blueberries which was sought for all over Ireland. There is a new tradition beginning among followers of St. Brigit to eat jam on 1 February in honour of this miracle.

It was also said that once an elderly woman appeared at her door begging for food and Brigit turned her down as the only piece of food she had in the house was a dish of butter. The old woman replied to Brigid saying even that would do. When Brigid turned away from the door she saw on the table three dishes of butter. It seemed that the lord had rewarded her for her kindness

Brigit also performed miracles that included curse elements as well. When on the bank of Inny, Brigit was given a gift of apples and sweet sloes. She later entered a house where many lepers begged her for these apples, which she offered willingly. The nun who had given the gift to Brigit was irritated by this saying that she had not given the gift to the lepers. Brigit was angered at the nun for withholding from the lepers and therefore cursed her trees so they would no longer bear fruit, rendering them barren. Yet another virgin also gave Brigit the same gift as the nun, and again Brigit gave them to begging lepers. This time the virgin asked that she and her garden be blessed. Brigit then said that a large tree in the virgin's garden would have twofold fruit from its offshoots, and this was done.

After Brigit promised God a life of chastity, her brothers were grieved at the loss of a bride price. When she was outside carrying a load past a group of poor people, some began to laugh at her and others were displeased with her choice. A man named Bacene said to her, "The beautiful eye which is in your head will be betrothed to a man though you like it or not." In response, Brigit thrust her finger in her eye and said, "Here is that beautiful eye for you. I deem it unlikely that anyone will ask you for a blind girl." Her brothers tried to save her and wash away the blood from her wound, but there was no water to be found. Brigit said to them, "Put my staff about this sod in front of you", and after they did, a stream came forth from the ground. Then she said to Bacene, "Soon your two eyes will burst in your head" and it happened as she said.

So there is a bit of background on Brigid. I hope that helps you relate to her even more. Sounds like you already have with the hand becoming hot instances.

Here is a list of other Celtic deities :

I hope this information helps you. I have never worked with Brigid myself but have heard many glorious things from people who have. I personally work with Isis for the most part and sometimes Bast and Hecate. Blessed Be.
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Re: Working with Brigid

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Really? So the hand being hot is something? I just keep having dreams about her, and I haven't even started working with her, except for using the idea of her 'fire' for protection.

Thank you so very much for this information, though! I will read through all of this as soon as I can! I have a friend over, so I was just checking in really fast. (:
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Re: Working with Brigid

Post by Lillady »

You are very welcome Addie. Good luck Blessed Be.
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Re: Working with Brigid

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I'm not sure if it is her or not... I just really want to know how to contact and find out who is speaking to me. It's very hard for me to meditate, so I'm really not sure what to do. ):
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