My very first Altar (:

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Rowan Fae

My very first Altar (:

Post by Rowan Fae »

Merry Meet,

This is my very first altar. I just recently moved to Cali and I decided with the move I would reinvent myself and express my religion more. With this being said I put my altar in my bedroom window which has a Lemon tree outside it.

This Altar has parts to represent me and my fiance.


These cups have water in them, the things in front the two glasses symbolize me and my fiance. Moonstone for me and carnelian for my fiance, also 2 celtic rings male and female. In the red box I have herbs and select stones, the bluish-purplish tin is a lavender candle and the glass peice its on holds all my wrapped stones and magickal jewelry.


On the right side: I have a Fae tarot deck, Celtic Wisdom sticks, a dragon, a cat to represent Bastet, by the cat for Bastet I have a fae stone to give offerings to the fae, a bottle of my family name, a green malachite and Egyptian necklace my fiance has had since the age of 3. Then some stones and other small things.


On the left side: I have isis oracle cards, a runes tarot deck a painted bottle, 2 ankhs, 2 necklaces hung from the bottle one mine (the green aventurine) and one my fiances (carnelian), a honey calcite, a wax honey bear and then some other a sorted items (:


Let me know what ya think (:

I hope you have a blessed day
Rowan Fae
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Re: My very first Altar (:

Post by AnnaKaterina »

Very interesting dear ~ love your collection of stones ;)
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Re: My very first Altar (:

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Oooo, windowsill altar, how lovely!
Rowan Fae

Re: My very first Altar (:

Post by Rowan Fae »

Thank you so much (: and its a high window (:

I hope you have a blessed day,
Rowan Fae
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