Any spells for levitation that work?

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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by North Star »

Draguakale, did you read the part where it says 'speak ye little and listen much'? Just wondering...

Also, there is this:

The Witches' Creed, by Doreen Valiente

Many of todays students were introduced to the Wiccan Rede through poetry of Doreen Valiente (unfortunately some do not even realize this). Maybe you are not familiar with her work, Draguakale. I just had my creed and redes mixed up in my earlier post, so sorry. But here it is...

The Witches' Creed
Hear Now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was our destiny's pathway,
That now we bring forth into light.

Mysterious water and fire,
The earth and the wide-ranging air,
By hidden quintessence we know them,
And will and keep silent and dare.

The birth and rebirth of all nature,
The passing of winter and spring,
We share with the life universal,
Rejoice in the magical ring.

Four times in the year the Great Sabbat
Returns, and the witches are seen
At Lammas and Candlemas dancing,
On May Eve and old Hallowe'en.

When day-time and night-time are equal,
Whensun is at greatest and least,
The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned,
And Witches gather in feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year are,
Thirteen is the coven's array.
Thirteen times at Esbat make merry,
For each golden year and a day.

The power that was passed down the age,
Each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other,
Ere time and the ages began.

When drawn is the magical circle,
By sword or athame of power,
Its compass between two worlds lies,
In land of the shades for that hour.

Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by Ch4rmed »

Xiao Rong wrote:Yeaaaahhh ....... I'm just going to leave this here: ... tic-powers
Omg i laughed so much on this:):):) Xiao Rong you are crazy:)
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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by TheGirlOfSecrets »

I know people have already said this, but you shouldn't have to prove to anyone that you can do magick. It's your own personal 'thing' and to be honest I don't really share any of my spells with people. If you really want to, here are some spells but I don't know if they'll work ... /page.html
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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by Kassandra »

SnowCat wrote:I used to levitate people and things. I didn't use spells. I just did it.
:shock: SnowCat, you got some 'splainin' to do....

Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by amber12 »

Sooo is there a particular method anyone used to achieve levitation? That works with just trying to levitate yourself or one other person? Only one person knows I am a witch who is a witch themselves. Thanks
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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by p3nathan »

I don't believe we can defy gravity on this plane. We can fly via astral travel and I have floated and moved very light objects by working with air/wind (which is something I've always just been able to do since adolescence)... but other than that I believe we just have to accept the world we live in and this world happens to have gravity pulling at everyone and everything.

I'm not going to tell anyone it's impossible, but I am skeptical. Witchcraft is about working with the energies of nature, not defying them as many works of media suggest.
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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by valerian moon »

p3nathan wrote:If you would be interested in flying via astral travel, then I and probably many other uses could possibly help you with that.
:lol: LAUGHS!
idk, this was just funny to me.
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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by Xiao Rong »

Hellz yeah, Once Upon a Time! Too bad next episode is in a week ...
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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by p3nathan »

Alright guys, I think she gets the message. We're just mocking someone for kicks at this point.
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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by TheGirlOfSecrets »

Yeah, I agree p3nathan
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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by p3nathan »

Oh I'm not blaming anyone in particular, just the way the tone of the thread had turned. :)
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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by Obsidian »

If anyone isn't familiar with the movie The Craft (which is where I first heard of light as a feather stiff as a board), here's the scene showing how it's done.

I have done this at several sleepovers back in my day and we usually had good results. We did everything the girls do in the clip above. There were probably about nine of us around the girl we were trying to levitate. None of us had any magick experience- we were just curious kids. The first time we did it, the girl who was levitating ended up in and arch with only her head and toes on the ground. She was in this position for several minutes with nothing supporting her but her head and toes. This girls wasn't a gymnast or anything like that so I really don't see how she could fake levitation and stay in this pose. I therefore believe that it was the ritual that made this happen.

The second time I tried it, there were 3-4 of us around the person lying down. He ended up with everything except his butt off the ground. Again, he held this position for several minutes. I admit that it is possible to sit in this position for several minutes (although if you're not used to exercise you abs might be sore) but I honestly don't think this friend was faking it.

These are the two most successful attempts I've had with light as a feather stiff as a board. Interestingly, I have never been able to levitate even the slightest bit when this has been tried on me, even though in every group that I've tried this, I have been the only one to be remotely interested in anything paranormal. Therefore, if you are going to try this, I recommend trying both levitating someone and being the person who is levitated. Maybe you'll have more luck with one aspect than another.
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Re: Any spells for levitation that work?

Post by Obsidian »

I would have to agree. I know of a couple of similar exercises where the crux of the exercise is whether the person being lifted is thinking that they are heavy or light. You can even try it with two people. First, one of you lifts the other to gauge how far you can lift this person in normal circumstances. Then, the person who is being lifted thinks about being very heavy, like a boulder. Immovable. When they are ready, you try to lift them again. You should find that you cannot lift them as high as you did the first time. You can repeat the exercise with the person being lifted thinking that they are light as a feather and see how much higher you can lift them.
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