When Can I Start Casting Spells, & What to Cast First?

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When Can I Start Casting Spells, & What to Cast First?

Post by QuestionableEnergy »

So as reading other post I am wondering if I should cast a spell yet. Obviously something simple..However I havent been studying very long (3-4 months)..is there an amount of time? I feel confident, however my eagerness is because I am a see to believe type of gal...It there any suggestions on what type of something that I can do?
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Re: Can and or when I should cast?

Post by Klia »

There shouldn't be a time limit, but I understand you want to feel that it is the right time. You don't want to jump into something without the knowledge and experience. But the best knowledge is experience! I would start off small and simple, like you said. Some people are picky on who can cast a spell - obviously these people feel they are in this religion just for the witchcraft. But don't forget, it's an opinion. If you feel you are ready, then go for it. Also, it will only help you learn and understand the Craft better. You may become much closer to Wicca/Paganism through spells than not.

Let me know how it goes!
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Re: Can and or when I should cast?

Post by Heartsong »

I think everyone has that desire at some point, haha, seeing your spell in action. :)

And Klia is right, experience is one of the greatest teachers. Why not try a protection spell for yourself or your home ? Perhaps even a spell to draw positive energy to you, like luck or love?
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Re: Can and or when I should cast?

Post by QuestionableEnergy »

I have been kind of excited to do this! I have been doing energy exercises before I started to study, but now kind of ready to move on to something a little more challenging to me. I am only hesitant to do so because of the balance. I do not want to throw anything out of place that shouldn't be. But I am encouraged by all of you and how well this forum has helped me! Blessing to all and good thoughts your way!
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Re: Can and or when I should cast?

Post by TheGirlOfSecrets »

How do witches cast spells? Chaos witches believe there are no rules. Ceremonial witches, on the other hand, have a complex and rigid set of rules. Most witches are somewhere between the two extremes and describe themselves as elemental, natural, eclectic, white, black, or a host of other names. But for all of them the important part of casting spells is the same: not the spells themselves but living your daily life as a witch. It is also important to distinguish between spells and ceremonies or rituals. That said, praying to a deity and building a relationship with her or him is a very simple form of spell casting used by most people. So, how do witches cast spells? The most important part of any spell is intent, or goal ...(witchscrolls. [EDIT LINK EXPIRED]). The rest of the spell is meant to direct energy toward your intent. As for the tools you should select, that’s what correspondence tables (found in virtually all Books of Shadows) are for. Some examples of tools are incantations (spoken spells), candles, herbs, stones, oils, and many others. Do keep in mind that “how do witches cast spells” may not be the appropriate question.

Hope that helps, blessed be!
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Re: Can and or when I should cast?

Post by QuestionableEnergy »

The relationship I have been building has been great. I am usually a very realistic and straight forward type of person. I would take everything very personal even if it wasn't the intent. Since meditating and educating I have found an amazing inner peace. I have had family members ask what I am doing different, they can tell I have a change in my behavior. Not because I am ashamed but I am sort of in the broom closet because of family's beliefs.
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Re: Can and or when I should cast?

Post by DPhoenix »

If you want to 'ease' into magick then I recommend incorporating it into every day activities until you feel more comfortable with more formal spells & rituals.

For example, you can consecrate a broom (aka besom) and when you sweep the house visualize yourself sweeping away negative and dormant energy.

When you cook, look up the correspondences to the ingredients you're cooking with and focus on those energies while you prepare your food. For example, if you're baking an apple pie focus on love & abundance as you mix & prepare it.... Focus on it for your family or whoever eats it.

You can pick up some unscented body wash, soap or lotion and add specific essential oils to them. You can add cleansing oils to your soap or body wash & protective oils to your lotion. So as part of your daily ritual, you begin the day cleansing yourself of what I like to call 'cosmic slime' then use the lotion as psychic protection for the day.

There's a lot of different things you can do to ease yourself into the craft. Magick is more then just spells & rituals.

Hope that's helpful & Good luck! :)
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Re: Can and or when I should cast?

Post by QuestionableEnergy »

DPhoenix I like your reply..and it makes sense..specially in the path I am taking...Thank you for your input! MAny blessings to you all!
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Re: Can and or when I should cast?

Post by dreadedpsychopomp »

If you understand the basics, know what you need or want, and are willing to deal with the way it unfolds, time isn't an issue IMO. Someone can study for years and not be ready, or be ready very quickly. It depends on you and who you are. :)
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Re: When Can I Start Casting Spells, & What to Cast First?

Post by SpiritTalker »


When you can answer your own Q re: what to spell for then you’re ready to start; and if you can’t write your own statement of your intent you aren’t focused enough for it to work.

It’s a good idea during Spell preparation to cast a simple circle - draw power on the breath to the gut, sprinkle lightly salted-water 🔄, light incense, point-&-push👉🏼 to cast↩️. No summoning. It dissipates when walked through. And that’s OK.

Candle Spell - white candle, olive oil, salt, water
. Ground & center yourself at your work station.
. Purifying mixes: add 3 small pinches of salt to 1/4 cup water; 🙌🏽 bless it with power to remove all harm; add a pinch of blessed salt to a tbsp of oil & bless it to hold a psychic charge.
. Cleanse a candle by sprinkling it with lightly salted water.
. Set Intention aka “charge” by dabbing oil on the candle & spread from middle to ends <~=~> (to repel) or from ends to middle -~>=<~ (to attract); draw power on the breath to the gut, state the intent as you push power through your hands 👏🏽 to set intent. Intent is mandatory, rhymed incantation is optional; Say only the results you expect.
. Set 🕯 in a holder & light the wick. Gaze at the 🔥 until you feel the intent in your gut.
. Let the candle burn itself out.

To do a room by room cleansing carry the candle (prepared as above) to each area & repeat the intent/incantation once. Lift the candle toward each cardinal direction 🔄. Start & end at north. Repeat in each room. Return to your workspace & let the candle burn out. Dispose of spent stub 🚮.
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Re: When Can I Start Casting Spells, & What to Cast First?

Post by Coven »

I'm reading a book called Mastering Magick: A Course in Spellcasting for the Psychic Witch (Mat Auryn's Psychic Witch, 2).
It's a book of exercises , just the kind of book I like . I'm gathering ingredients for the first spell right now .

Also reading Mat Auryn's other book Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation (Mat Auryn's Psychic Witch, 1) ~ which is another book of exercises .

I like workbooks .
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