Your worst Spirit experience

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Your worst Spirit experience

Post by Tylluan »

So what's the worst experience with spirit/shadow people/ghosts/demons you've had?

I was born and grew up in a house haunted by the spirit of a man who didn't want us there. Many frightening things happened over the years. I am one of 4 children and it seems the more of us who turned up the more nasty he became. The most frightening thing that happened to me was having my head thrust through a glass window in the front door. I was waiting by the front door in readiness to open it for my parents who'd just pulled up outside. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and I knew that 'he' was behind me. Next thing I felt pressure on the back of my head as my head was forced through the window of the door. Luckily it was safety glass and it fell away easily leaving me with just a few cuts. My parents thought I'd tripped or something and didn't want to admit that the house was haunted. It was only years later when we all spoke about it that we realised we'd all experienced similar things like doors shutting behind us, things going missing, hearing our name being called while alone in the house, feeling watched and the undeniable behaviour of our dogs who were restless and nervy in the house. My young brother also fell from an upstairs window, luckily he was fine and landed in a shrub but we never did work out how he managed at such a small height to climb onto the window sill and open the locks!

Because of my experiences in that house I joined a paranormal investigation group to learn more but I've never experienced anything like I did in that old house. Unfortunately the current owners aren't interested in an investigation.
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by AutumnMaidens »

Worst? Well when I was younger we moved around a lot, and we usually lived in very old houses so there were often a lot of spirits hanging around, but the worst experience was probably when I had my aura lifter.

I was abused at school by my teachers and fellow students and was to ashamed to tell my parents in the beginning. Because of this I became pretty depressed but than the depression took a turn for the worst, I felt sad the entire time, couldn't sleep, when I did sleep I had horrible nightmares, I lost my memory and whenever I was happy I would get these horrible visions... in short, something was going on. Luckily for me my parents felt something and they send me to a reincarnation therapist. She helped me identify my own energies and other energies.
During my work with her the visions got worse and the nightmares were pretty much robbing me of what little sleep I got. Than my body started being taken over, I would faint and wake up somewhere else with no memory of what happened. I would hold onto happy feelings but could feel other energies make me sick. My therapist saw that what was weighing me down was going to end up hurting me alot more. She helped me cleanse my own energy and get rid of the aura lifter, I met her face to face. She was crying and showed me what happened to her in a past life. She begged me to stay with her because I was so 'warm' and she had been so cold and alone for so long. If my therapist had not been there I would have envited her to stay only because I could feel the heart wretching sadness she was feeling.

We helped her cross over, all that remained for me was this emptiness, she showed me how to cleanse my aura regularly. After this most of the 'symptoms' had stopped. After that I had one more situation where I could feel another energy trying to take over mine, I used a mirror to cleanse. It was one of the scarriest ordeals I have ever been through.

Luckily this hasn't happened to me since then and if I have anything to say about it, it won't happen again.

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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by Tylluan »

Good grief that does sound awful. You are clearly very strong (though you may not feel it) to overcome such alot and at a young age.

Can I ask what the cleansing with the mirror involved?

Thank you for sharing
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by AutumnMaidens »

The mirror cleansing? Well I used a round mirror and looked into it, I saw my face, than I concentrated on this foreign energy and slowely I could see this shadow appear around the edges of the mirror. I held onto the sides of the mirror and called it forth, demanded it show itself to me, than I could feel ther mirror turn icy cold and I called to it to remove itself from me, that it was not welcome, than I held my eyes open on the mirror till the shadow became bigger and bigger than I threw the mirror face down on the floor and it felt like all darkness had fallen from me. I felt so weak after so I did a charging and asked the mother for protection. I kept the mirror covered with a black cloth untill the full moon when I cleansed it.

I did a goddess protection chant each night for the comming month to protect myself.
Aura lifters are very scary experiences because they are often not recognised and diagnosed as depression or anger management problems, and often the spirit in question only attaches itself because it looks for energy and warmth. I am very glad for the help that was given to me and I hope that I'll be able to help others who have the same problem.

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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by Clester Wraith »

Usually, all of my spiritual encounters have been positive, since I strive to deal with good ones as often as I can, but there have been a couple that I didn't like:

-My bathroom was haunted by a spirit that seemed to consist of only rage. It lasted for a while before I finally recognized and banished it.

-My house was haunted by something for a while. I set up wards that would expel any negative entity from within the premises, and it was never heard from again. That was unnerving, because I now am curious what it was doing here, since I didn't actually have any problems with it, and was just setting up wards for general protection from "evil".

-I believe I irritated a spirit of relatively immense strength for a while. I'll not name it, since it doesn't seem to want me to, but it messed with my perception of time (or perhaps my own subjective time stream) for a week and a half. Things that were supposed to take a couple minutes would take a half hour, days slipped by without my realization, and my patience apparently vanished, as short periods of time seemed to last for hours and hours. Eventually I apologized to it and stuck a deal, and it hasn't bothered me since.

-The worst experience though was when I visited my dad's house last fall. While I lived there, I set up elementary wards and spiritual safeguards, protecting the property and encouraging life and happiness. It is out in the country, and the area was beautiful when I was there, so I wanted to protect it. When I left, the spirits came with me, and I guess my wards deteriorated. I didn't think it was necessary to keep them up. I figured the place would be fine if I was not there to attract spiritual activity, since it was a forest and thus resplendent with energy and power. I was wrong.

My stepmother is probably the cause, since she has lost her mind and has been getting more destructive in her delirium lately, calling to more spirits of entropy. She always hated that property anyway, more of a city dweller I guess. Regardless, the effect was visible. I could feel a dearth or power in the place I once treasured as a cornucopia of life and vigor. The land was tired. There was no color, when just a few years prior that place would be glowing with reds and yellows and purples during the autumn changes. It felt like the entire ravine was dying, and I couldn't help but feel that my stepmother caused it.

That was the worst spiritual experience I'd ever felt. It wasn't a grave encounter with a mighty force. It was loss. It was the lack of spirits that made the experience terrible. They are a necessary part of our world, and without them everything is bitter, dead, and gray.

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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by DaughteroftheGodess »

i remember, i was a sleep in my bed..i was 10 at the time. i slightly woke up (like not fully asleep but not fully awake ether) and i felt this hevyness in the room, it felt black and it filled the whole room till i could hardly breath. (i was fully awake at this point.) i could feel something coming closer,but i couldnt see anything. all of the hairs on my body stood on end, i knew something was about to happen. i felt a hand wrap around my right ankel and i got yanked out of bed. i had a hardwood floor in my bed room and my parents heard me fall...they just thought i fell out of bed, and i said nothing about it. the next morning i look at my right ankel and there were bruses on my ankel that looked like fingers had wraped around my ankel hard. it burned like it was on fire for a few days...and then it went away. to this day i cant sleep with any part of my body off of the bed it scared the hell out of me.

Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by Charlemagne »

I have had a number ...

this one was about 130 am about 3 yrs ago ... i was out alone on foot making my way to certain distination to accomplish something that i was morally against. i was moving fast but quietly, there was a full moon so while it was out in the middle of no place i could see well.

i was crossing a rail track (funny i looked both ways! something my mother taught me!) but put my hand to the track to inderstand if a train was within 20 miles ...

i stood up ... then i distinctly felt a hand to my shoulder (as if a guy i was teamed with was behind me and touching me to point out a hazzard or danger ahead) but i sensed to being as malicious even laughing at me.

i had but a half mile to go but around a number of bends and across a small creek then i had to pass some abandoned buildings.

i got to my destination in 20 mins but as i relaxed in safety ... i realized i was in a bad place and had to get out, what i was doing was wrong and i knew it. (not illegal! just wrong)

i know it is boring but it had an impact on me ... out there alone in the quiet darkness.
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by katara »

i had a terrible experience about ghosts and demons.
it happened last year. i was living in an apartment with 6 other people and the 1st month went okay until one night i saw a man walking across the room. i asked my roommate if he has a visitor but he said we were alone so i kinda freaked out. that didn't end there. it continued for one whole month! there were several times when i can see someone walking in the ceiling UPSIDE DOWN! and the worst of all, the demon in our house possessed 4 of my friends. it even attempted to possess me but my friend who is psychic led me out of the house and we went somewhere far. i remember being really mad and sad for no apparent reason. i can't talk and i can hear my friends asking what was wrong because i looked really mad but i was smiling a malicious smile. then my friend pinched me and i snapped back to my normal self. after leaving the house, the same thing happened to one of my roommate and the unfortunate thing is that no one noticed it. he started to look like he was gonna kill someone then he started crying. we left that house.
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by Hazel Moon »

I had many unpleasant experiences in the house I grew up in. But one of the worst I ever experienced happened when I was around three years old.

We had just moved into a new house, the one I grew up in. That place was haunted by something. I don't know what, but it definitely wasn't a positive entity. I remember sensing something bad on day one, and I was afraid to sleep by myself because of the negative energies I was picking up on.

My mother let me sleep in bed with her, and for a while everything was alright. But sometimes I would hear laughter late at night, waking me up as I slept beside her. It was a very deep, dark, demonic laugh, one that kept getting louder and louder. I put my hands over my ears, curling in a ball and just trying to block out the noise. But that didn't help. It would go on for several minutes before finally fading away.
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by YanaKhan »

My worst Spirit experience wasn't exactly mine. A friend who passed tried to communicate with me through my daughter. I was quite scared at the time, because she was having dreams about a person she didn't know and was telling me things he wanted me to know. Eventually he stopped and I don't think she remembers, so all good.
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by SpiritTalker »

I haven’t had any mishaps with spirits - they’ve usually been helpful - but I’ve had some funny experiences. While visiting a friend at her new house the “Former Resident” poked her face between us & made faces, so I told her “don’t be rude.” The surprised expression on the ghost’s face made me laugh. The confused expression of my unaware friend also left me in giggles so I had to explain. And at a family reunion I’d had to excuse myself to keep from laughing because a recently passed relative was making snarky comments about aunt so-n-so who was gossiping.

My bad experiences are with visions - it’s like I’m there. Ex. Apollo 13, the Manson Murders, the Edmund Fitzgerald sinking.
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by SapphireRoad »

SpiritTalker wrote:My bad experiences are with visions - it’s like I’m there. Ex. Apollo 13, the Manson Murders, the Edmund Fitzgerald.
Sorry for your flashbacks full of creepy emotions, but I find it fascinating. How do you view the Mansonic events? To what point is it leading you?

My worst spirit experience is with spirits in flesh.
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by SpiritTalker »

Unable to comment.

Edit - ok I thought about it & would say the vision of the LA-area murders by the Manson “family” was a lesson on hanging on to my own sanity when madness reigns. And that was preparation for awakening when everything seems backwards, upside down, lies turn out to be truth and what was truth is discovered to have been lies. Y’know, modern times. :roll:
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by SnowCat »

The events detailed in The San Luis Valley thread.
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Re: Your worst Spirit experience

Post by Firebird »

I believe Spirit said Manson and not Mason.
Having had lived right down the road from the Spahn Ranch, We would get real creeped out exploring the creekbed near the ranch it just felt terrible like all this residual energy was lingering in the area all around there.
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