What kind of empath am I?

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.

What kind of empath am I?

Post by Jericho »

I can sense people's feelings and thoughts towards an object or person by just observing them for a few seconds. Sometimes I can see their thoughts through their eyes.
Often, I would get really overwhelmed by large crowds, like an overload of mixed energy in my head. I can also sometimes sense bad energy whenever I go into a store or a certain place.
What kind of empath am I?
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Re: What kind of empath am I?

Post by Tylluan »

I dunno if you find out let me know, I have the same. I also feel physical ailments a person has. It's not just in person too I can get it over the internet, anywhere there is a live feed. Personally I've found its made me really good at customer service because I have what other people call 'an uncanny knack' of reading people.

Learning how to ground has been a huge help, and learning if the emotions I feel are due to me or my surroundings.

If you ever struggle with it let me know and I'll try to give you advice if you wish. It seriously can be a gift but doesn't always feel that way.

My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring. And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze. For above and around me the wild wind is roaring. Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.

Re: What kind of empath am I?

Post by Gabrielem »


I would like to think that you are just a very strong empath. One with an ability to also see someone's emotions or what they might be stemming from. As far as the overwhelming I would advise to make sure you are strong in focus and mental strength before you try going out like that. Make sure you can sustain a shield. And when you do get it up, don't let your emotions bring it down. Blessed Be

Re: What kind of empath am I?

Post by EyeOfIsis »

Maybe you have a mix of empathy and telepathy. Usually, empaths only sense emotions, while telepaths can sense or read people's thoughts. You might just have a combination of both gifts :)
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Re: What kind of empath am I?

Post by Zili »

Eye of Isis would be correct in this case it is a mix of telepathy and empathy.

I'm the same way and so is my boyfriend a large number of pagans actually are.
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Re: What kind of empath am I?

Post by FireQueen »

Ditto telepathy/empathy.

I'm similar and sometimes even sense thoughts/emotions remotely. :D

I've had to learn how to mirror and shield because at times it can be overwhelming and confusing.... ie are the emotions I'm feeling mine or am I sensing someone else's?

Brightest blessings.
No one in the world can alter truth. All we can do is seek it and live it.

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