All About the Hearth

Make your own oils, incense, dream pillows, teas, aromatics, magickally charged bath salts, candles, soap, yummy pagan holiday treats, and more!
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Alura Noel
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Re: All About the Hearth

Post by Alura Noel » ... t2279.html - By Cheshire

For another list of Remedies go Here.

For some Herbal Remedies Recipes, go Here.

Kitchen Remedies
Apples - In brandy for coughs (mix pureed apples with brandy and use as cough syrup), digestive disorders.
Basil - Stops excessive vomiting, good for poultices for insect bites.
Bay Leaves - Expels gas from intestines and bowels, eliminates cramps.
Caraway - Useful for colic in infants boiled in milk or water, good for digestion, poultice for bruises.
Carrots - Liver, kidneys, expelling worms, poultices for boils and ulcers (external) - eaten raw, made into tea or juiced raw.
Cauliflower - Reduces blood pressure.
Cayenne Pepper - stimulates digestion, aids absorption of food nutrients, reduce fevers, pain relieving for aches and pains
Celery - Nervine, neuralgia headaches and rheumatic disorders.
Chamomile Flowers - Teething babies, colic, upset stomach.
Clover Blossoms - Blood cleansing, quieting to the nerves, bronchial problems, whopping cough and cancer.
Coconut - Laxative, Colon Cleanser.
Cranberries - Fevers, kidney disorders, gas, UTI
Dandelion Root - Liver Problems.
Dates - Stimulates nerves, laxative, improves circulation.
Eggs - Builds muscle and bones.
Elderberries - Sore throats, colds and cough.
Figs - Blood circulation, nourishing, laxative, syrup of figs for coughs and sore throats
Garlic - Sore throats, high blood pressure, colon cleanser
Ginger - Sore throat, sugared for nausea.
Graham Flour - Builds muscle.
Grapefruit - Weight loss, fevers, eliminate mucous.
Grapes - Blood builder, upset stomach, fevers and rheumatic disorders, eliminates mucous from body - eat grapes whole or drink juice.
Honey - Take by the tablespoon for asthma, digestion, sore throats, coughs, intestinal mucous, laxative.
Horse Radish - (Eat - not for tea) Nerve stimulant.
Juniper Berries - Urine stimulator.
Lemons - Aids in nausea, blood purifier, rheumatic disorders, laxative, weight loss.
Lettuce - Insomnia, restlessness, upset stomach.
Marjoram - Coughs, sour stomach, spleen problems, insect and snake bites, dropsy, jaundice, toothache, headache, indigestion.
Olive Oil - Skin, anemia, weight gain.
Onions - Mucous, coughs and colds, nervousness and sleeplessness.
Oranges - Upset stomach, fever.
Parsley - Difficult urination, dropsy, jaundice, fevers, obstruction of liver and spleen, expels gallstones, poultice applied to breast will dry up milk.
Peaches - Blood purifying.
Pears - Laxative.
Pineapples - Weight reducer, sore throat, upset stomach
Plums - Liver, laxative.
Prunes - Laxative, mucous eliminator
Red Raspberry Tea - Laxative, removes cankers from mucous membranes, stops diarrhea in infants, allays nausea, helps prevent miscarriage, reduces labor pains.
Rhubarb - (Fruit Only) Laxative and blood cleanser.
Rice - (Brown) Diarrhea, weight gain.
Rosemary - For colds, nervousness, headaches, mouth wash.
Sage - Stomach problems, gargle for sore throat expel worms, stops bleeding gums, good for liver and kidneys, removes dandruff (rinse hair in sage tea), will dry up milk in mothers when drunk cold.
Sauerkraut - Indigestion, weight loss, reduces high blood pressure.
Spinach - Blood cleanser, reduces swelling of piles.
Strawberries - Diuretic, fever reducer.
Thyme - Suppresses menstruation, fevers, good for nightmares, reliable nervine, asthma. With equal parts of sage and rosemary will break the fever of flu.
Tomatoes - Liver remedy
Turnips - Stimulant, blood cleanser
Violet - Headache
Watercress - Rashes, anemia, blood cleanser.
Wintergreen - Kidneys, stomach upsets, headache, rheumatism, colic in the bowels, gargle for sore throat, also good for poultices for inflamed area and boils. The tea can be used as a douche for vaginal discharges.
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Alura Noel
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Re: All About the Hearth

Post by Alura Noel » ... dences/p/2

A Kitchen Witch's List Of Planetary Correspondences for Cooking
Many people use planetary influences in their spellwork and Kitchen Witches need be no different. Simply choose your ingredients according to their influential planets. You may also want to choose the timing for your magical meal based on planetary days and hours. I am only including the 7 "classical" planets here because Neptune, Pluto and Uranus are problematic. They do not have many associations and those they have are rather loose. Further, none of them have anything the other 7 don't.

The Moon
Moon foods are juicy, cooling, soothing and lightly fragrant. These foods are useful for astral travel, dream work, clairvoyance and exploring emotions and the subconscious. They are also useful for treating illnesses related to hormone imbalances, "feminine" issues, and the lymphatic system. Moon foods are also appropriate offerings to Moon deities and may be served at lunar observations. The moon's element is water and her day is Monday.

Some Moon foods include: • Anise • Banana • bok choy • Cucumber • Egg • Grape • Lemon • Lentils • Lettuce • Mushrooms • Plantain • Potato • Raisins • Rosemary • Sage • Water

If you are a victim of a love spell, a Mars meal might help loosen the bind. (Mars neutralizes Venus) Mars is also useful for increasing strength and courage. Its energy is very male. In healing, Mars foods are used to increase the sex drive, to purify and strengthen the blood and to reduce inflammation. Mars foods are often spicy hot and/or red in color or come from prickly plants. Mars's day is Tuesday.

Some Mars foods include: • Artichoke • Asparagus • Carrots • Chives • Ginger • Mustard • Onion • Spinach • Watercress

Mercury foods have a zing and a sharp scent. Plants have leaves that are finely divided. Mercury rules over communication and travel. Prepare a Mercury meal to share with someone you are having trouble communicating with or to get ready for a long trip. Also for communicating over distances, astral travel and communicating with the dead. Mercury foods are suitable offerings to Gods of communication and travel and Underworld deities and find a place at the table during festivals honoring the dead. Mercury's day is Wednesday.

Some Mercury foods include: • Almonds • Anise • Bamboo Shoots • Beans • Celery • Dill • Lavender • Licorice • Oregano • Pecan • Turmeric

Jupiter foods are nutritious and satisfying leaving one sedate and happy. These foods enhance magical intentions focused on politics and law as well as faith and religion. Jupiter supports healing of the liver and digestive system as well as alcoholism and other additions and eating disorders. These foods help increase optimism and opportunity. Jupiter foods can also be used to help neutralize Saturn influences. Jupiter's day is Thursday.

Some Jupiter foods include: • Allspice • Anise • Broccoli • Buckwheat • Cloves • Dandelion • Eggplant • Licorice • Millet • Nutmeg • Sage • Zucchini

Venus foods have a rich, strong fragrance and are delightful to the senses. These foods find their place on our tables when working to increase love and romance in relationships and also fertility. Remember that Venus comes from the same root as Vino, wine, and include a fine glass at your table. Venus energy can also be used to neutralize the energy of one who would attack you (Venus neutralizes Mars). Venus's day is Friday.

Some Venus foods include: • Alfalfa Sprouts • Apple • Apricot • Avocado • Banana • Barley • Blackberry • Brazil Nut • Cardamom • Cherries • Grape • Oregano • Pears • Plantain • Raisins • rose petals • Strawberries • Sweet Potato • Tomato • Vanilla

Saturn energy is useful for breaking hexes and also for breaking bad habits, increasing self-discipline and accepting rules and boundaries. Saturn's day is Saturday.

Some Saturn foods include: • Amaranth • Anchovies • Beet Greens • Cheese

The Sun
The sun is associated with the element of fire. Sun foods are warming and relaxing or are made from plants that resemble the sun in shape and color. The sun's energy is male in nature and provides prosperity and protection. Use Sun foods for protection, job-seeking, money drawing and other prosperity magic. Sun foods are also appropriate offerings for Sun deities and should be served at festivals in celebration of the sun! The Sun's day is … Sunday.

Some Sun foods include: • Calendula • Cashew • Chestnuts • Cinnamon • Corn • Cornstarch • Dandelion • Oranges • Rice • Rosemary • Saffron • Zucchini


Planting by the Moon


A Wildcrafting Chant
This I gather with a grateful heart
For the Earth I will do my part
Thank you plant for giving this gift
In your honor my voice I lift

~ Juniper

Here are the simplistic guidelines.

Full to Waning Moon ~ plant bulbs and root crops

Dark to Waxing Moon ~ plant those plants that reseed themselves

Waxing to Full Moon ~ plant those plants that produce seedpods and berries

Downhill Slide of Waning to New Moon ~ do not plant during this period; this phase is for tasks such as weeding, pest control, etc.

For those who want a more complex/in-depth method, the following gives you tips for planting according to what sign the moon is in.

For the most effectiveness you would want to coordinate the above times with the times below.

That means the absolute best time to plant root crops would be when the moon is between full and waning and in Taurus.

Moon in Aries ~ no planting, ideal time to harvest herbs you wish to dry

Moon in Taurus ~ plant root crops and fertilize all plants

Moon in Gemini ~ no planting, harvest root crops and herbs, flowers cut now will last longer, dry flowers

Moon in Cancer ~ plant leafy crops and those that bear fruit, cut back plants to encourage growth

Moon in Leo ~ no planting, till soil, fertilize, weed, pest control

Moon in Libra ~ plant flowers, ground cover, and vines

Moon in Scorpio ~ seeds planted now will quickly germinate, prune plants to encourage growth of leaves or flower buds

Moon in Sagittarius ~ no planting, harvest, cultivate soil, cut plants back for winter

Moon in Capricorn ~ plant rhizomes, bulbs, or stalk crops (e.g. mints, celery, rhubarb), prune branches to encourage future growth

Moon in Aquarius ~ no planting, harvest crops

Moon in Pisces ~ ideal time for transplanting

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Alura Noel
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Re: All About the Hearth

Post by Alura Noel » - ~ Collected and Tabled by Ara

Kitchen Witch Superstitions, Charms, and Remedies by Intent


mosaic vintage witch 4.jpg

The fragrance of Caraway is refreshing to the conscious mind. Sniff to enhance alertness and to strengthen the memory. To smooth an ongoing relationship, smell and visualize the two of you working out your problems and communicating.

Alertness and Memory
Rosemary promotes alertness and stimulates memory. Inhale occasionally during long car trips and while reading or studying.

Baby Teething Pain
Use 1 drop of Chamomile oil on a washcloth wrapped ice cube to relieve teething pain in children.

Osha Root can be used in charms and spells to protect against negative and/or evil spirits. This plant was revered by all Native American healers for it's powerful healing abilities. Used to treat respiratory and rheumatic complaints. Incredible butterscotch and celery scent permeates the room with magick. Smudge your kitchen with a sage bundle if you sense negativity. Salt water left out in the center of a room all night will absorb negativity. Wash it away with flowing water the next morning. If you are on a septic tank, either pour the water into the woods or into a body of running water. Braids of garlic, onions, or peppers make a lovely decoration for your kitchen and also ward off negativity. To keep away ghosts, negativity, unwanted guests and the evil eye - plant Lilies in your garden. To ward off evil spirits; on Halloween, hollow out Turnips and place candles inside. Put the lit turnips in windows or carry as you trick or treat! Mix Flax seeds with red pepper, put the mixture in a box and place it somewhere in your house.

It is considered unlucky in certain countries to wash a bread-knife on a Sunday, cut both ends of a loaf of bread, leave a knife stuck in the loaf, or take the last slice of bread. Accidentally dropping a slice of bread with the buttered side down is also said to be a bad omen; however, it is a good sign if the dropped bread lands with the buttered side up. If you and another person reach for the same slice of bread at the same time, an unexpected visitor will soon appear.

Business Success
Burn Benzoin with cinnamon for business success.

Cooling Bath
6-8 drops of Eucalyptus oil in the bath cools the body in summer and protects in winter.

Copper Polish
1 drop of Lemon essential oil on a soft cloth will polish copper with a gentle buffing.

Inhale Ginger before magickal rituals of any kind while you visualize the scent stimulating your physical body, to excite muscular contraction which will produce bioelectrical energy. Inhale Ginger and visualize to promote courage, confidence, aggression (needed for self-survival), purification and success on all levels. Because of its vibrant scent - it is best not to inhale before you go to bed, that is unless you plan on being up most of the night. Rub your hands on Columbine or carry it with you to induce courage and daring.

Apply true Lavender oil and Tea Tree oil directly to cuts, scrapes or scratches. 1 or 2 drops will promote healing.

Damaged Hair
Mash a ripe banana with a few drops of almond oil and massage into hair. Leave it for about 15 minutes. Rinse with soda water and then shampoo and condition.

With proper visualization, Take a whiff from the bottle, or place a few drops of Orange oil on a cotton ball or in a diffuser for self-purification, for transforming depression into peace- even happiness- and to produce an increase in energy for both physical and magickal tasks. *NOTE* Too much orange oil can cause an overwhelming desire to sleep. Inhale straight Lemon Balm from the vial, or place a few drops on a cotton ball to help relieve depression and calm raging emotions.

Dish Washing Soap
To add fragrance or to improve the antiseptic action of your liquid soap, add several drops of essential oils such as lavender, Melaleuca alternifolia, fir, spruce, pine, lemon, bergamot, and orange.

Dish Water
A few drops of your favorite oil or blend in the rinse water of your hand washables makes for pleasant results.

If you are engaged or wish to get married, according to an old belief once common in England, you should take care to never sit on a kitchen table, for this will break the engagement and also prevent you from ever being wed.

To bring fever down, sponge the body with cool water to which 1 drop each of Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Lavender oils have been added.

Flu Symptoms
When the flu is going around add a few drops of Thyme to your diffuser or simmer in a pan on the stove.
Forks, Spoons and Knives Fork ~ If a fork accidentally falls onto the floor, a woman will soon knock on your door; a spoon indicates the arrival of a gentleman. (In some parts of the world, the fork means a man, and the spoon a woman.) Unexpected or unwelcome visitors are also presaged by the dropping of a knife that sticks in the ground and by cracks that form on the shells of eggs boiling in a pot of water.
Good News It is believed by many to be an omen of good news when baked apples burst while in the oven, or when the salt and sugar are accidentally mixed up.

Hair Growth
Place 1 or 2 drops of Rosemary on your hair brush before brushing to promote growth and thickness.

1 drop Peppermint oil diluted in 1 teaspoon vegetable oil rubbed on the back of the neck helps to relieve headaches

Home Protection
Bells or wind chimes hung from the doors guard against intruders and stagnant energy. Hang them where the air currents can ring them. They will set up movement in the air and clear the psychic energy of your home. For your home, place a few drops of Vetivert oil in a diffuser or potpourri pot and visualize. This scent is great for the manifestation of increased money in your life. Simply visualize this needed change as you inhale this rich scent. Use it to anoint candles, money or charms for the same outcome. Hang the root in houses and/or gardens to protect the occupants against the ill effects of bad weather- especially helpful with hurricanes and tornadoes. Wherever a Palm grows, it protects the area from bad weather, and a leaf of the palm kept near the entrance keeps evil and strange creatures from entering. The Blackberry leaves, vines and berries, if grown, protect the home and all the inhabitants.

When cooking any type of food, add magick to your cooking by drawing an invisible pentagram inside your pots and pans with you finger, a wooden spoon or another utensil. This guards the pan and the food, ensuring its wholesomeness.

Legal Matters
Celandine aids in escaping unwarranted imprisonment and entrapments of every kind. Wear the herb next to the skin. Need to solve a crime? If it's been committed in the past year - bury a piece of leather in a bed of Lilies and your clues shall arrive.

Smell the scent of Rosemary while you visualize a long, healthy life. When you need to clear your conscious mind- inhale the scent. Place a few drops on a cotton ball and keep it next to you when you are studying and have to memorize the material- sniff often. When you need to recall, smell the oil again and the information will make itself available. A child passed through the branches of a Maple tree will have a long life.

Lost Items
If you've lost something, burn Stillengia and follow the smoke to its hidden place. Sesame has the power to discover hidden treasure's, reveal secret passages and open locked doors. Hence the infamous magical command, "Open Sesame!"

With visualization, use in love rituals, either by inhaling or by anointing candles with Jasmine to enhance a current relationship or to draw one to you. Simply inhale the soothing scent of Jasmine to lift your spirits, remove depression, still nerves and silence worries. The uses for Jasmine far outweigh the heavy price tag for pure essential oil. A Lily can be an cure-all for a love spell. Simply wear or carry a fresh lily. This breaks love spells which have been cast involving a specific person. Carry of buds of Balm Of Gilead in an orange cloth/sachet to attract a new love and/or mend a broken heart. You can also seep them in wine to make a simple love infusion - share the charged wine with the one you love. To see a glimpse of your future love. Wear a piece of Goldenrod before you lie down to sleep. When you awake you will have a vision of them. Worn, Elecampane attracts love; you can sew some of the leaves or flowers in a pink cloth - or you can make a sachet. Use Pear wood for magickal wands. Dance beneath a pear tree on your birthday to invite love into your life. If you have a lover or admirer who will not leave you alone- place a plate of Turnips in front of them. They'll finally get the hint. Grind Columbine seeds down to use as a love perfume- rub on your hands and body to attract love. Eat Parsley to promote fertility and lust. If you are already in love, don't cut Parsley as you'll cut your love as well. If you are recovering from a broken heart- carry the blossoms around in a sachet to help your heart mend. Use Violet with Lavender to make a powerful love sachet. Indian Paint Brush is a powerful love-attracting herb. Add to lavender, rose petals and orris root for a super-charged love sachet. Take via a flower essence for a creative push- you can also burn the herb as an incense for the same effect. Rub the root of Trillium on your body to attract love. Aphrodisiacs: Love philters and aphrodisiacs should always be prepared during the waxing of the moon.

Place dried pineapple into a yellow or orange sachet and add to your path to attract good luck and fortune to you. If no dried pineapple is available - add the juice to your bath. The branches are used as magical wands for spiritual healing, learning, good luck and fortune. If Goldenrod springs up suddenly near the door of your home, unexpected good fortune will soon shine upon the family. Place several sprigs of Parsley into your bath to stop misfortune.

Lunar Calendar
A witch's kitchen should never be without a lunar calendar or chart showing the phases of the Moon and its movement through the wheel of the zodiac.

Inhale the scent of Lemon Balm while visualizing yourself allowing money back into your life. Inhale the scent as you visualize money being drawn to you. See, feel, and hear what having the money can do for you and release those thoughts into the Universe. Put Honeysuckle flowers around green candles to attract money. Anoint High John The Conqueror root with some mint oil and tie up in a green or purple bag to attract needed money. Leave a jar of Sesame Seeds open to draw cash into the house. Replace the seeds every month. Place a few Flax seeds in your pocket, wallet or purse to attract money. You can also put flax seeds and some coins in a jar - place on an altar or area of importance. Repeat each day to bring in money. Place money next to a Briony root and as long as that money stays near the root - money will increase. Use Maple leaves in love spells and money rituals. Add the dried peel or flesh to money sachets, spells, incense or oils to draw financial satisfaction to you. A spot of Flax seeds in your shoes will fend off poverty. Money will soon come your way if any of the following things should occur: bubbles appear in a cup of coffee, you accidentally knock over a sugar bowl, rice forms a ring around the edge of a pot, or tea leaves float to the top of the cup. Slip some Orange Bergamot leaves into your wallet or purse to attract money. Rub fresh leaves onto money before spending it to ensure its return. Use Blackberry leaves in wealth spells. To bring money to the household- add a few Fenugreek seeds into the mop water before you mop the floor. To keep money coming into the home, half fill a small jar with Fenugreek and leave the jar open- adding a few seeds every couple of days until the jar is full. When it's full, dump out the jar and return the herb to the Earth. Begin again by adding the Fenugreek to the jar. Carry around Trillium in your pocket, attached to your purse or in a orange sachet to attract money and luck.

Mood Enhancer
Inhale Sandalwood before a religious ritual and/or meditation to create the proper mood. With proper visualization, the scent of Sandalwood can be used to stimulate sexual activity. In cases of emotional or mental sexual dysfunction, this aroma can effect a cure. To speed healing, add a few drops of Sandalwood to your bath water and visualize its aroma and energies doing their work.

Essential oils of Juniper, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Lavender, Carrot, Fennel, Rosemary and Lemon help soften the effects of a hangover. Make your own blend of these oils and use a total of 6-8 drops in a bath.

Peaceful Home
Put a few drops of Rose in a diffuser to spread loving energy throughout your home. The scent will calm domestic problems and instill peace and happiness. Inhaling the scent is helpful to the psychological impotence in men and may increase sperm count. Inhale the scent and visualize its energies leading you into a mutually satisfying emotional relationship. Sprinkle Purslane around your home to spread happiness throughout. Scatter Masterwort about to make spirits appear. Bury a Dandelion in the NW corner of a house to bring favorable winds.

Essential oils or blends make wonderful perfumes. Create your own personal essence; Add 25 drops to 1 oz of perfume alcohol and allow to age two weeks before using.

Personal Purification
Use Lemon Balm's crisp and clean scent during a weekly personal purification ritual. Inhale Juniper and visualize to detoxify the body and for internal purification. The scent can also be used for helping you to eat correctly, exercise and think positive. Place Juniper in a diffuser, to purify your home and to protect it from negativity. For individual protection- inhale Juniper and visualize its energies guarding you from danger and negativity.

Physical Energy
Inhale Lemon to activate the body and dispel sluggishness. Smell first thing when you awaken as an aromatic substitute for a cup of coffee. Inhale to maintain health as an add on to conventional medical treatment. Visualize its energies strengthening your body as well as your mind. For an illness- feel the fragrance fighting off the infection. For a wound- visualize the scent encouraging cell growth and the resultant healing. Drop a few drops into a diffuser to fill your home with vibrant and pure energy. Molasses is super high in Iron and potassium. Tastes terrible but once a week, put a tablespoon in a half a glass of milk (or soy milk), and drink it down. It will keep you feeling fine and energized and won't upset your stomach like regular Iron pills do. Doing this is great when your pregnant, getting older, or just run down. Sniff Black Pepper for when you need to sharpen your mental faculties and energize the body. It is also beneficial when you need to stay awake- especially when driving.

Physical Health
Pine is a wonderful aroma that can speed the healing of your physical body. Inhale in conjunction with treatment or place a few drops in the sickroom. For purification, especially during the winter months, inhale the scent of Pine and enjoy. Better yet, grab some pine needles- crush them, and enjoy the fresh and vibrant scent. This oil also speeds healing when used with visualization and of course, proper medical treatment. Smell the scent at least once a day while you visualize your body in a healthy, healed and whole state. Physical Health: Inhale the fresh, healthful-like scent of Eucalyptus to maintain or regain your health. Add a few drops of Eucalyptus to a diffuser or potpourri simmer to purify and heal a room or house of negative psychic energy, particularly when people have been engaged in emotional, physical or mental abuse. You can also smell the crushed fresh leaves or fresh seed pods of Eucalyptus to induce health and to speed the healing process. A vase of leaves is helpful in a sickroom. Pine is a wonderful aroma that can speed the healing of your physical body. Inhale in conjunction with treatment or place a few drops in the sickroom. For purification, especially during the winter months, inhale the scent of Pine and enjoy. Better yet, grab some pine needles- crush them, and enjoy the fresh and vibrant scent. Inhale the scent as you visualize money being drawn to you. See, feel, and hear what having the money can do for you and release those thoughts into the Universe. Wear Masterwort to gain physical strength- especially good for laborers and athletes. Inhale the fresh, healthful-like scent of Eucalyptus to maintain or regain your health. Add a few drops of Eucalyptus to a diffuser or potpourri simmer to purify and heal a room or house of negative psychic energy, particularly when people have been engaged in emotional, physical or mental abuse. You can also smell the crushed fresh leaves or fresh seed pods of Eucalyptus to induce health and to speed the healing process. A vase of leaves is helpful in a sickroom.

Alfalfa can be used in spells involving prosperity, money and to ward off hunger. Carry the dried seed-pod of a Poppy as a prosperity amulet.
Protection Inhale the aroma of Vetivert while visualizing a protective field sealing you from negative energies. For your home, place a few drops of Vetivert oil in a diffuser or potpourri pot and visualize. This scent is great for the manifestation of increased money in your life. Simply visualize this needed change as you inhale this rich scent. Use it to anoint candles, money or charms for the same outcome. Grow Angelica in the garden for protection. Fill a jar with Cactus spines, rusty nails, old tacks, pins, and needles. Add rue and rosemary leaves to fill the jar, seal tightly, and then bury under your doorstep as a powerful protective device. Place two drops of oil onto a cotton ball. Strongly visualize a psychic force surrounding you so powerful (like a mini tornado), that it knocks away all incoming negative energy. Merge and solidify this scent and visualization into your conscious mind for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat once a day for a week. When danger threatens- recall the scent and the visualization. You can carry Balm Of Gilead for protection and for healing purposes. Carry Elecampane for protection. Tuck some Parsley into your clothes for protection. Place on a plate with food to protect against contamination. Mix Flax seeds with mustard seeds and place next to your bed for protection while you sleep. Wherever Cyclamen is grown, no evil spells, hexes or negativity can take hold. Carry Knotweed to strengthen and protect the eyes.

Psychic Awareness
For psychic awareness, put a few drops of Bay Leaf Oil on a cotton ball. Sit comfortably in a chair or on the ground. Relax your body and push the busyness from your mind. Inhale the scent. Visualize your conscious mind letting go of your psychic mind. Allow the odor to engulf your mind and body. Once you've made a connection between the two halves of your mind, discover what you need to know. Burn the Stillengia root to develop your psychic powers. Especially helpful before you use divination. Smolder the herb on charcoal for the sharpening of psychic powers- especially when scrying.

Inhale Juniper and visualize to detoxify the body and for internal purification. The scent can also be used for helping you to eat correctly, exercise and think positive. Place Juniper in a diffuser, to purify your home and to protect it from negativity.

With visualization, use in love rituals, either by inhaling or by anointing candles with Jasmine to enhance a current relationship or to draw one to you. Simply inhale the soothing scent of Jasmine to lift your spirits, remove depression, still nerves and silence worries. To induce sexual desire in both yourself and/or your partner, inhale the aroma of Jasmine with visualization to stimulate the mental, emotional and physical responses needed to have a fulfilling sexual experience. The uses for Jasmine far outweigh the heavy price tag for pure essential oil. Inhale Palmarosa oil during love-attracting spells while you visualize the outcome you desire. Make sure you focus your intent and remember to bring no harm to none.

Take a Lavender bath once a week to induce health maintenance- add nine drops to your bath water while you visualize good health. Lavender is associated with spiritual love as its power seems to lie in that it can reprogram our conscious mind on the way we think about love via our chakras. Inhaling this scent with proper visualization lets you send out signals to others on your need for love. Inhale to induce peace and put depression at bay. It also calms stormy or uncontrolled emotions by centering and controlling our conscious mind with a shot of reality. Rub on the temples to rid yourself of a headache. The oil of Bergamot soothes frazzled nerves and over stressed bodies. Sniff a Lemon! Researchers have found that a property in lemons called linalool will reduce the activity of stress genes.

Rid Negativity
Wear Bay Laurel as an amulet to ward of negativity and evil. Inhale Neroli while you visualize the scent burning away negative thought patterns, harmful habits and other misuses of your energy and mind. Beans can be used to charm away the evil in a person. In Ancient Rome, they were given to people at funerals to help bless the dead. Beans are carried to ward off negative energy and evil. Used in rattles to scare off spirits, very potent when ridding evil spirits that have taken a living form hostage. To cure warts, rub dried beans on them while saying, "As this bean decays, So wart, fall away." Inhale Juniper and visualize its energies guarding you from danger and negativity.

Sexual Appetite
Inhale the luxurious scent of Cardamom to increase your sexual appetite. For love- inhale and visualize yourself in a mutually beneficial relationship. It's important to create this image in your conscious mind to allow cardamom to stir your unique energies. After you inhale- put the thoughts aside to allow your charged power to go out and do its work. Let cardamom's spicy scent clear your conscious mind to new heights in unexpected ways. Inhale Neroli while you visualize your physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and psychic connection with the person you will be intimate with. Not an aphrodisiac, but calms the conscious mind and smooths the path to mutual satisfaction. Burn Lavender flowers to attract the opposite sex. Wear the flower of Gardenia to attract love, new friends and lovers. Dry and crush its petals, mix with ground orris root and light dust your body to attract the opposite sex. Add a half-handful of Dill seeds to your bath water to attract the opposite sex to you. Use in sachets, sprinkle under the bed to promote conception and raise sexual passion. With proper visualization, the scent of Sandalwood can be used to stimulate sexual activity. Eat a Pear to induce sexual arousal or add dried pear to a red sachet to attract a love partner. Eat or carry Dates or pieces of Palm leaves for an increase in fertility. The pits are carried for men who wish to regain sexual potency. Drink pineapple juice to help with impotence and/or to keep your lusting loins from getting you in trouble.

Shoes can be freshened by either dropping a few drops of Geranium essential oil directly into the shoes or by placing a cotton ball dabbed with a few drops of Lemon oil into the shoes. Athlete's foot? Tea Tree works great!

At night, take a few deep whiffs of Chamomile to induce sleep. During the day, smell this herb to promote peace and to remove the effects of stress and tension. For meditation- if you have trouble slipping into the proper state, smell Chamomile to reduce tension and facilitate meditation. Inhale Bergmont, the scent to produce a restful, relaxing sleep. Lay Purslane on the bed before you fall asleep to prevent nightmares from invading your rest. Place 1 or 2 drops of sleep enhancing oils such as Chamomile, Lavender or Neroli on your pillow before retiring for restful sleep.

Spiritual Love
The flowers of Jasmine attract spiritual love.
Spirituality This wonderful woody scent is excellent to promote spirituality. Inhale the soothing aroma of Cedar before any religious rituals to strengthen your connection with the Divine. You may also inhale Cedar to bring yourself into balance. Smell the fragrance and visualize yourself as centered, calm and in control of your life. Inhale Frankincense to achieve a heightened sense of awareness of the spiritual realms or to deepen any religious experience. The aroma also helps to reduce stress and tension by pointing out that our lives revolve on many realms- not just the physical. The scent also calms the physical form and awaken the higher conscious. Use before meditation. **NOTE** Placing undiluted Frankincense directly on your skin can cause irritation.

Thinking About You
If your apron comes untied by itself and falls off while you are working in the kitchen, this is generally seen as a sign that someone is thinking about you. Some say that it means your sweetheart is having romantic thoughts about you at that moment.

Clove does wonders to tooth aches. You can find toothpaste with tea tree oil and clove oil. If you can find the old fashioned candy Clove Gum rock- you can pack and place the gum easily on the tooth, or you can use straight clove oil. Just be sure to cut it with olive oil or vegetable oil or it will burn.

Inhale the oil of Cypress to find strength and comfort through transitions of all kinds - especially through the loss of friends, loved ones or the endings of relationships.

Carry Comfrey while your traveling to ensure your safety. Put some in your luggage to make sure it arrives at your destination.

Trouble is indicted by the accidental omission of spices from a recipe or by the spilling of salt. Be prepared for an argument with someone if you should happen to spill pepper on the kitchen table or floor. (According to occult tradition, these bad omens can be remedied by simply adding the spices, and by tossing a pinch of salt or pepper over your left shoulder, respectively.) It is also said that if two persons stir the same boiling pot or sit together on a table, they will soon find themselves involved in a quarrel.

Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a cotton ball and place it in your vacuum cleaner bag. Lemon and Pine are nice. Rose Geranium helps with pet odors.

1 drop of Lemon essential oil applied directly to a wart is an effective means of elimination. Apply the essential oil daily until the wart is gone.

Place a few drops of Geranium oil on a cotton ball and inhale when you are weak and most likely to get ill. As you inhale the aroma, visualize peace spreading through your body as it dissolves depression and uplifts your world weary soul. To help gain control over your own life and/or to guard your home against outside negativity- place a few drops of Geranium Oil in a diffuser to allow the scent to spread throughout your home.

Vinegar leaves windows shining. But nobody said your house needs to smell sour like vinegar. House Cleaning In a spray bottle mix: 1 cup White Vinegar 10-15 drops of Lemon oil Water. Mix vinegar and water and essential oil in a spray bottle. Shake well before each use.
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Re: All About the Hearth

Post by Alura Noel » ... -practice/

Tips on Creating a Home-Based Practice - Summed Up

Gather Your Tools

1) Make a list of things you’d like to use in your practice. Go through your kitchen/home and check off the items on the supplies list that you have. Now look at the items you do not have and decide what you think you can substitute or do without and what you may have to buy or borrow. Once you have what you need, it may be a good idea to give everything a quick wash and put it all away in an organized manner.
2) Keep an eye out for your hearthstone, as this is a family symbol, you may want the family to join in on the hunt. Stones can be found or bought. A great place are aquarium stores that well sell large pieces of attractive stone, such as rose quartz, for a surprisingly low price.
3) Once you have your wooden spoon you may want to start preparing it to be made into a ritual kitchen tool. Make sure to wash and thoroughly dry it once you bring it home or dig it out of the kitchen drawer. You may want to find a special place to store it, or find a piece of fabric or a towel to keep it wrapped up in. You can start planning how you want to personalize it while still making sure it is a useable and washable working tool.
3) Once you have a plan for how you want to make your new spoon special, go for it!
4) You may bless, dedicate, or do anything you feel the need to do to help make your spoon special to you.

Ready Your Recipe Book

1) Find a book for your recipes and notes. Make it yours by beatifying it as you please. Do keep in mind that any book in the kitchen needs to be practical first and cool looking second! Once you are happy with it, take a picture (if you can) share it with us.
3) A few ways to decorate your recipe books or cards: Paint stencils, stamps, scrap booking, sketching, trying and using clip art and pretty fonts, cutting out pictures from magazines or newspapers, to name a few!
2) You may bless, dedicate, or do anything you feel the need to do to help make your Hearthcraft book special to you.

Creating a Kitchen Safety List

1) Make some time to sit down and think about what kind of kitchen safety procedures are necessary for your home. Do you have kids, pets, roommates, perhaps elderly family members in the home you have to think of? Do you have young people in the home that may be learning how to cook? Are you on your own?
2) Printout or write up a kitchen safety list that is right for your household, post it up in the kitchen or place it in your Hearthcraft book.
3) Fire safety: Make sure you add baking soda and such things to your shopping list if you do not have them.
4) Print out, or write up, a list of tips on how to deal with a kitchen fire and find a place to post it in your kitchen or in your hearth craft book.
6) Will you make any changes to how you operate in the kitchen now? Why?

Dressing Up the Kitchen

1) Have a look at the Green Living Tips and make a list of ones you already do, and ones you would like to try.
2) Make time this week to clean your kitchen and hearth.
3) Before cleaning or while you're cleaning, try saying some prayers or chants.
4) Don’t just clean psychically; make a point of trying to clean out the negative energies in your home as well. Magically clean!
5) Give smudging your home a try, especially mirrors and windows.
6) Make a list of things you can do to make your kitchen more welcoming and comfortable.
7) Start planning and doing the little things you can to make your kitchen feel like a more special place.
8) Maybe try painting or decorating your kitchen with colors that match what you want.

Finding the Ancient Hearth in a Modern Home

1) Have a walk through your house, look at the places you find yourself the happiest in. Spend sometime in each area thinking about the good memories you associate with that area.
2) Choose what shall be your hearth. Is it the stove, the fireplace, a corner of the bedroom?
3) Begin planning how you want to signify that your chosen hearth is special.
4) Begin planning for your kitchen shrine. Think about any difficulties and ideas you may have. Perhaps you share a kitchen or need help keeping the cat off the shelf? Will your shrine need to be in a box and brought out when need, or can it become a permanent fixture in your home?
5) Gather some small items, like family mementos and items with sentimental value, go through them and select a few for your hearth shrine.

Gods in the Kitchen

1) Read through the list of household gods; are there any that spark some interest in you? Are there any hearth, home, family gods we missed?
2) If you do have a patron god or pantheon already, wonderful. If not, perhaps you should take some time to do further research into household gods and see if you may wish to honor one of them in your kitchen.
3) You do not need to be elaborate nor poetic to speak to a household deity. Next time you are home alone, strike up a conversation, out loud, with your chosen deity. Discuss chores and things about the home.
4) Once you have your shrine set up, you may want to make an offering to your chosen god. Milk and bread are common offerings. Ask for nothing in return, sometimes we forget to give with expecting a return.

Inviting Household Spirits

1) Think long and hard about whether you wish to invite a household spirit into your home. If you do, what kind would you want to invite?
2) Do you feel that there may be some sort of spirit in your home, or may have experienced something like that?
3) We will not be expecting you to invite a brownie right off the bat! Instead, once you have your shrine set up you may choose instead to pay respects to your ancestors. It is okay of you do not know who they might be etc, we all share common ancestors if you go far back enough, so you can think of them in terms of humanities ancestors of you are more comfortable with that.
3a) Once you have your shrine set up, start leaving something small in the dish ever night for the next week, and then once a week after that. A single cookie, a cracker, a cup of milk, a dinner roll, etc. When you do so, stop for a minute to ground and center.
3b) Then, speaking out loud if you can, say the words “This little offering I give freely to those who came before me, my/the ancestors who watch out for me.”
3c) Each morning remove the item and dispose of it with respect. Giving it back to the land is best if possible, but basically the spirit of the offering will likely have been taken and its no longer needed.

Shrine Creation

1) Make your shrine!
2) Once you are happy with your shrine, you may also want to invite any gods, ancestors and spirits as well and re-affirming your invitation to the hearth flame as well.
3) Then ask the invited parties to witness the blessing of your altar.
4) Smudge it with incense and sprinkle it with salted water. Saying in turn it is bless by Fire and Air, by Earth and Water.
5) Say a few personal words about your intentions to make your home a more magickal and spiritual place.
6) Say the words “This shrine is blessed!” with will and intent and joy.
7) Thank the invited entries and bid them farewell but not goodbye.
8) Allow the candle to burn itself out if possible.
9) Now do your best to spend a little time every day, even if its just a minute here and there, to stop and stand before your shrine. Think about what it means to you. If you have a patron or are searching for one, now is the time to acknowledge this with a few heartfelt words.
10) It is time to choose your hearthstone and to begin planning how you are going to decorate it. You will be painting or otherwise marking your hearthstone with a chosen symbol. Something that is personal, symbolizes your home, family and ancestors. A family crest, Clan motto or even a few chosen runes are all good ideas.

It’s the little things that count

1) Take a minute or two before each meal, either before you eat or before you cook, to thank the plants and animals for their sacrifice.
2) Say a blessing before each meal, even if it’s only a few words in your head.
3) Spend a little time thinking about where your food comes from, and if you could be a little more ethical and Earth friendly in your shopping practices.
4) When preparing food, try some magical cooking techniques.

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Alura Noel
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Re: All About the Hearth

Post by Alura Noel »

I thought this was interesting for people who plan on raising their kids the pagan way or whichever way you choose. Has some good advice on here for everyone. I know parenting is a very personal subject, so do whatever you feel is the best for you and your family!

I can't remember where I found this but here ya go

35 Tips on Being a Pagan or Heathen Parent


1) Keep it age appropriate and do what will work based on your kids maturity.
2) It’s not just about what you want to do or your spiritual path its about theirs too. So don’t be surprised if they wind up on a different path then you.
3) Make it fun and interesting for them.
4) Play lots of games and do lots of arts and crafts.
5) Keep rituals short don’t go longer than their attention spans.
6) Make time to be able to go away and do your own thing.
7) Don’t get upset if they don’t show as much interest as you wish they did. Don’t try to force it.
8) Have other interests and hobbies to share with them too.
9) Lead by example. Don’t just teach Harm None and the Noble Virtues DO THEM and then talk to your kids about how you live them.
10) Let them have their own shrine and decorate it however they want.
11) Read to them and with them and have them read to you.
12) Don’t get ideas in your head about how they will grow up to be amazing High Priestesses or anything. Just let them grow into who they will be.
13) Don’t live vicariously through them.
14) Don’t treat them like trophies to show off.
15) Monitor them and be a parent even at festivals and in ritual and stuff. The Pagan community is not your babysitter.
16) Take every learning experience available and use it.
17) Get outside with them as much as possible.
18) Go camping lots.
19) Have pets or friends who have pets. Take them to riding ranches and to volunteer to walk dogs at the SPCA and stuff. They can learn responsibility and have friends who are part of nature that way.
20) Let them pray the way they want to pray.
21) Tell the story about their Naming Day just like you tell the story of the day they were born.
22) Celebrate little things and big things together.
23) Find good role models and adopt some aunties and uncle in the community. Kids aren’t always going to want to talk to you or look up to you so they need other adults.
24) Educate them as best you can. School is important. Even if it’s home school or an alternative school.
25) Teach them to love to learn by loving to learn yourself in front of them. Get excited about learning new things.
26) Take them to museums and historical sites.
27) Tell them stories from their heritage like how great-great-grandpa came to Canada.
28) Teach them to be full of wonder and reverence for the Earth by being that way yourself.
29) Smile lots. Smile at them. Don’t let the stress of having kids make you frown all the time.
30) Go on adventures together.
31) Let them make their own rituals tools and get glitter everywhere.
32) Don’t put so much time and energy into your spirituality that you don’t spend enough time with them.
33) Remember your kids are more important than your gods and the gods are okay with that. Family always comes first.
34) Teach your kids to be proud to be Pagan or Heathen and not to hide it like a dirty secret.
35) Give a kid enough self-esteem, love, security, strength and smarts and the bullies won’t hurt them no matter how hard they try.

Some books about Pagan Parenting: ... renting%20

A Pagan Parents Booklist From a Heathen Single Dad
By Hedge member Daxton


More Pagan Books Here.

Big Mama Makes the World by Phyllis Root
Good Night, Fairies by Kathleen Hague
Celebrating the Great Mother: A Handbook of Earth-Honoring Activities for Parents and Children by Cait Johnson
Nature’s Art Box: From t-shirts to twig baskets, 65 cool projects for crafty kids to make with natural materials you can find anywhere by Laura C. Martin
Grandmothers’ Stories: Wise Woman Tales from Many Cultures by Burleigh Muten
Aidan’s First Full Moon Circle by W. Lyon Martin
Mother Earth by Nancy Luenn
Fireside Stories by Caitlin Matthews
50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth by The EarthWorks Group
Snowy White World to Save by Stephanie Lisa Tara
Pagan Parenting: Spiritual, Magical & Emotional Development of the Child by Kristin Madden
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv
Earthways: Simple Environmental Activities for Young Children by Carol Petrash
Who Were the Vikings? by by Jane Chisholm, Phil Roxbee, Struan Reid, and Phil Roxbee Cox
Story of the Vikings Coloring Book by A. G. Smith
The Saga of Erik the Viking by Terry Jones and Michael Foreman
Growing Up in Viking Times by Dominic Tweddle
Favorite Folktales from Around the World by Jane Yolen
Norwegian Folktales by Peter Christen Asbjornsen and Jorgen Moe
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales by Donald Haase
Folktale Themes and Activities for Children, Volume 2: Trickster and Transformation Tales by Anne Marie Kraus
Not One Damsel in Distress: World Folktales for Strong Girls by Jane Yolen and Susan Guevara
Mightier Than the Sword: World Folktales for Strong Boys by Jane Yolen and Raul Colon
Always Dad: Being a Great Father During & After Divorce by Paul Mandelstein
The Complete Single Father: Reassuring Answers to Your Most Challenging Situations by Elaine Fantle Shimberg and Michael Shimberg
The Pagan Man: Priests, Warriors, Hunters, and Drummers by Isaac Bonewits
Sons of the Goddess: A Young Man’s Guide to Wicca by Christopher Penczak
Pagan Themes in Modern Children’s Fiction: Green Man, Shamanism, Earth Mysteries by Peter Bramwell
The Pagan Family: Handing the Old Ways Down by Ceisiwr Serith
Nature’s Children: Celebrating the Seasons in a Pagan Family by Rachel Mayatt




Bedtime Prayers for Children

Now I lay me down to sleep,
Please help me learn my world to keep.
To guard the air and shies of blue,
The oceans, lakes and rivers too.
Save the mighty forest lands,
The plains, the shores, the desert sands.
Protect all creatures, wild and free,
In air, on land, and in the sea.

Day is done, it’s time for bed
Goddess bless my sleepy head.
In the morning, when the sun does rise
God will bless my open eyes.
Day is done, it’s time for bed
Goddess bless my sleepy head.
In the morning, soft or bright
God will bless my heart with light.

As I lay snuggled in my bed,
Pillow tucked beneath my head,
Maiden, bring me joyful dreams.
Mother, bring me peace, serene.
Wisest Crone, watch over me,
Until the light of dawn I see.
Brightest Blessings!!!

From the east unto the West
The Sun has traveled and has blessed us
I give thanks to this day.
For every Rock and every Tree
from the Desert to the Sea
The Moon will glow to let us know
That blessed we will be.

(this can actually be sung to the tune of Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose for anyone that knows it)

Mother moon and Father Sun
Now our day is almost done
Watch over me here where I lie
From your home up in the sky
Free will for all and harm to none
As I have willed it; It shall be done.
And now its time for me to sleep
Sweet dreams for all and Blessed be.

Now I lay me down to rest
I pray that all the world be blessed
Lady Moon and Sister Star watch over me from afar
Mother Earth is always there
And keeps me safe within her care
The Lord of Dreams will dance and sing
And happy dreams to me will bring
And when I wake to greet the day
Brother Sun will light my way.

The earth is big and fat and round,
I love the sky, the sea and the ground,
I love the birds and dogs and sheep,
And all the animals that fall asleep,
I love the flowers and rocks and trees,
I love the earth, and it loves me.

Now I lay down in my bed,
And pull the covers up to my head.
I’ll dream of dragons and fairies bright,
And pixies and wizards and elves tonight.
I’ll dream of some sort of magical place, and
Wake in the morning with a smile on my face.

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Alura Noel
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Re: All About the Hearth

Post by Alura Noel »

The Kitchen Witch - In Movies
by Dana Staves

There’s no small number of great food films out there, from the artistic to the quirky to the romantic and back again. It seems there’s no shortage of culinary goddesses to grace our screens, creating a new archetype of culinary heroine: the Kitchen Witch.

The Kitchen Witch is beautiful, charming, interesting, and sensual. She knows how to cook, and she can make weird things happen when she gets in the kitchen. Here’s a list of some of my favorite Kitchen Witches, ladies who will cast a spell while they cook and have you singing “Witchy Woman” in no time.

Jenna from Waitress

Jenna, played by Keri Russell, is in a crappy, loveless marriage and also happens to be a “pie genius,” creating magical, quirky pies like “I Hate My Husband Pie,” “Marshmallow Mermaid Pie,” and “I Can’t Have No Affair Cause It’s Wrong and I Don’t Want Earl to Kill Me Pie.” She finds herself pregnant and then falls in love with her doctor, who has a bit of a waitress fetish. She casts her spells in a pie plate, transferring her emotions into creative pies, drawing the world to her one slice at a time, changing her life along the way.

The Owens Women from Practical Magic

Really, what is a spell but a recipe in disguise? The witches in this film (actual witches, not just the kind I’m creating here) cook up everything from impromptu toast to midnight margaritas to memory-erasing syrup, along with spells for men who couldn’t possibly exist and protection for children. In the climax of the film, the witches pair with women from the town to cook up a soupy concoction to bind the soul of Jimmy Angelov to the grave and stop him from tormenting Gillian (Nicole Kidman).

Tita from Like Water for Chocolate

Tita, the youngest daughter of Senora Elena, is destined to spend her life taking care of her mother, and is therefore robbed of the man she loves, Pedro, and is made to cook for him after he marries her oldest sister, along with the rest of the family. Eventually, Tita discovers she has the power to transfer what she is feeling into what she cooks, and in this way, she is able to communicate with Pedro in secret, sharing her love through her food.

Amanda Shelton from Simply Irresistible

Amanda Shelton (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is a mediocre chef whose true culinary skills come out once she gets a magical pet crab helping her out in the kitchen. In this (let’s face it) light beer American version of Like Water for Chocolate, Amanda finds she can transfer her emotions into her foods, sending eaters on an emotional roller coaster, course by course. While this film doesn’t pack the punch that Like Water for Chocolate does, I do like Sarah Michelle Gellar in it. I liked her slaying vampires, and I like her making eclairs.

Vianne from Chocolat

Vianne and her daughter move to a very small, very Catholic town in France, and Vianne stirs up quite a bit of trouble with her chocolate shop. It’s not long before she’s doing more than just selling chocolate; through her sensual, intuitive brand of chocolate-selling magic, she brings down rage from the local priest as well as many families, and things go from bad to worse when she befriends a bunch of gypsies at the river and takes in an abused woman. But Vianne has a gift for knowing the right chocolate for the right person, proving that food is about so much more than just picking a flavor and eating it.

Ana Pascal from Stranger than Fiction

Ana Pascal bewitches IRS agent Harold Crick, coming into his life as he begins to hear the voice of a narrator who is telling the story of his life, including his pending demise. Ana not only casts a spell with a particularly good chocolate chip cookie, but then further seduces Harold with her foodie word sex (read as: list of recipes delivered in uber-sensual husky smoker’s voice). Through falling in love with Ana, Harold finds new reasons to live and makes his life matter more, ultimately saving him.

There are likely so many more Kitchen Witches out there. They’re probably my new favorite type of character – the kind that makes the kitchen a little bit sexy, a little bit scary, a little out of control. The kind that makes changes with food. The kind that casts a spell with flavor
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