Responding to Blessed May You Be

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Responding to Blessed May You Be

Post by Sercee »

Quote (Blessed May You Be from Super Shower thread):
I stopped trying to answer that question when I stopped being a Christian.

Forgive my intrusion but what kind of religion do you believe in now?
I'm Wiccan. Truthfully, I've always been pagan, I just didn't realize it. When I was 'Christian' I always asked too many questions, which got me in trouble a lot at church LOL. I made a deal with my dad when I was young that I could stop going to church after I finished confirmation. So I did and I stopped going. I realized I was pagan within a year or two and recently I've been actively learning. I know I'm on the right path now.
It's funny, too, that what I was Christian I didn't really believe that God existed, but now that I'm not I definately believe he exists. I just generally ignore that particular God!

I personally see it as the same God, whether X, Y or Z religion. I firmly believe that it's religions that dictate and personify the image of their "own" God. And of course religions are influenced by culture and ethnics. To be brutal honest with you, I think it's not wise to state that I believe in A, B or C God(s), for we human beings have still got much more to learn about God himself and that of course could mean A, B or C God(s) are exacly the same ones!
I agree with you that the main monotheistic/Abrahamic religions do that. I don't agree with all the others, and I'm not enough of a scholar to make a statement either way. However, while there are 'accepted' images of the deities that I work most closely with that doesn't mean they will manifest themselves in that form for me. As for which deities we should/shouldn't believe in, all we have as proof either way (for any of them) is past writings, assumptions, extrapolations and our own experiences. My experiences dictate (to me) that there is more than one deity out there, that we are all closely connected to them and are divine ourselves, and that the Christian God wasn't *my* God.

I don't presume to state that there are or are not Gods of certain names because I don't know how many of them are aspects, how many take on different names to relate to another culture, and how many of them are just plain false. But because I don't know, you don't know, none of us know, all I can do is state what has been true for me. And what is true for me is that they are not all the same, they are not all equal, and they do not all have our best interests in mind.
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Post by Sercee »

Again, I'm somewhat unaquainted with your belief system of many Gods. Hence what drives you to say "source". Being an open minded person I can only say that I find your concept very curious and feel inclined to learn more about it. I was pretty much brought up believing in only one God. I'm not saying that I never considered the possibility of people actually believing in multiple Gods, but I quickly dismissed it because the whole concept sounds very contradictory. If these Gods originate from a "source", what exacly is that source? I can only conceive it as being a superior God. And if there are many Gods in your religion system, does the devil exist at all? How many devils are there? Do heaven and hell exist?
The 'Source' is the divine energy that surrounds and fills all of us, every rock, plant, animal, person, soul. We are connected to eachother by it and can do wonderful things with it. It isn't a Goddess or a God, just energy, though a Goddess or a God is made of it. However, it's a lot easier to understand the nature of such a thing by personifying it, hence the idea of a 'supreme god'.

There is no such thing as the devil or satan in Wicca. That, as Enlightenment mentioned in the other thread, is a Christian idea. Good and Evil aren't dictated by God or the Devil, they are human choices and perspectives that have their own consequences. Also, the Satanist religion is actually an offshoot of Christianity - it was started by a bunch of people who subscribe to the Christian beliefs but felt that God wasn't exactly doing it for them. So they created a religion where they were allowed to enjoy themselves. Anyway, they aren't Pagan, just trying to get the idea of devil worship dismissed from this :)

There isn't really a heaven or hell - though some believe that after you've been reincarnated enough you'll transcend to a place like 'heaven'. Ie - the norse Valhalla. Also, between reincarnations some believe in a place called the Summerlands where your spirit rests until it's needed again. Anyway, the main point is that your spirit energy keeps going through the cycle again and again, learning every lesson there is to learn. :)
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

Here's my response to your questions also.

Enlightenment - We, as Pagans, are Polytheist which means we believe in GodS and not just one God like Christians (well most of us anyway). Some believe all their Gods and Goddesses are the same just under different names (but that still doesn't mean they think their God is the same as the Christian God), and others believe that each one of their Gods and Goddesses are truly individuals.

BMYB - Interesting. I'm completely new to this concept.

Enlightenment - Well glad I've opened a door for you, maybe.

BMYB - I personally see it as the same God, whether X, Y or Z religion. I firmly believe that it's religions that dictate and personify the image of their "own" God. And of course religions are influenced by culture and ethnics. To be brutal honest with you, I think it's not wise to state that I believe in A, B or C God(s), for we human beings have still got much more to learn about God himself and that of course could mean A, B or C God(s) are exacly the same ones!

I don't agree with you as you're saying we're all worshipping the same God. I think it would be better phrased is you would of said "we're all worshipping the same Source". There is only one Source, only one Divine, but many Gods/ess.

BMYB - Again, I'm somewhat unaquainted with your belief system of many Gods. Hence what drives you to say "source". Being an open minded person I can only say that I find your concept very curious and feel inclined to learn more about it. I was pretty much brought up believing in only one God. I'm not saying that I never considered the possibility of people actually believing in multiple Gods, but I quickly dismissed it because the whole concept sounds very contradictory. If these Gods originate from a "source", what exacly is that source? I can only conceive it as being a superior God. And if there are many Gods in your religion system, does the devil exist at all? How many devils are there? Do heaven and hell exist?

Enlightenment - Wow, lots of good questions there, some very hard to answer too, but I'll try my best.
I too was brought up Christian and only believing in one God, the concept of believing in many God/ess was hard to get my head around at first but after lots of Soul searching it made so much sense (unlike the Christian beliefs IMO). I was born Pagan, I just didn't know it at first, it took a while for it to "click" lol. It's just natural to me.
Anyway, "What is the Source?" you ask :D The best way I can answer that is, the Source/Divine/Higher Power/etc, just is. It's everything, it is the All in Everything. It's you, it's me, it's the rain drops, the clouds, the rocks and the trees, it's EVERYTHING. It always has been and always will be! It's indescribable in words, but it's where we come from and it's where we will return to. I don't see the Divine as an actual being or as a human form, I don't look at it as my God or Goddess, they are apart of it though just as me and you are. We all have the Divine in us but I don't go around calling others the Divine, if you know what I mean. This is why I said it's hard to explain in words and it's indescribable in words. When I was Christian I never gave the Divine a thought, now I'm Pagan (Wiccan) it's like "Gods, how could I have never gave the Divine a thought", you can't miss it lol, it's everything and every where. It really is true when they say "you see the Divine in everything". I can see that now, but never could before.

Next question, "Does the Devil exist and if so, how many of them?" Simple answer, the Devil is a Christian thing, not a Pagan thing. Nearly all Pagans will tell you the same - we don't believe in the Devil, never mind worship him lol. It's a Christian idea, not ours. So no, I don't believe in the Devil.

Your last question, "Does Heaven and Hell exist?" I personally don't believe in either. Hell because I don't believe in the Devil and that whole concept of Hell, the Devil, etc. and I don't particually believe in Heaven. I believe in Reincarnation, once we have learnt all lifes lessons and after being Reincarnated x amount of times until our lessons are learnt to the fullest we will eventually go to a place of rest, like Heaven I suppose, I just don't call it that. Heaven and Hell are opposites, just like Good and Evil, White Magick and Black Magick, I don't believe in that, only natural cycles of life i.e. birth and death, they come with an equal balance. A balance of Nature.

Hope thats answered some of your questions :)

You're Christian, are you looking to change your religion or stick with yours? Why are you looking to change, if you're that is?
~Blessings One and All~

***Knowledge really is Power***
Blessed May You Be

Re: Responding to Blessed May You Be

Post by Blessed May You Be »

Sercee wrote: I'm Wiccan. Truthfully, I've always been pagan, I just didn't realize it.
Since I'm also new to Wiccan, could you concisely define its meaning, its laws and belief principles. Since you've also been a Christian in the past, how does it differ? Why do you think it really works been a Wiccan and not a Christian?
I don't presume to state that there are or are not Gods of certain names because I don't know how many of them are aspects, how many take on different names to relate to another culture, and how many of them are just plain false. But because I don't know, you don't know, none of us know, all I can do is state what has been true for me. And what is true for me is that they are not all the same, they are not all equal, and they do not all have our best interests in mind.
Do you believe there's an interaction between all these Gods?
The 'Source' is the divine energy that surrounds and fills all of us, every rock, plant, animal, person, soul. We are connected to eachother by it and can do wonderful things with it. It isn't a Goddess or a God, just energy, though a Goddess or a God is made of it. However, it's a lot easier to understand the nature of such a thing by personifying it, hence the idea of a 'supreme god'.
In other words you believe the "Big Bang" created this "source", this energy. Were the Gods and other deities created after they came into existence as human beings, just like us, or did they come into existence as separate entities?
There is no such thing as the devil or satan in Wicca. That, as Enlightenment mentioned in the other thread, is a Christian idea. Good and Evil aren't dictated by God or the Devil, they are human choices and perspectives that have their own consequences. Also, the Satanist religion is actually an offshoot of Christianity - it was started by a bunch of people who subscribe to the Christian beliefs but felt that God wasn't exactly doing it for them. So they created a religion where they were allowed to enjoy themselves. Anyway, they aren't Pagan, just trying to get the idea of devil worship dismissed from this
What about souls? The paranormal? Do you believe such energies exist?
There isn't really a heaven or hell - though some believe that after you've been reincarnated enough you'll transcend to a place like 'heaven'. Ie - the norse Valhalla. Also, between reincarnations some believe in a place called the Summerlands where your spirit rests until it's needed again. Anyway, the main point is that your spirit energy keeps going through the cycle again and again, learning every lesson there is to learn.
What does Wiccan state about death? What happens after death? If Gods exist and are known to be omnipotent and ubiquitous or omnipresent, why wouldn't they create a heaven and hell? Wouldn't this be justice?
Blessed May You Be

Post by Blessed May You Be »

Enlightenment wrote: Anyway, "What is the Source?" you ask :D The best way I can answer that is, the Source/Divine/Higher Power/etc, just is. It's everything, it is the All in Everything. It's you, it's me, it's the rain drops, the clouds, the rocks and the trees, it's EVERYTHING. It always has been and always will be! It's indescribable in words, but it's where we come from and it's where we will return to.
I don't agree with this source being indescribable. This source you speak of is known as molecules, which are broken down into atoms, and further broken down into protons, neutrons and electrons (believe it or not these latter particles are even further broken down into smaller particles named quarks). It is a scientific fact. Everything in this universe is constituted from atoms, they are the building blocks of everything. But I conceed and acknowledge that you might not know this.
I don't see the Divine as an actual being or as a human form, I don't look at it as my God or Goddess, they are apart of it though just as me and you are.
I also believe in that.
We all have the Divine in us but I don't go around calling others the Divine, if you know what I mean. This is why I said it's hard to explain in words and it's indescribable in words. When I was Christian I never gave the Divine a thought, now I'm Pagan (Wiccan) it's like "Gods, how could I have never gave the Divine a thought", you can't miss it lol, it's everything and every where. It really is true when they say "you see the Divine in everything". I can see that now, but never could before.
Physically see it? Like auras and energies?

Next question, "Does the Devil exist and if so, how many of them?" Simple answer, the Devil is a Christian thing, not a Pagan thing. Nearly all Pagans will tell you the same - we don't believe in the Devil, never mind worship him lol. It's a Christian idea, not ours. So no, I don't believe in the Devil.
Therefore Satanism is also ignored by Wiccans, right?
I believe in Reincarnation, once we have learnt all lifes lessons and after being Reincarnated x amount of times until our lessons are learnt to the fullest we will eventually go to a place of rest, like Heaven I suppose, I just don't call it that.
I completely reject the idea of reincarnation. I do not believe that our energies are tranferred into other forms of biological bodies. I genuinely believe in souls and spirits, it is completely and totally unavoidable for me.
You're Christian, are you looking to change your religion or stick with yours? Why are you looking to change, if you're that is?
I don't particularly like to change religion, I just think certain aspects of Christianity should be reformed. For instance, if God created the universe, what exacly created God. And if X created God, what created X?

I believe the universe actually created God. This belief of mine is supported by scientific knowledge; The Big Bang.

You might argue and ask "what created The Big Bang?" but this question would be completely meaningless since before The Big Bang, there was no time and therefore we cannot answer such a question.
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

Enlightenment wrote: Anyway, "What is the Source?" you ask :D The best way I can answer that is, the Source/Divine/Higher Power/etc, just is. It's everything, it is the All in Everything. It's you, it's me, it's the rain drops, the clouds, the rocks and the trees, it's EVERYTHING. It always has been and always will be! It's indescribable in words, but it's where we come from and it's where we will return to.
Blessed May You Be wrote:I don't agree with this source being indescribable. This source you speak of is known as molecules, which are broken down into atoms, and further broken down into protons, neutrons and electrons (believe it or not these latter particles are even further broken down into smaller particles named quarks). It is a scientific fact. Everything in this universe is constituted from atoms, they are the building blocks of everything. But I conceed and acknowledge that you might not know this.
This Source that I speak of is on a Spiritual level, not a Scientific one :wink: When you look beyond the Science that's when you truly step on the path to Enlightenment!
Enlightenment wrote:I don't see the Divine as an actual being or as a human form, I don't look at it as my God or Goddess, they are apart of it though just as me and you are.
Blessed May You Be wrote:I also believe in that.
Enlightenment wrote:We all have the Divine in us but I don't go around calling others the Divine, if you know what I mean. This is why I said it's hard to explain in words and it's indescribable in words. When I was Christian I never gave the Divine a thought, now I'm Pagan (Wiccan) it's like "Gods, how could I have never gave the Divine a thought", you can't miss it lol, it's everything and every where. It really is true when they say "you see the Divine in everything". I can see that now, but never could before.
Blessed May You Be wrote:Physically see it? Like auras and energies?
No, you can't physically see the Divine. Not like an Aura or Energy, though sometimes you can see these.

Enlightenment wrote:Next question, "Does the Devil exist and if so, how many of them?" Simple answer, the Devil is a Christian thing, not a Pagan thing. Nearly all Pagans will tell you the same - we don't believe in the Devil, never mind worship him lol. It's a Christian idea, not ours. So no, I don't believe in the Devil.
Blessed May You Be wrote:Therefore Satanism is also ignored by Wiccans, right?
Correct! They are two different things. Wicca is a religion, as is Satanism.
Enlightenment wrote:I believe in Reincarnation, once we have learnt all lifes lessons and after being Reincarnated x amount of times until our lessons are learnt to the fullest we will eventually go to a place of rest, like Heaven I suppose, I just don't call it that.
Blessed May You Be wrote:I completely reject the idea of reincarnation. I do not believe that our energies are tranferred into other forms of biological bodies. I genuinely believe in souls and spirits, it is completely and totally unavoidable for me.
You reject the idea of reincarnation, where the Spirit/Soul of the person who has passed on goes to another realm of existence or Plane, but you genuinely believe in Souls and Spirits??? :? Please explain, I'm confussed by this?
Enlightenment wrote:You're Christian, are you looking to change your religion or stick with yours? Why are you looking to change, if you're that is?
Blessed May You Be wrote:I don't particularly like to change religion, I just think certain aspects of Christianity should be reformed. For instance, if God created the universe, what exacly created God. And if X created God, what created X?

I believe the universe actually created God. This belief of mine is supported by scientific knowledge; The Big Bang.

You might argue and ask "what created The Big Bang?" but this question would be completely meaningless since before The Big Bang, there was no time and therefore we cannot answer such a question.
Ok. You asking some pretty "deep" question that cannot be answered on fact, we can only go on what we feel. This is where peoples beliefs come in, and since you were asking what I believe in I've tried to explain mine to you. My beliefs are backed by many Pagans but this does not make them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, nor does this make them believable to you.

You said "For instance, if God created the universe, what exacly created God. And if X created God, what created X?"
These kind of questions are not me anymore, knowing is enough for me! You're working on a Scientific level, I'm not. If, and when, you open your heart and Soul spiritually these questions will become clear to you. It's not my job to answer them for you, it would spoil the surprise if you were to ever open your heart and Soul to the Divine :wink: Once you're open to knowing instead of guessing all will become clear, like you've been let into a big secret and now you're apart of it. This is why I feel sad for so many people who shut off to their spiritual side, because they are missing out on so, so much. I feel there must be a big empty space somewhere in their life without knowing the Divine, I could be wrong :roll:
See, many people go through life wanting to know concrete answers to certain questions such as these and if they can't get them from a book, off the net or where ever they just give up. Well there is no concrete, only the concrete of knowing. Many people can't settle for that though. I suppose that's where getting to know your Higher Self comes on.

I'm not on about "The Big Bang" either, not at all. Like I said in my first post to you, the Source just is! It always has been, it is now, and it always will be.
Until you take the steps onto your own path you will not no. It's not something that can be learnt from a book or told in words, it has to be experience by the individual.
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Post by hedge* »

Excellent post elightenment!
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

Aww, thank you Hedge! I had to re-read my post a couple of times because things like this are so hard to explain in words and put down on paper. It's clear in my head, it's just getting the words out lol.
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Post by Wolf* »

There are also those who believe that ((note: this is not my belief)) that regardless of how humans got here that it was the beliefs of the people that created the gods. That belief=existence in the spiritual realm and thats it. ((look up Chaos Magic for more info))

Then there are those that believe the gods "were, are and will be" and they chose to manifest themselves through the human subconciousness by influencing people to "create their lore" though in fact its the truth and they use us as a means of relaying their history. ((such as HP Lovecrafts stories of cthulhu and the elder race. Some believe they used him as a means of telling people they were there and real))

The fact is, nobody will know untill they die and finally see that "oooh, so thats what happened".

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Post by [ForestWitch] »

I am one of those people who DO believe that all gods and goddesses are different perceptions of the same Deity. I do believe that all things are connected by a divine energy so some part of the Deity can be found in each of us. I think polytheism sometimes makes it easier for human beings to conceptualize which aspect of the Deity they need to interact with at the time. I think your notion that the universe created God is an interesting one. I have sometimes wondered whether the universe and God are not one and the same. I don't believe that human beings created God with their belief, but I DO believe that the nature of the Deity is affected by it's interaction with human beings.

I think the Christian God is the same entity as all other gods and I believe that Jesus Christ had an extraordinary perception of the Deity. However, I think modern-day Christianity has completely missed the point; Christ's message has been obfuscated by a contradictory mess of a book which they take far too seriously and by a church which has historically not encouraged people to aspire to a direct and personal connection to God. I read this on a different board and I heartily agree with it: if Christ came to earth today he'd be a Pagan!

For what it's worth, I suspect a Christian Reformation is brewing right now.

But, when all is said and done, all ideas about God are only that: ideas. No person can know with any certainty that their belief is correct and everyone must rely on their own experience.
Blessed May You Be

Post by Blessed May You Be »

Enlightenment wrote: This Source that I speak of is on a Spiritual level, not a Scientific one :wink: When you look beyond the Science that's when you truly step on the path to Enlightenment!
I disagree Enlightenment. Atoms constitute everything in this whole entire universe, this also includes on a spiritual level. Don't be fooled by the name "atoms" originating from a scientific background, this does not render such particles as pure science but do in fact also address the "divine" and spiritualism. So to reiterate, I personally believe this source you speak of can be described.
Enlightenment wrote:No, you can't physically see the Divine. Not like an Aura or Energy, though sometimes you can see these.
So when you say "I can see that now, but never could before", do you mean to say you sense the divine? I'm not fully clear on what you're trying to describe here. I do acknowledge it might be hard to describe it though.
Enlightenment wrote:You reject the idea of reincarnation, where the Spirit/Soul of the person who has passed on goes to another realm of existence or Plane, but you genuinely believe in Souls and Spirits??? :? Please explain, I'm confussed by this?
Careful now. I did state "I do not believe that our energies are tranferred into other forms of biological bodies." Again, biological, made of tissues and cells.

I do however believe that our energies are fully transferred into a pure spirit, there is no reincarnation involved.
Enlightenment wrote:Ok. You asking some pretty "deep" question that cannot be answered on fact, we can only go on what we feel. This is where peoples beliefs come in, and since you were asking what I believe in I've tried to explain mine to you. My beliefs are backed by many Pagans but this does not make them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, nor does this make them believable to you.
I'm not just merely asking, I believe it is. The questions I posed are personal, questions that perplexed me and that I believe the answers I've given are logical.
Enlightenment wrote:You said "For instance, if God created the universe, what exacly created God. And if X created God, what created X?"
These kind of questions are not me anymore, knowing is enough for me! You're working on a Scientific level, I'm not.
But God is science and only when we come to fully understand it can we assert facts. I disagree when you say "knowing is enough for me", the fact of the matter is you don't know, no one does! But instead we believe, not matter how intense the experiences are, you continue to believe because knowing would be like proving it.
If, and when, you open your heart and Soul spiritually these questions will become clear to you.
You're assuming I haven't opened my heart and soul spiritually to these questions but I know I have because I believe in them and endeavour to understand them fully. You discriminate and segregate science because you believe it does not connect with spiritualism, indeed some scientists believe in such a thing, but many others actually don't. I belong to the latter.
It's not my job to answer them for you, it would spoil the surprise if you were to ever open your heart and Soul to the Divine :wink: Once you're open to knowing instead of guessing all will become clear, like you've been let into a big secret and now you're apart of it.
If the whole society in the past possessed the same beliefs that you believe in now, we would have never discovered the universe, the shape of the earth and other planets. Just like you think now, in the past too some religions like Christianity actually acted further to imprison people for wanting to discover more about what we really are made of, and what the earth was constituted of. For them, discovering what the universe was composed of was the same as braking God's territory and commandments. If science had not prevailed over ludicrous religious laws, we would probably be now arguing over the possibility of a star, in the universe, actually being Heaven, or hell or thousands of Gods. Instead it has narrowed those beliefs down and has presented us with the fact that a star is nothing more than a huge furnace of hot lava. Without our star, the sun, we would never be here.

I'm confused when you state "guessing". Because you see science has actually found spiritualism, we no longer have to believe it. We can now physically prove that spirits actually exist by the manifestation of light abnormalities, also known as orbs, and physical contact between the dead and the living. Indeed there are many skeptics stating (mostly atheists) that it's a charade, that someone hoaxed the whole thing. It's their prerogative not to believe in such activities. I, on the other hand actually believe in it.
Enlightenment wrote:This is why I feel sad for so many people who shut off to their spiritual side, because they are missing out on so, so much. I feel there must be a big empty space somewhere in their life without knowing the Divine, I could be wrong :roll:

If you mean to include me (please don't refrain from doing so, in fact you can be direct), again I think I haven't shut off my spiritual side.
See, many people go through life wanting to know concrete answers to certain questions such as these and if they can't get them from a book, off the net or where ever they just give up. Well there is no concrete, only the concrete of knowing. Many people can't settle for that though. I suppose that's where getting to know your Higher Self comes on.
Believing, not knowing.
Enlightenment wrote:I'm not on about "The Big Bang" either, not at all. Like I said in my first post to you, the Source just is! It always has been, it is now, and it always will be.
Yes but unlike you, I believe we can describe the "source" by the means of atoms.
Enlightenment wrote:Until you take the steps onto your own path you will not no. It's not something that can be learnt from a book or told in words, it has to be experience by the individual.
I have had experiences in my life. And one of them included curses. There are many other life experiences that truly made me believe in spirits. So experience I'm afraid is not an issue.
Blessed May You Be

Post by Blessed May You Be »

ForestWitch wrote:No person can know with any certainty that their belief is correct and everyone must rely on their own experience.
I completely agree with your point. It is indeed what we believe in because the knowing part of it cannot be proved, only experienced.
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Post by Sobek »

Blessed May You Be wrote:I disagree Enlightenment. Atoms constitute everything in this whole entire universe, this also includes on a spiritual level. Don't be fooled by the name "atoms" originating from a scientific background, this does not render such particles as pure science but do in fact also address the "divine" and spiritualism. So to reiterate, I personally believe this source you speak of can be described.
well when science makes a machine that can pick up the earth energy and another to manipulate it im sure we will either solve alot of problems or make better explosives lol

Post by Broadsword »

Wow, heavy topics.

Enlightenment, well put.

I have more than a passing intrest in particle physics. Your fixation with the term atoms is puzzling to me. What of dark matter? Can't be seen , yet it makes up most of the universe.

I feel that it's a Christian thing to seprate your self from the divine. I'm part of the All. The All can't be seen in it's entirty (sp) by us 'cus we are part of it.

No one can answer the most important questions for you. Anyone who says they KNOW is trying to sell you something.
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

Enlightenment wrote: This Source that I speak of is on a Spiritual level, not a Scientific one :wink: When you look beyond the Science that's when you truly step on the path to Enlightenment!
Blessed May You Be wrote:I disagree Enlightenment. Atoms constitute everything in this whole entire universe, this also includes on a spiritual level. Don't be fooled by the name "atoms" originating from a scientific background, this does not render such particles as pure science but do in fact also address the "divine" and spiritualism. So to reiterate, I personally believe this source you speak of can be described.
That's your personal belief. I've stated mine in my quote above. So we'll have to agree to disagree :wink:
Maybe you can describe the Divine? I know it has to be truly experienced to actually even begin to put it into words, and even then, words seem so useless.
Enlightenment wrote:No, you can't physically see the Divine. Not like an Aura or Energy, though sometimes you can see these.
Blessed May You Be wrote:So when you say "I can see that now, but never could before", do you mean to say you sense the divine? I'm not fully clear on what you're trying to describe here. I do acknowledge it might be hard to describe it though.
When I said "I can see that now, but never could before." The word "see" doesn't necessarily mean to see with your eyes, ya know.
Enlightenment wrote:You reject the idea of reincarnation, where the Spirit/Soul of the person who has passed on goes to another realm of existence or Plane, but you genuinely believe in Souls and Spirits??? :? Please explain, I'm confused by this?
Blessed May You Be wrote:Careful now. I did state "I do not believe that our energies are tranferred into other forms of biological bodies." Again, biological, made of tissues and cells.

I do however believe that our energies are fully transferred into a pure spirit, there is no reincarnation involved.
My bad, sorry :)
Enlightenment wrote:Ok. You asking some pretty "deep" question that cannot be answered on fact, we can only go on what we feel. This is where peoples beliefs come in, and since you were asking what I believe in I've tried to explain mine to you. My beliefs are backed by many Pagans but this does not make them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, nor does this make them believable to you.
Blessed May You Be wrote:I'm not just merely asking, I believe it is. The questions I posed are personal, questions that perplexed me and that I believe the answers I've given are logical.
Like I said in my quote above - "Ok. You asking some pretty "deep" question that cannot be answered on fact, we can only go on what we feel. This is where peoples beliefs come in, and since you were asking what I believe in I've tried to explain mine to you. My beliefs are backed by many Pagans but this does not make them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, nor does this make them believable to you."
Enlightenment wrote:You said "For instance, if God created the universe, what exactly created God. And if X created God, what created X?"
These kind of questions are not me anymore, knowing is enough for me! You're working on a Scientific level, I'm not.
Blessed May You Be wrote:But God is science and only when we come to fully understand it can we assert facts. I disagree when you say "knowing is enough for me", the fact of the matter is you don't know, no one does! But instead we believe, not matter how intense the experiences are, you continue to believe because knowing would be like proving it.
Exactly my point :lol: Your God is Science! Mine is far from Science. This is where we hit a brick hall.....I'm working on a Spiritual level and you're working on a Scientific one. You're trying to explain or comprehend Spirituality with Science. Like I said, until you ditch the Science and start to walk your own Spiritual path you will never fully understand.
Again, I use the term "knowing" as something deeper than what you actually see the word as. I'm not, and never would state that I have proof of anything (even though I know I have my proof) hence why I use the word knowing, because I know myself, that is enough. I'm touched by the Divine everyday, anyone else trying to tell me otherwise is frankly quite laughable, as I have my truths.
Enlightenment wrote:If, and when, you open your heart and Soul spiritually these questions will become clear to you.
Blessed May You Be wrote:You're assuming I haven't opened my heart and soul spiritually to these questions but I know I have because I believe in them and endeavour to understand them fully. You discriminate and segregate science because you believe it does not connect with spiritualism, indeed some scientists believe in such a thing, but many others actually don't. I belong to the latter.
I'm assuming because your posts scream out someone who is looking to find their own path but is having a hard time getting past "The Big Bang" etc, etc, etc. How can opening your heart and Soul Spiritually = to talking so much Science? I cannot comprehend this, for someone who has opened up spiritually would not be on the same level as you are.
Enlightenment wrote:It's not my job to answer them for you, it would spoil the surprise if you were to ever open your heart and Soul to the Divine :wink: Once you're open to knowing instead of guessing all will become clear, like you've been let into a big secret and now you're apart of it.
Blessed May You Be wrote:If the whole society in the past possessed the same beliefs that you believe in now, we would have never discovered the universe, the shape of the earth and other planets. Just like you think now, in the past too some religions like Christianity actually acted further to imprison people for wanting to discover more about what we really are made of, and what the earth was constituted of. For them, discovering what the universe was composed of was the same as braking God's territory and commandments. If science had not prevailed over ludicrous religious laws, we would probably be now arguing over the possibility of a star, in the universe, actually being Heaven, or hell or thousands of Gods. Instead it has narrowed those beliefs down and has presented us with the fact that a star is nothing more than a huge furnace of hot lava. Without our star, the sun, we would never be here.

I'm confused when you state "guessing". Because you see science has actually found spiritualism, we no longer have to believe it. We can now physically prove that spirits actually exist by the manifestation of light abnormalities, also known as orbs, and physical contact between the dead and the living. Indeed there are many skeptics stating (mostly atheists) that it's a charade, that someone hoaxed the whole thing. It's their prerogative not to believe in such activities. I, on the other hand actually believe in it.
What ever works for you is cool. I've found what works for me, on my level. Not once have I stated anything spiritual is paranormal or unexplainable. We as human beings possess many traits that are unknown to most of us, only when we look deeper do we find all these wonderful things we as human beings can actually do. To others these things would be classed as paranormal or whatever, I just look at it as tapping into my own Higher Self. I really don't need explanations for things that happen to me, they just are, simple!
Science might answers lots of your questions but quite frankly its done nothing for me. Each to their own and all that though.
Enlightenment wrote:This is why I feel sad for so many people who shut off to their spiritual side, because they are missing out on so, so much. I feel there must be a big empty space somewhere in their life without knowing the Divine, I could be wrong :roll:

Blessed May You Be wrote:If you mean to include me (please don't refrain from doing so, in fact you can be direct), again I think I haven't shut off my spiritual side.
Only you know the real answer to that!
Enlightenment wrote:See, many people go through life wanting to know concrete answers to certain questions such as these and if they can't get them from a book, off the net or where ever they just give up. Well there is no concrete, only the concrete of knowing. Many people can't settle for that though. I suppose that's where getting to know your Higher Self comes on.
Blessed May You Be wrote:Believing, not knowing.
You wouldn't know what I mean by the word "knowing" unless you were me. I know what I need to know. I'm not saying you should believe it, or even it's the truth, but it's my truth. So call it what you want.
Enlightenment wrote:I'm not on about "The Big Bang" either, not at all. Like I said in my first post to you, the Source just is! It always has been, it is now, and it always will be.
Blessed May You Be wrote:Yes but unlike you, I believe we can describe the "source" by the means of atoms.
Your opinion. How ever, you've totally missed the boat (this whole thread you've totally missed it). Anyway, there will be many other boats that come by your way in the future, its just if you want to jump on one.......
Enlightenment wrote:Until you take the steps onto your own path you will not no. It's not something that can be learnt from a book or told in words, it has to be experience by the individual.
Blessed May You Be wrote:I have had experiences in my life. And one of them included curses. There are many other life experiences that truly made me believe in spirits. So experience I'm afraid is not an issue.
Wow, I would of never guessed it :o :D
~Blessings One and All~

***Knowledge really is Power***
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