Air element question

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Air element question

Post by Tomcat0526 »

My Element is air since i am a Gemini. does that mean that i am only air, or can i be inclined to other elements. This is pretty new to me, i was just wondering.

Sister Maeve

Post by Sister Maeve »

Yes, of course you are influenced by other elements. Your astrological sign may be linked to air, but that doesn't necessarily mean that everything about your life is governed by air. All beings are influenced by all elements. Feel free to explore all of the elemental forces.

- Maeve
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Post by Sobek »

to me you can be born under an element, i too am born under air, but i feel more with water than air. does that help?

Post by Tomcat0526 »

Yes, thank you. That helps alot ^^
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Post by Eretik »

The Sun is weak in Libra and in Aquarius, this means that the other elements and influences in a Natal chart can be more dominant than the Sun sign. This can also apply, depending on where the personal planets are in an individual's chart. You can be a Sun Gemini but have your Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in another/ other signs, depending on time/date of birth. I am Sun Aquarius [Fixed] , thus my element is Air, I have the Moon in Taurus, which gives me some Earthy stubbornness and continues the fixed aspect also, like my Ascendant sign of Scorpio, which is Fixed Water. I make a good mud pie of a person! and I am very fixed in my attitudes, not always a good thing, as I can be infexible. It may be interesting to get your Ascendant and Moon signs, Sobek, I think you'll find there may be a strong Water influence. There is so much more to Astrology than Sun signs alone.
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Post by Sobek »

i know eretik, that was my point. ive wanted to do my natal chart for a long long time now but i cant find any instructions or books on how to do it.
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Post by hedge* »

Sob - if you ask being singular plural (bsp) over in the astrology section I am sure he will oblige. I've had one of his charts and readings and I have to say the guy knows his stuff.
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Post by Sercee »

Tomcat, I'm Pisces, therefore water. But I am just as much air and definately a bit of earth. The only element I don't feel a connection to is fire, but that doesn't mean it isn't in me.

We are all connected to all the elements, but we will usually be closer in nature to specific one or two. Another way to look into this is to study your animal totems a bit. I haven't looked to deep into mine, but I know Dragonfly is there. Dragonfly is a totem which lives in two elements: water and air. So, it works for me.
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Post by Storm »

I feel connected to all the elements at different points in my life, different mood and different days. Sometimes I'm in a fiery temper, I also know that I am connected closely to the ocean due to my affinity with Yemaya. I love to walk in the forest and ground myself on the Earth and at other times I visualise myself soaring high above the clouds along with the birds.

Post by Tomcat0526 »

well, i seem to be passive and calm most of the time so im thinking..Water? Sometimes my mood can be a bit irritable. Is that how i know wich element im inclined towards?
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Post by Sercee »

You can certainly relate your own attributes to certain elements, that's one way. Also, where do you feel most comfortable? Do you love to splash in a lake, lose yourself in a bonfire, send your mind into the clouds, or feel the strength of stone? As you get more experience and grow in magic you'll find that certain elements work better for you in different ways also.

These are just a few thoughts.

Post by Tomcat0526 »

well, as i said before, im a calm and easygoing person so water would be my element. But i also feel more comfortable when the wind blows, when it rains, Thunderstorms and the crackle of lightning relax me so i belive that im also in touch with the wind element.
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Post by TheFireWithin »

I'm a Pisces also, but you never would of guessed it, and I feel I am more of a Leo or Aries. I found out I had a Tarus moon, therefore my stubborness, but I also feel a connection to fire signs, but I can understand how my day-dreaminess and writing love could be an influence from my Pisces sign.
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Post by Sobek »

all the elements have a nice relaxing state and an aggrovated like state so you cant really say your water because you go with the flow, water can rage with the best of them as can the other 3+
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Post by jcrowfoot »

I agree with Sobek. The word "hurricane" comes to mind. Ever been to a really big lake or the ocean when the weather is bad? Also the word temper sounds a lot like tempest, which is an old word for hurricane, or storm by the sea. Nothing can destroy like large amounts of water. Also, water is the universal solvent. It can eat away even glass, which is generally pretty resistant to corrosion. The Grand Canyon was eaten away over millions of years by, yes, you guessed it, WATER.

I've been thinking a lot about destruction by water lately. I saw a show about Venice and it's flooding problems. Interesting that, elementally, their solution can be characterized by the element of Earth.
Earthworks solve most flooding. Rome rose from the swamp by the magic of Earth. We still don't know how the Etruscans did it.
(My bet is that it had to do with lots of wood posts, but I wasn't there.)

I'd say that it's supreme flexibility relative to its heaviness that is the hallmarks of Water. It takes a considerable active force to set it to a rage; after that all you can do is get out of the way.

Then there's that nifty trick of being able to be in three states at a specific temperature. And that once frozen, it can float on itself.
I’m not sure how those last characteristics translate personality wise, but it's fun to think about.
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