I just had the most epic dream ever!

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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I just had the most epic dream ever!

Post by LookingForAnswers »

This was a very long, very detailed dream, so bare with me. My recollection could be all over the place.

where do I even start? It started out in being in like a 2-d, pixelated game. I was in the game, and I was battling all of these monsters. At some point in the dream, the point of view shifted to be the normal, 1st person view. For some reason, my friend was there. We were in a huge, gothic style mansion. Lots of zombies were chasing us, and we were both fighting them and trying to escape. The mansion was riddled with traps- fake elevators that plunged you to your death, floors that fell out from underneath you, you name it, we had to get past it.

This is where the dream gets really interesting! My friend pulls out her phone and starts playing a song. She throws it down on the stairs to distract whoever is following us. We start running up and down a bunch of stairs. This part felt so...real. I felt like I was actually running up and down stairs. I distinctly remember feeling terrified and excited. We stumbled across a lady dressed in an all pink cloak with a black choker. I never actually saw her face in the entire dream. She told us that the mansion was divided. The north of the mansion was fighting the south of the mansion, but she didn't tell us why. She said that she would spare us, under the condition that we help her fight the north.

There was also a random part where me and my friend were flipping all of the dishes over on a table to find clues on the bottom of them on how to escape the mansion. There was no food on top of the plated and bowls, but there was on the bottom. Ok, back to the main parts of the dream. The lady lead us into this underground city. It was kind of like an ant hill. Part of it was metal, and part of it was dirt. We even got our own rooms!

Then the dream cuts to us fighting the north part of the mansion with ice, but for some reason we were at my grandmas house. It was basically a snow ball fight, but with poisoned ice! I don't know if we won or not, the dream trailed/segwayed off into another dream before this one could end :(. Anyway, during the battle, my favorite YouTuber was there in a big truck, playing the gitar. I was throwing chuncks of ice at him through the window of the truck.

Then the dream cuts back to the underground city, in a dollar store (Yes, the city even had a dollar store!). There was alo a part where another YouTuber gave me clothes, for some reason. Not sure why. Anyway, the last few minutes of my dream were spent in the dollar store with another one of my friends who randomly appeared at some point. The lady in the pink cloak appeared, and I kissed her and declared my love for her, and she kissed me back. I felt really happy at the end of this dream. This was one of my favorite dreams, but I'm not sure what it means.

On a toatally unrelated note, the mini dream I had before this was about evil deer trying to kill me. I've been having lots of dreams about deer acting weird/trying to kill me. Have I angered a deity or something? Why am i dreaming of angry deer?
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Re: I just had the most epic dream ever!

Post by SpiritTalker »

OOoh - An action novella! :)

Break it down in to actions, people & background. Then consider each as expressing your ego, and symbolizing possible outside influences your subconscious is paying attention to. Try doing this yourself and see what story your Mind is telling you.

Overall changing elevations (stairs) suggests to me moving naturally in & out of body during sleep & so the dream plays along & acts it out on stage. North battling south ... Practical earth fighting passionate fire.

Quote : On a toatally unrelated note, the mini dream I had before this was about evil deer trying to kill me. I've been having lots of dreams about deer acting weird/trying to kill me. Have I angered a deity or something? Why am i dreaming of angry deer?

No need to ride the superstition train of thought. The Gods are fair. What could you possibly have done to offend the Horned God?! He's the essence of life! So ... Possibly the deer reps your concept of WC and it's actions express unresolved counter-cultural guilt feelings. If you fear the Gods then take a step back to reconsider your path in light of spiritual expression. Our old ways of thought & cultural training need to be examined & acknowledged or resolved each time we stub our toes on them. Years of mental programming dont disappear overnight. There's no hurry. Move ahead with love, not fear.
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