Unsettling dream, help with interpretations?

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Unsettling dream, help with interpretations?

Post by GroundedDancer »

So, a few nights ago I had a dream that started off pretty ordinary and then morphed into something way unsettling. In my experience, the most unsettling dreams are the ones that usually convey messages. However, this one is kind of unclear as far as meaning that I can tell. That being said, I was hoping for some input.

So, the unsettling part of my dream was like stepping into a different dream/scenario entirely. I dreamt that I was walking to my car, which was parked beside an empty church in their parking lot (the parking for the place I was visiting was entirely full so there was overflow parking in the church). Anyway, I am walking past the church at night, going down a little pathway that is pretty dark and concealed when I come across what I immediately know is a old female witch. She's wrinkled and haggard, but she is powerful. I get alarmed and try to walk past as quickly as possible as if she might not notice me, but she does and she stares right at me as I go. She laughs and speaks in Spanish (which I do not speak well, but understand perfectly), "Poor little blind girl, you just can't stop flying, can you?"

As I'm walking away, I start to levitate, lifting off the ground higher and higher on the way to my car. I'm still walking and totally unaffected by the sudden flying. Why? Because I've done it so often that it's not weird (in my dreams). What's weird is this old witch laughing at me for it, and kind of prodding me to use my flying in front of her.

Now, the blind girl comment was weird too. I am half blind in real life, so I wonder if that was about my physical condition, or my third eye still being relatively blind as I try to open it?
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Re: Unsettling dream, help with interpretations?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I've come to understand flying dreams as out of body experiences (OOBE) also called spirit flight and they are very routine occurrences. My take on the dream: Our body is our vehicle symbolically so returning to your vehicle is being in the act of returning to your body, or changing levels of consciousness. The old witch along the path is your higher consciousness using the taunt to point out the usefulness of the OOBE capability to fly higher & see further. Rather than just flying you could work with the old hag & travel with a purpose. By trying to avoid her notice shows that you are avoiding what she represents to you because of fear. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Unsettling dream, help with interpretations?

Post by GroundedDancer »

planewalker wrote:Tiny Dancer,
Nice to talk to you again. The leg seems to have regained it's strength. How's the long term stamina? Endurance is coming back fine I hope.
I'd say your telling yourself that you are starting on a Spiritual journey. A path different from what is considered the norm by the vast majority. It's not easy to know the way. It's not just the same old mundane travel, point A to B. The Craft is an older way to look at, and manipulate, day to day reality. Coming to terms with looking at things so differently, of possibly coming to hold a power, hidden from others, but awesome in it's implications is intimidating. It is there nonetheless. It seems somewhat foreign while being your norm anyway. You've always had the talent. You've felt it deep down. Now your giving yourself permission to follow the path where it leads and to do it joyously. Your telling yourself not to turn a blind eye to something you want to follow. A path you feel destined to follow naturally and skillfully.
Why don't you drop by PLANEWALKER'S MEDICINE WHEEL under types of witchcraft. I'd love to hear about what's going on with your dancing and choreography.

I do love your insight, because its all fairly true. I've started down a path that feels right, but is unfamiliar therefore I'm really stepping in with some hesitation. I have a lot of work to do, "coming to terms" as you say.
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Re: Unsettling dream, help with interpretations?

Post by GroundedDancer »

SpiritTalker wrote:I've come to understand flying dreams as out of body experiences (OOBE) also called spirit flight and they are very routine occurrences. My take on the dream: Our body is our vehicle symbolically so returning to your vehicle is being in the act of returning to your body, or changing levels of consciousness. The old witch along the path is your higher consciousness using the taunt to point out the usefulness of the OOBE capability to fly higher & see further. Rather than just flying you could work with the old hag & travel with a purpose. By trying to avoid her notice shows that you are avoiding what she represents to you because of fear. :flyingwitch:

I figured it was fear holding me back, so I'll definitely have to start working on getting over that. Thank you for your insight! :D
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