
For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Post by Blu-Luna »

Hi I am new to all of this, but I am not new to Spirits in my life. I try to block them out, but they are too loud. I want to know why. No one else in my life believes me and if they do they tell me the Spirits are demons, which none have ever been scary or ever done anything evil to me. There is one that actually has helped me when I have been too ill to get out of bed. I thought maybe they were angels and maybe they are? I don't know. I guess what I want to know is why me. I am Jewish and I know summoning spirits is supposed to be a no-no, but I don't t seek them out, they seek me. I am confused more so now than ever in my life about my religion and I feel someone there is leading me one a new path, hence I am re-thinking my whole life's path and I am not a youngster anymore. Noone understands me here at home, so I quit talking about the strange events. People already think I am crazy enough. Maybe here someone will know why and what I am supposed to do and how can I know who they are. I am happy and thankful for any advice.
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Re: Spirits

Post by Ashrend »

In my opinion they r so loud because they want to be heard. They may have unfinished business or be trying to warn you of pit falls. However I'm not saying just let them all talk and go nuts, I would say that when talking to said spirit establish ground rules and if violated then the talking and helping stops. I don't think there is ever a reason for why we have the powers and abilities we have, we r just born with them. Some flourish and some don't, your ability is a good one and by the sounds of it very strong. I would advise looking into divination as this can be an effective tool for communication with spirits as well as trying to discover what they want, how you can help them or they can help you.
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Re: Spirits

Post by Blu-Luna »

Thanks so much. I was just asking my friends in the Realm why they chose me and the reply was because I listen. I have been scared my whole life of being damned to Hell or worse, separation from God. I know devination is forbidden in Monotheism, like I say, I am Jewish. I feel that I am not being true to my friends on the other side. I am having a hard time with it all, but I feel I am finally going to stop being untrue to what and who I am. Thanks so much.
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Re: Spirits

Post by Ashrend »

No worries, I'm my opinion there isn't a heaven or hell. You live your life to the best of your ability being as true to yourself as you can be without trying to mould yourself into what other people want of you. I fully respect your beliefs and hope you find a way around it for yourself
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Re: Spirits

Post by GhostRider »

You can always look at it from the point of view that you didn't ask for this ability and you have been doing it for as long as you can remember. That sounds like a God given talent. There is no reason to think that unusual or sometimes "strange" abilities are from the Devil. Your religion states that Yahweh is all powerful so nothing happens without his consent.
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Re: Spirits

Post by SpiritTalker »

I've been seeing and hearing spirits since age 3 or 4 &'at that age took it for granted everybody did. I found out differently in high school. it just never came up until then & the ways of fate led me to a professional medium who guided me at 18. I'm past 65 now. There 's nothing evil about being disincarnate. It happens to us all. We're supposed to recycle. Spirits are a mix of emotions just like when inhabiting a form. You can ask your guardian angel/guide to weed out the riffraff. What your guardian won't do is fix it or make it go away because you are the way you are meant to be. Why you? Why Not you?

As for the Abrahamic religions saying it's tabu ... Sigh. Been there. I asked why & plowed through theology until i found what I could live with. The only damnable sin i could verify is denying the existence of the Holy Spirit. In the contemplative RC convent I learned a lot of freeing personal lessons & saw more "specialized" spirits :D like there's no freaking' off-switch so make it work for you. Ask for teaching sessions. Put those spirits to work because they've been loafing long enough. Put the questions you have to the itty bitty committee. It's like having the Internet in your head. You wouldn't believe everything you read on the web without verification and resonating with it. Same with spirits. How do you know if you're making it up? The same way you can tell if someone is pulling the wool over your eyes or not. Use the same inner truth sensors. Don't worry if you make a mistake. They happen for reasons. We learn.

And grounding stabilizes us, centering gives us control of those doorways, & shielding provides blissful solitude. Honest. we do not have to be inundated or overwhelmed. We've been given natural spiritual tools along with the gifts. We teach ourselves to use them in the right proportions.

Edit: if you are interested in discussion with the spirits, the 1st one to know is your guardian or your guide,mwhatever your beliefs are. And set boundaries. Make appointments. I designated Thursdays from after sunset until bed time for open communication and firmly enforced this, at the suggestion of my guide. If you say your psychic door will be open at this day & this time, don't miss it and don't welcome drop ins off schedule. Then sit down on the day & time with a pad of paper and a pen and wait. Doodle. Journal. Meditate or pray according to your resources. Make a mini-ritual that sets the stage & light a candle if you like it to represent holy light. Wear a prayer shawl if that has meaning. Before my knees went to pot I used a prayer rug. Do whatever signals to you that you are setting aside this time and place for this meeting. Drink some chamomile tea. Just be open and let it evolve. You are free to end an open door session at will. Your guardian will help a lot in this. Cop an attitude of willing usefulness.
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Re: Spirits

Post by Blu-Luna »

Wow, thanks so much for such awesome advice. I am very happy to take it all to heart. I have been checking out more areas on this forum and have found a lot of good info. I am just going to keep an open mind and ear!
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Re: Spirits

Post by SpiritTalker »

Totally understand. It's a lot to take in so go at your own pace. :)
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Re: Spirits

Post by Shekinah »

As we evolve and become more in tune with spiritual enlightenment our presence, like the flash of a scintillating diamond permeating the vastness of space, attracts the attention of those of the Spirit realm who might wish to guide and protect us. I would not assume the presence of other worldly entities are malignant. Most likely they intend to be helpful. Have you found a Spirit Guide, God or Goddess with whom to work? If not perhaps you should reach out to whomever might be looking at you and discover what he/she has to say.
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