Breaking the 'Fear Barrier'

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Breaking the 'Fear Barrier'

Post by corvidus »

Everyone fears something. We all have comfort zones and a certain perspective. There is always something taboo.

Is breaking this barrier fundamental to development, or can we develop to our full extent within it?

I think I know my answer, but I'd like to hear more from you all!
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Re: Breaking the 'Fear Barrier'

Post by blue_moon »

That's a good question.
I personally think fears are part of life, and that you don't have to be fearless for maximum development.

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Re: Breaking the 'Fear Barrier'

Post by lizzel21 »

This is super interesting, I'm excited to hear what other people have to say! For me though, I think that trying to work through and conquer your fears is what allows you to grow to your full potential. Yes you can still grow without conquering your fears but when you get over them you can be so much more.
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Re: Breaking the 'Fear Barrier'

Post by SnowCat »

I have a fear of being trapped, and a fear of general anesthesia. I'm not sure where the fear if being trapped comes from. The fear of general anesthesia comes from absolutely horrible reactions to it.

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Re: Breaking the 'Fear Barrier'

Post by smogie_michele »

Listen. This is just a dream. Very clever people can hear dreams, so please, just listen. I know you're afraid, but being afraid is alright, because didn't anyone ever tell you fear is a super power. Fear can make you faster, and cleverer and stronger and one day, you're going to come back to this barn and on that day, you're going to be very afraid indeed. But that's OK, because if you're very wise and very strong, fear doesn't have to make you cruel or cowardly. Fear can make you kind
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Re: Breaking the 'Fear Barrier'

Post by SpiritTalker »

My life long method of dealing with fear, from childhood fear of the dark, learning to ride a bike and to swim, attack by dog, public speaking, terror of heights, life-threatening medical procedures, to alien abduction or what-have-you, has been to face it and run at it head on, allowing for initial screaming. I think this blockheaded mentality springs from being more afraid of living with fear than fear of the things that scare me. It is a pattern I have repeated, but is it wise? Have I developed through it? I have learned to appreciate options.
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Re: Breaking the 'Fear Barrier'

Post by cataluna49 »

It depends on the fear. Fears such as drowning, small spaces, or jumping from heights I don't feel u would have to push past to develop. Fears such as: fear of letting ur walks down, fear or failure, fear of success, these are all fears that I believe people can benefit from challenging and pushing past.

And some fears never go away. I have to fight my social anxiety every day and I know it won't go away. But that's ok, I just have to remember to push back

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Re: Breaking the 'Fear Barrier'

Post by HopefulChild »

My wife and I got a tarot reading on our Honeymoon.

The reader told me some very specific things.
#1 - The world was ready to hear what I had to say. Things were being pushed and pulled to make space for me. She said that my art would speak to people and that I shouldn't give up on it.
#2 - I had to stop living in fear. Nothing was going to be accomplished if I couldn't overcome my fears and move forward.
#3 - let go of the past. Live now. Plan ahead.

So I've tried to overcome my fears. I don't think I'm done. I've made baby steps. 5 years later and I'm still making baby steps.
I'm afraid of succeeding. Success in my art would require some big changes and putting myself into an Arena where there are real predators. Predators of spirit and soul. I'm not sure I'm strong enough to fight them.
I was gifted with confirmation that my art has value and that my ideas are valid and not just gibberish. So even there I've been given more than most people, and instead of using that as fuel, I've used it as an excuse.
Like what if my ideas and my outlook get corrupted? How would that benefit anyone.

I'm still working on it. I don't know if there was a time frame or a time limit on my "potential". Even if there isn't I'm still kind of stuck in my tracks it seems. I feel trapped by some expectations that I might not even want to live up to now.
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Re: Breaking the 'Fear Barrier'

Post by SpiritTalker »

Yea, designing and marketing are two separate realms. And no patent rights on ideas.
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