Being visited by a creature when pregnant

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Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by Sumer-rising »

I was wondering if anyone else has ever had an experience like this. When I was pregnant with my son I would odten, which I assume was a dream, had a reoccurring experience where I would go to sleep to be woken in the middle of the night by a being either standing at the foot of my bed or in the doorway. He would be in shadow and slowly approach often climbing upon the bed. He was a tiny perhaps 3-4 foot being, completely hairless, with only a loin cloth type thing on. His skin was very wrinkly and his arms and legs seemed very odd for his body, they were much to long. On one occurrence he had climbed upon the end of the bed and I grab a nearby object and hit him with it. He fell off the bed and let out a very high pitched squealing noise. If these were dreams they felt abnormally real. And I very much remember waking up. If they weren't dreams what was this being and why have I never seen him again since having my son.
Unlike night terrors I was able to move. I could completely see him. And I'm not sure i buy into the whole night terrors thing anyway.

Anyone else have an experience like this?
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by SpiritTalker »

Well..uh, yea. I have had 60 years of personal experiences with what is called alien abduction, often masked by them as dreams and some while conscious, awake etc. So to me, this seems like a typical visit from a gray alien. They do not harm us, or study us. They are interested in our genetic makeup, sometimes augmenting our natural abilities while in the womb, and also taking eggs and sperm for their hybrid program. I don't want to freak you out, and am not offended if you think I'm nuts. Your response to the creature was heroic and I cheered.
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by Sumer-rising »

I don't think you are nuts. I have been told this before. My mother also said in the mountain areas there are stories of little grey men.
Maybe that is what it was. I still get cold chills when I think about it.
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by Kassandra »

SpiritTalker wrote:They do not harm us, or study us. They are interested in our genetic makeup, sometimes augmenting our natural abilities while in the womb, and also taking eggs and sperm for their hybrid program.
I don't know, SpiritTalker. I would call "using" humans without the humans' consent, in any way, most certainly harming them. In my opinion, no one and no thing has a right to just take someone's body parts from them, and no one on this planet has any obligation to be involuntarily subjected to any such programs. Taking people from their homes and removing things from their bodies I consider to be kidnapping, assault, theft, and other immoral acts of the worst possible ethical breech...most certainly harmful. Not downing your beliefs, just sharing mine.

The "little grey men" your grandma speaks of Sumer-rising might be what's called PGLFs. Google it, maybe add "Barry King" to the search string. It's not really the PGLFs that are the problem. It's who made them and why, that are really big problems for humans.

Nonetheless, good on you for clockin' its wrinkly a** (haha, I cheered, too :wink: ).


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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by SpiritTalker »

I agree with you absolutely. I've been trespassed. Abductions must stop. It has been addressed at "council". Supposedly they have "permission" at the collective oversoul level. But I agree their plan has a couple thousand objections. When I was saying "they don't hurt us" I only mean that physically, we aren't damaged specimens. Emotionally I supposed I keep from mindlessly screaming by repeating I'm OK, I'm OK, Imokimokimok.
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by Oakheart »

I've experienced many cases of sleep paralysis, with entities right there in my face. The rational part of my brain would dismiss these experiences as sleep-time hallucinations. But I believe that these are sub-lunar and elemental entities. I have, on one case, been pulled out of my body on an astral level and dragged out of my house; it was akin to astral abduction. Luckily I snapped back into my body, I'm assuming due to my silver cord, so I didn't go wherever it intended on taking me.
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by Sumer-rising »

Spirit talker what experiences have you had? Because I had another strange experience a couple of years ago. Also. My son is 11yrs old now and the being still sticks vividly in my mind. If I can I will attempt to draw him and post what is was.
Oak heart I'm not sure I believe the whole sleep paralysis thing when I was a teen I had a few very weird experiences with beings only to have either my sister or my mother witness something similar the same night.
Now that I am on here discussing this its bringing back alot of odd memories including the time my mother and I had the same dream.
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by SpiritTalker »

SummerR, it's a bit long but i wrote up my basic awakened memory experience in the Beyond the Earth section, under Snow's alien abduction topic, pg.2. My earliest experience was approx. age 3 when I believe an implant was placed, and I'm 63 now. I had the nasal implant removed by a doctor at 8. Various physical exams and samples have been taken over the years. I recall some fairly fully and others as fragments. Part of their "agreement" is that they mask abduction memories to prevent humans having debilitating recall. When I first was aware, I emitted one heck of a primal scream that I stifled with a pillow and began jogging in circles around my room as though imcould get away from it. But, what the heck, whatever doesn't kill you strengthens you.

Edit: and I see the topic is now under the Beyond Earth section.
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by Sumer-rising »

Spirit talker So it is? Nasal implant? How did you know you had it?
I've always had really bad/weird sinus issues but from around 4/5 (that I can remember) to age 12 I would have really bizarre severe nose bleeds that would come on for no reason. The last one I had started in class I was sitting at my desk and my nose started dripping blood. I ran to the bathroom, it was so severe that they had to call my mother. It lasted for about an hour and I would also spit up blood. Huge clots.and I swear that in one of the clots it looked like a metallic object came up.
I remember around age 4. Having what I thought was a dream, but now I'm starting to have doubts, I had a experience/dream that I was being held down by doctors on a table. They had seemed very tall but as a child everyone seems tall. Their faces were in shadow because of a bright light behind them. And I had a terrible pain in my face.
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by SpiritTalker »

Yup. Major nose bleed, metallic object. This is a very common experience among abductees. I think statistics are showing about 5% of the world population has had similar abduction experiences. Perfectly normal people. is a good resource for interviews. Prof. David Jacobs is an abductee researcher who has done thousands of hypnotic regressions with abductees, and of course written the obligatory books, and there have been many others should you be interested in researching the subject.

Oak heart, you may well be right about elemental beings, and astral abductions are a whole other level of experience. Kudos for "bungee jumping" :)
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by Kassandra »

Oakheart wrote:sub-lunar and elemental entities.
Hi. What are the differences between the two?


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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by Sumer-rising »

After posting on here. Have gotten very ill. And am now in the ER. My blood pressure is abnormally high and I'm having heart palpitations. However, on drawing blood theres some weird markings on my left arm and the nurse asked if I have an implant?
For the last two nights I have been having realistic dreams about my very close friend who passed.
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by SpiritTalker »

Are you thinking that your response to this discussion brought on the high BP, or grief for your friend who has passed? Neither? Both? It sounds as though you have an enlightened nurse. You're in a good place to deal with any physical problems. Do you want to discuss the arm markings?
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by Sumer-rising »

I don't think the post or friend has anything to do with the high bp. They just to 8 vials of blood for extensive testing. The doc said something is going on with my body but they're not sure what. I've had this happen before and they always chalked it up as an infection. But no high bp or heart issues before.
As for the marks it looks like someone tried to grab my upper arm and left thin scratch marks down it. There is also a red cresent moon cut on my right wrist. I have no idea where they came from. I went to bed w/o them woke up with.
I have no idea what is going on with me or my body.
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Re: Being visited by a creature when pregnant

Post by Sumer-rising »

As for the implant she felt it in my left arm right above the elbow. I hadn't noticed but there is a large lump there now.
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