My new-found interest in Wicca

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My new-found interest in Wicca

Post by kcdragonman2000 »

So recently I gained a new-found interest in the Wicca/Pagan religion. I come from a fairly large line of Wicca's, but the only one I had any contact with was my grandmother. Sadly she passed away last year from Breast Cancer, so I have no one to discuss this interest with. I've been Agnostic my whole life, and have recently realized that most all of my beliefs are that of Wicca origin, so needless to say I'm interested. Can someone please help me in this pursuit.

Thank you,
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Re: My new-found interest in Wicca

Post by SpiritTalker »

Hi Kris. I think most the people here will be glad to help if you have questions. Take some time browsing the topics. The search feature might help if you have something already in mind. Your request is too broad as is, so if you narrow it down, folks will know how to help. We love to kibbutz.

If you need a nudge to start check the media & book review topics. Divide things up into single subjects like herbalism, divination, magic principles as well as spell crafting, other world & spirits, and deities. We can practice witchcraft no matter our religious preference. Nobody can dictate what we ought to believe.

In my own exploration I'd found that practicing circle casting taught me grounding, centering & energy projection all in one package. Over time I learned that ritual structure builds in layers that follow a logical sequence & began making more sense. So it's not a bad starting place.

Setting up your own work space (altar) fits right in the same theme. Learning different table layouts & what they're most useful for helps connect form &'function with format in the thought process. It teaches thinking like a magician. Trying out different locations helped me discern the energy flow differences. It's all about energy.

Re: My new-found interest in Wicca

Post by kcdragonman2000 »

SpiritTalker, thank you for the advice. Sorry for being too broad, I just didn't know what to really ask. Right now I'm studying up on the Wiccan Rede and creating a Book of Shadows so I can keep track of everything. I want to get all my basic principals down and such first before I look into the deeper stuff.
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Re: My new-found interest in Wicca

Post by SpiritTalker »

Ok, sounds like a start. Have you looked at the board index yet, and scanned the basics? If not, try it out. That will apply to your plan.

Just as an FYI, Gerald Gardner who is credited with founding modern Wicca, did not include the Rede. It was added later by Ray Buckland, if I remember. And like anything, it is not set in stone. Gardner promoted the Charge of the Goddess as a guideline. You may want to check into both. They're not requirements, but I think these two set Wicca apart from regional Traditions and inherited paths. They are ideals. And that's my 2bits.

Re: My new-found interest in Wicca

Post by kcdragonman2000 »

I'll definitely do that. I think I've even found a Goddess I can relate to.
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