Marked cards

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Marked cards

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Whenever I do a reading for someone other than myself I first shuffle the cards and then ask the person I'm reading for to shuffle the cards and then break the deck 3 ways and put it back together any way they choose. Once a friend of my was shuffling them and accidentally bent the corner of a card. I made a joke that that meant something and we examined the card and how it related to him. Well yesterday my brother did the same thing as he shuffled the cards. He had asked me to do a basic 3 card reading on his career future, but he bent the 3 of wands while shuffling. I made the same joke and we examined the card as it applied to him. I was just wondering if you all think the same, that someone who marks a card in that way should examine it, as if it was meant to be bent to share information with the shufflers.

EDITED: spelling errors.. Sheesh!
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Re: Marked cards

Post by Firebird »

I'm not sure, it may be a message for the readee, but in my opinion the deck is basically ruined. Problem being the deck will want to cut where the bent card is, and is that really the will of anyone else gitting a reading?
This is a really great question Rosie because I have a couple decks with a nick, I've also noticed these decks are maybe a slightly lesser quality in the firmness of the cardstock and/or the thickness of the lamentation.
I still use those decks, but I already know what the card will be.
One way I have got around that is to draw the cards from a pile, all spread out and mixed around like a big stew in the cauldron. Have self or readee close their eyes or use a blindfold, then stir the pot. Pick out the number of cards to use, and stack them in a pile. Pull from the bottom of the pile to lay out your the first card drawn is there. This way there is no influnce from the bent card as to where the deck is cut. Obviously you will still know what the card is before you flip it, but it won't be pedetermined when you cut the deck.
does that make any sense?
Can I ask what deck this is? I recently got the Wildwood deck which I really love, but the card quality wasn't good and a couple cards are already bent.
blessings, Firebird
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Marked cards

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Oh thank you for this input firebirdflys! I never thought about how the deck will feel when cutting the deck. This is my only deck, and it is the spiral deck by Kay Stephenson. I will find you a link. I picked this deck out at my local shop. Only two decks "spoke" to me, this spiral deck and a deck that reminded me of my Native American ancestry. I chose this deck, which I love, but had been wondering how to accept a new deck without feeling like I have "broken up" with my old deck. So maybe this will give me a chance to explore a new deck.
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Re: Marked cards

Post by Sakura Blossom »

That's a really interesting question. I can only speak from what I think as I never let anyone touch my cards (it's personal preference of course. Haha) but I think that if they mark it tha it means greater importance. Definitely pertains to the situation I would think but maybe more so than just having a card fall out because it made a physical dent in the card itself which takes energy and skill with how thick tarot cards usually are. So if all you are doing is reaching for a card or shuffling then the chance of actually damaging the cards is slim. Though, bending is more so going to occur with the shuffling but hopefully what I'm trying to say makes sense. Haha.

I'm curious to see other's opinions. (:
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Marked cards

Post by RosieMoonflower »

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Re: Marked cards

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Okay, I've tested my deck several times. It does not break naturally where the bent cards are. I have smoothed them out as best I could and time after time of closed eye just grabbing to break the cards it always broke in a different spot. So I think no more letting other shuffle my cards. I may just have them lay their hand on top of the deck and think of their question, then they can break the deck three ways as usual.
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