Altar Attempt

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Altar Attempt

Post by SnowCat »

I haven't had an altar in years. I'm feeling the need to attempt one. I think I will use a shoe box to make it portable, and also the be able to keep my stuff in it. Beyond that, I don't know. Any suggestions?

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Re: Altar Attempt

Post by azriel »

For the beginning of any altar, I always begin by simply placing fetishes that I have found or obtained that can relate to the elements, the deities, animals, plants or minerals. I usually begin with the elements first so that I can establish a balance and sacred space in the area I wish to have my altar. If you are looking for tools, it is always easier to find things in your house that could serve the purpose you so desire, and if a more suitable one appears later on then you can upgrade! I bought, many years ago, a wood carving of a fox that doubled as a gigantic pen. The pen was used up a long time ago but I loved the carving so I kept it. Recently, I have been looking for a wand and realized that this wood-carving wood be perfect. It has my favorite animal, and the image of one of my guides, Inari. I pulled out the ink column and now have a wand-in-waiting to add to my currently small collection of tools.

Like a home, an altar is a tool or a reflection of yourself that is built up over time through use and care and there is no rush necessary in trying to find everything all at once.


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Re: Altar Attempt

Post by BabyBear »

Just like azriel said also try checking out my hidden altar tips and tricks because the first post tells you what you need to think on ... 27885.html

hope it helps and cant wait to see what you do
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Re: Altar Attempt

Post by Firebird »

I have a nice portable Altar, it's quite small though and all the items are mini versions of regular tools.

I have noticed the quality of shoe boxes to be getting pretty shabby these days, so unless you have access to Prada boxes I would recomend going to a local cigar retailer and get cedar boxes from them. Some of these places will charge a couple bucks or so, but if your lucky you'll find a vendor who just wants to get rid of them, these guys usually are the ones with a high rate of turn over. I especially like the cigar boxes because they have been blessed by the tobacco and any negativity is impenetrable...not to mention the protective qualities of cedar. They also are so sturdy and you can decorate as you like, maybe adding one of those cutsie locks. I covered mine in black velvet, but have found over time it gets crushed when you set stuff on top. It still looks pretty good though, if i can find a pic I'll add it later. When I make another one I will either paint it or use satin or cotton.
They also make great gifts.

Bb, Firebird
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Re: Altar Attempt

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Another option you could use, if you want it to be inconspicuous, is a tackle box. (: I keep a lot of my oils and other items in there because it's not very eye-catching and is compartmentalized so I can organize everything nicely.

Some things you could put in it, if you wanted something easy to bring with you, are the oils, stones, string/ribbon (I do a lot of braiding spells), beads that represent your deities, since you work with Loki as I do, you could put a candle in there to represent fire. Just some ideas I can think of. (:
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