Personal reform - the Witches Pyramid

Discussion of the different types of witchcraft and pagan paths.
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Personal reform - the Witches Pyramid

Post by morrowrd »

I would like to share some tools that have helped me.

My spiritual path has it’s roots in what I like to call “personal reform.” For those of you who have been in this for awhile, some of this will be old information. However, I am sharing this for those of you who are starting out from square one, and it’s probably the most ideal of situations if you have little or no knowledge about Witchcraft, Wicca, or even Satanism, although out of the three, the last one is probably the best if I had to pick. Mainly because within the pagan world of witches, you have a huge salad bowl of opinions, egos, and idealists, not to mention religious fanatics that are a part of any religion. I tend to be in the camp with those who have zero use for most rituals or religion. In Witchcraft, you have your ranks or degrees if you will, and as far as I’m concerned, at least for myself, all that does is complicate matters. What has value is power, and to go even further, the ability to make changes smoothly, efficiently, wholesomely, without worrying about a bunch of man made rules. While there is value in regards to astrological correspondences, herbal supplements, spiritual “helpers”, not to mention know-how regarding circle casting and (other) magickal tools, 90% of the “real” power comes from within.

Way back in the late 80’s and early 90’s, I decided I needed to reform myself. I needed a new source for spiritual strength and resources; I needed a new way of thinking and living my life. I was unhappy and unsatisfied with how things were progressing and even less I liked how I was developing as a whole. In the dark of the night, in front of my lighted candle I made the statement, “Of my own free will, I commit myself to this. I embrace all future decisions and choices based on what I learn from this new source. I dismiss my old life, and embrace this new one. I accept now, in advance, all the consequences of this decision as well as the rewards. So mote it be!” Since that night, my life has moved in a different direction. I had a change for the better, and I have never ever regretted my decision. If anything, I am loyal to the things that have helped me in life – and satanic witchcraft has been the key to everything.

For those of you considering a similar kind of change, or even if you aren’t going to go as far as I did with personal reform, but rather, tweaking your life-systems using some of these resources, self-evaluation is always the first step. Survey your life as a whole, identifying your strengths, but more importantly, your weaknesses and/or other areas that you are not satisfied with and feel you need to adjust. If you find that there are too many areas of your life you are unhappy with, this system might be just what you need to get you on the right track. This is “the Marshal Plan” for personal reform. In like manner, if all you need are little life changes here and there, this system will work for you as well. I don't have all the answers, but I have to admit this system does work. Just decide for yourself which tool you need to tweak what you already have. Discard what you don’t need – not everyone needs to build a house, some of us need just an addition, or a garage, or a tool shed. Decide what level of change you need, and then proceed from there.

I liken my own experience on personal reform using witchcraft as a primary system, as someone creating a garden. After the initial planning is complete, and the location of the garden is decided and mapped out, in comes the equipment – a tiller for one, digs up the hard ground completely turning it over, breaking it up. The rocks are next on the list, removing those. Weed killer and fertilizer, topsoil is laid, seeds are planted. A fence is usually a part of the construction, (defense grid) and then we add water. As time progresses, the seeds begin to sprout, water either from a hose or from mother nature is still added daily, sunlight and moonlight aid in the growth. Occasionally we need to weed, add bracing for the plants as they begin to become top heavy. And then, after all that work we reap the rewards of our labor – the fruits and vegetables are harvested.

I have a saying that goes like this; “what’s the sense of having power, if you can’t use it?” And while I am all for that touchy feely new agey healing attitude, I’m also for using power for other things. Remember, power is neither good nor evil, it’s neutral. Much like driving a car, it can be used as a tool for criminal activity, law enforcement, or rescue. It’s not the vehicle; it’s the person behind the wheel.

The Witches Pyramid

Post by morrowrd »

Like I mentioned earlier, “when a person wants help bad enough, they will always find it, sometimes in unusual places.” Who would have known that the path to fixing up one’s life, lay in the secrets of the worlds oldest religion?

I stumbled across the idea for the witches pyramid in my early years of personal reform, reading books on witchcraft. Many of the books I read were what I would label as very new agey. And while here and there, some of what I read gave me bits and pieces of helpful information, it wasn’t until I constructed a particular formula that much of what I learned began to fit together in a productive way. That productive way as I so put it, is the acquisition of basic power, what I named the “Witches Pyramid.”

Will + Faith + Purpose = Power

Will, or what I like to call “personal will” is the ability to affect any particular status quo at your pleasure. The bully on the playground for instance, do we interfere? Or do we do nothing (doing nothing is an act of will by the way, which will have it’s own effect on the status quo, the same as doing something.) If we interfere, we have do decide what level of interference, or intervention we want to use, and then follow through with the decision.’

Faith, or again “personal faith” is the growing confidence we have in ourselves as we exercise our will each time. As we get better at it, we become stronger, trusting ourselves more and more each time. Faith becomes a true resource that acts as wind beneath our wings each new time we utilize our personal will. Personal faith can also be strengthened in other uses of will, such as telling the truth. Being someone who does not tell the truth on a regular basis, is much more undermining than one would think. After awhile, the liar doesn’t have faith in their own words, and will second-guess themselves, lowering confidence, and loss of personal faith is a given. So the moral of this part, tell the damn truth ALL the time. Suck up the consequences and deal with it because the rewards are very much worth it.

Purpose is what we are focusing our will & faith upon. What is the particular results that we wish to see by our “affecting” the status quo? Remember, the status quo can be anything, anywhere, within our circle of influence, including inside ourselves. Just like the person who lies, do we have a problem, a pattern of not telling the truth? Do we wish to affect that status quo? And do we do it by telling the truth, no matter what? And then whats going to happen when we start that change? I’ll tell you what’s going to happen, you are going to see a change….for the better.

The power I am referring to, is having the ability to survey a status quo, a situation that you would like to change, and deciding to intervene and make things come out different. A person who has built up a strong personal will and personal faith, and has become fluent in setting a solid purpose, will grow and become powerful.

What is power? The ability to change things.
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