Spell to banish someone

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Spell to banish someone

Post by YanaKhan »

This is a spell I wrote recently as I don't want one of my students to take my class anymore (yeah, I know, it's not really nice, but she is not interested in learning anything, but in shouting and screaming at the microphone and her mother won't do a thing about it). I did it once and it worked, but perhaps I need to work on it a bit more, as they showed up today, although the girl was actually talking about leaving the classes.
So, you will need : Black pepper - ground, some ash or dirt from the person's footprints, blue candle for protection.
Open a circle if you need one.
Light the blue candle and imagine blue light surrounding you, repelling the people you don't want near you. They fly around like moths around fire, but can't get in and finally fly away.
In the cauldron set the black pepper and the ash/dirt on fire while chanting:

Go away and don’t come back,
I don’t want you here.
I don’t want to hear you quack
Your leaving I will cheer.

I wish to do no harm to thee
You just need to set me free
I know the Gods will here my plea,
As I will, so mote it be.

Leave the candle to burn all the way down while visualizing the person/people leaving you alone. You can imagine the conversation that you will have. Then empty the cauldron on the floor and sweep the ashes out of the circle.
Close the circle.

I am open to suggestions on what I could add to make it's effect permanent or at least long lasting.
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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by Seraphin »

Nicely crafted YanaKhan!

Thank you for sharing with us!

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by Kassandra »


I love your honesty, YanaKhan. Yeah, sometime we need to assist someone out of the picture, and it's almost always someone who really doesn't want to be in the particular situation anyway. In these situations their energy is funky and resentful, and they try to make everyone else feel funky and resentful, too, because misery loves company, as they say. So, yeah, sometimes a well-placed banishing does everyone a favor, including the target! lol. No joke. As always, thank you for sharing.

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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

You've incorporated some good visualizations, YanaKhan. Nicely done.
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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by Isis3Anubis »

YanaKhan wrote: Go away and don’t come back,
I don’t want you here.
I don’t want to hear you quack
I love the quack, reminds me of the Affleck commercials!

One question and I don't mean this as a criticism but why couldn't you have talked with the child and set limits of what is appropriate behavior in your class. Most teachers have punishments and rules the children have to follow or they will be sent to detention, or suspension. Banishment seems a bit harsh unless she was a danger to you and the other children. Seems to me her big mouth was more of a nuisance that a real hindrance. Was the child autistic and not able to listen to reason?
It's funny I banished someone once with a Hoodoo spell from a priestess that gave a banishment spell on the Phil Donahue show and the thing actually worked. Funny sometimes how these things work.
I truly hope your class is better now that there is no disruptions, but honestly I admire anyone who works with children they all drive me nuts! I would have done a silence/peace spell I do for my family when they drive me up the wall with noise and chatter. It is ethical and silences anyone who causes interruptions/disruptions or loud noise when I am trying to meditate. If you would like to talk just PM me, I am not a critical person, just very annoyingly logical and outspoken so please don't get the wrong opinion of my post.
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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by YanaKhan »

You misunderstood - I am not a teacher in school. My classes are individual and can be taken by anyone who pays the fee. And I have no control over who pays that. My job is to teach them to sing. Most kids learn even if they have no great talent. I have a student who couldn't sing a note in tune at the beginning, 4 years later she has prizes from 4 national contests. If they work and pay attention, they can learn (if they have normal hearing, of course). Not this kid. I told her mom I feel uncomfortable taking her money as her child is not learning anything, but running around the room shouting. And this has been going on for good six months.
And yes, I have rules, I have spoken to her, to her mom who is a single parent, she was not allowed to sing to a concert. It doesn't work. Also, sent her outside to shout and when she came back it was like nothing happened. I believe she is hyperactive, but I am not a doctor to say that and her mother won't do anything about it. I mean, there are teachers for children with special needs and I am not one of those. I wouldn't just go around waving my wand and casting spells if I didn't have good reason to. ;)
Don't worry, I don't get this the wrong way, I would also try and look for a solution outside magick first. And trust me, with this child, there is none. This is the first time this is happening though. Most children come to me with great desire to learn and love music.
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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by Kassandra »


Isis3Anubis wrote:Banishment seems a bit harsh unless she was a danger to you and the other children. Seems to me her big mouth was more of a nuisance that a real hinderance. Was the child autistic and not able to listen to reason?
...I am not a critical person, just very annoyingly logical and outspoken so please don't get the wrong opinion of my post.
Isis3Anubis, I always enjoy your posts, and your opinionatedness. Your comments are always well-thought out, and said with a compassionate intention. I'm sure many others feel as you do on this topic, though they won't post their thoughts as you have. So, thanks for sharing. :wink: It is not critical, you're just being honest.

Well, I don't consider myself being neither right nor wrong, just sharing some thoughts...

Harsh, or Just Practical?

Things look very different viewed from the outside in if one doesn't have kids and/or hasn't tried to teach a classroom of them before. The "logic" looks very different when one walks in those shoes, versus when one simply reads about another person walking in those shoes. One can't know the difference unless one has "been there." I have found that there is a logic to thinking about what it might/should be like to do something, and a logic to knowing what it is like to do that thing. "Truth," in both instances, is subjective; it varies for both a thinker of a thing, and a doer of a thing.

Having done both myself (had my own kids, and taught kids at school --briefly), I would say that YanaKhan's decision to employ this spellwork in this situation was anything but "harsh." In fact, I wish I would have known how to employ magic when I was teaching kids (if only I knew then what I know now! lol). While she was understanding about the girl's mother being a single parent and perhaps not having a lot of support at home (if any) with dealing with her daughter's behavioral issues, I think YanaKhan also has a right to draw a boundary for the limitations of her (private, not publically-funded) classroom. I think that deciding the child and the class were not a good fit is fully within her purview.

Employing magic seemed to have been her last resort when mundane attempts at solving the problem didn't work. I do not think it was unethical, but just being practical. There are witches of the pursuasion that any kind of commanding work, such as this, is absolutely and in every situation wrong to do. If that's what works for them, they certainly have a right to their perogative. But, YanaKhan never claimed to be that kind of witch, so she is therefore not breaking any associated laws or rules which witches who are of that path might have chosen to live by. Their beliefs are not ubiquitous to all witches everywhere.

About Special Needs Kids

A final thought...I don't think all teachers should be expected to work with all populations at all times in all their classes. That's not the way the teaching profession (here in America, at least) works. There is very specific, skilled training for instructors who are inclined to working with children with socially disruptive behavioral issues. Unless one is both trained to work with a certain population, and has a facility set up to work with that population, it does neither the teacher nor any student any benefit.

It doesn't sound like YanaKhan has her lessons or classroom set up for what we call in America, "special needs children." I get the impression YanaKhan's classes are set up for children without behavioral issues who are high functioning, not for children who are "autistic and not able to listen to reason." Their disruptions really can be a big hindrance for the other children's learning. And the parents who are paying hard-earned money for their kids to learn the material in the classes, may put pressure on YanaKhan for not delivering what she promised, if she is constantly distracted with the behavioral issues of one particular student.

Just some different perspectives that occurred to me about this.

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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by YanaKhan »

Thank you, Kassandra, you made my points exactly. Sometimes I'm having hard time expressing myself.
We also have teachers who have special training for dealing with children with special needs. However, not every teacher has that training and while I have studied child psychology and infant, child and teenage pedagogy, I was not trained to teach special needs children. I do have a disabled student, but she has no development or behavior issues. And behavior problems are something I have never dealt with before. I have studied "musical therapy" as a part of my degree, but it mainly concerned people with serious mental problems, not hyperactive children. And it doesn't involve any teaching.
Anyway, Isis3Anubis, being a person of logic and thinking before doing something is amazing. It means you are smart and thoughtful, which from my point of view is a virtue.
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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by Kassandra »

YanaKhan wrote:Isis3Anubis, being a person of logic and thinking before doing something is amazing. It means you are smart and thoughtful, which from my point of view is a virtue.
Here, here! :)

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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by Lillady »

Very nice YanaKhan. I have been thinking about doing a banishing/binding spell on my ex and his wife and this weekend put the icing on the cake for me. I am not one of course to cause any harm just want them to leave me and our children alone with all the unnecessary drama they are causing. What would you suggest in place of the dirt from the person's footprint? Would be hard for me to obtain as I am 100 miles away so cannot sneak out in the middle of the night to get that haha.
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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by YanaKhan »

I'm not really sure, but I guess anything that belong to them would do. I wouldn't use pictures, though, it doesn't feel right to burn pictures (for me at least and I don't really know why). Do you have any gifts from them you don't need? If you do, I would use those. :)
The spell itself was not written to cause any harm. I wouldn't do harm to anyone, not intentionally.
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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by Lillady »

No I don't I burned most of it except for a few pictures which Im keeping for our daughters when we got divorced. I will try just using my visualization or writing his name on a piece of paper and burn the paper. It has worked before so I am sure it will with this one as well.
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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by TwilightDancer »

Lillady wrote:I will try just using my visualization or writing his name on a piece of paper and burn the paper. It has worked before so I am sure it will with this one as well.
If you write the name on paper visualize the person clearly while doing it. (multiple people could have that name).
You can even draw a portrait of them and burn that.

Thank you for sharing YanaKhan, I may have to borrow this.

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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by Seraphin »

TwilightDancer wrote:
Lillady wrote:I will try just using my visualization or writing his name on a piece of paper and burn the paper. It has worked before so I am sure it will with this one as well.
If you write the name on paper visualize the person clearly while doing it. (multiple people could have that name).
You can even draw a portrait of them and burn that.

Thank you for sharing YanaKhan, I may have to borrow this.

Blessed Be :flyingwitch:
Yeah that's image magick! And it really works well in my experience.
lillady wrote:Very nice YanaKhan. I have been thinking about doing a banishing/binding spell on my ex and his wife and this weekend put the icing on the cake for me. I am not one of course to cause any harm just want them to leave me and our children alone with all the unnecessary drama they are causing.
Oooh... I have a different banishing ritual for divorced couple.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Spell to banish someone

Post by Lillady »

Yeah that's what I normally use is image magick. It has never let me down. Care to share the ritual you have with me Seraphin? You can pm it to me if you like.
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