Clearing Electromagnetic Smog with Crystals

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Clearing Electromagnetic Smog with Crystals

Post by raynelae »

Electromagnetic smog is the radiation technology such as cell phones, televisions, alarm clocks, ipods, microwaves, and so forth gives off. This radiation damages health and can cause headaches, fatigue, chronic depression, and other ailments. It is especially important for highly sensitive people (and everyone else) to clear their homes (and work place if work involves lots of technology) of electromagnetic smog. Clearing your space can be done simply using crystals. A list of crystals to use follows: amazonite, hematite, black tourmaline, clear quartz, green aventurine, amethyst, and fluorite. Obviously, everyone has different experiences with different crystals so use your intuition when choosing crystals to use. To use these crystals, place one of them next a piece of technology in your home. I hope this helps you and allows you to open the gates of healing with crystals!
Bright blessings :)
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Re: Clearing Electromagnetic Smog with Crystals

Post by SnowCat »

Fluorite caught my attention. I need to go back and check the research my grandson did for his science project on fluorescent minerals. The mechanism that causes fluorescence would probably be helpful in clearing the emg smog.. I just don't remember exactly what happens. When I get the info, I'll share it.

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Re: Clearing Electromagnetic Smog with Crystals

Post by raynelae »

Yes please do share it! I'm guessing all the radiation those products give off must cause cancer too. I'm definitely using my crystals from now on.
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Re: Clearing Electromagnetic Smog with Crystals

Post by SpiritTalker »

Shungite is a high carbon content shale and is very effective against Emf emissions.
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