Opinions on DJ Conway's Celtic Magic?

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Silent Echoes

Opinions on DJ Conway's Celtic Magic?

Post by Silent Echoes »

I actually like the book do far and I am highlighting and sticky-noting the hell out of it. Why do so many dislike it?
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Re: Opinions on DJ Conway's Celtic Magic?

Post by whisperingMaiden »

Funny thing,
I was looking through my books and saw none other than this book.I reread it and remembered why I never read it as much.
Its mostly fantasy!I don't like it because its sounded like the writer was totally new to wicca itself.Also the title through e off since it should have a "K" at the end suggesting it was witch.I wouldn't trust everything it says I think most of it is a few suggestions.The book was alright.I do like the poems,then again this is my own opinion.I would only use the spells if you truly trust this writer,I personally don't so I do not.I prefer my material researchable,to be able to correct.
The empty void in us,can be filled with a little magic.
Silent Echoes

Re: Opinions on DJ Conway's Celtic Magic?

Post by Silent Echoes »

I am not quite at the point in my journey to start performing spells yet, at least in my own opinion. And I do see what you mean by it being mostly fantasy. Anything that you would suggest for me to pay special attention to?
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Re: Opinions on DJ Conway's Celtic Magic?

Post by whisperingMaiden »

Anything that doesn't seem right,strange,or you have seen that said the same thing but in different term research.Most books I don't trust I do that for and If its mine I cross it out and correct it for later notice.Also I know you said "No spells yet" but for the future if you see a word in a book that doesn't seem right or you don't understand,stay away from it.
The empty void in us,can be filled with a little magic.
Silent Echoes

Re: Opinions on DJ Conway's Celtic Magic?

Post by Silent Echoes »

Okay, I just "finished" the book, and I find that some of the mythology is true, and others just plain ludicrous. When I wrote this question, I had just finished chapter 3. I thought some of her ideas seemed valid, but again, I'm new to this and I need to not just assume that whatever the author says is true. (But you would think that being a published author wild kind of cause her to care about putting actual facts iti her writings) I need to make my own opinions and everything. Goodness, this is a lot more challenging then I expected. But it's a good challenging. This religion seems like its just so right for me, it can just be a little confusion at times, -though all other religions have their confusing times too.
Back to the book, I kind of got suspicious of everything in the book now. I don't even trust her incense table. Oh well, he book is a dud. Good thing I didn't spend any money on it
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Re: Opinions on DJ Conway's Celtic Magic?

Post by miachrhys »

I found the book to be a good read. I suggest that anyone interested in Celtic studies devour as many resources as are available but this book is a great starting point. I don't understand the reactions that the book is fantasy..isn't that what mythology is all about?

I think the author is the victim of the Llewellyn Curse where Wiccans deem her work trash without reading the material, just as most other authors that choose to use them as a publishing company are viewed. I'm not saying that is what is happening in this post, however. :)

I also want to state that I don't spell the word "magic" with a "k" on the end. I suppose it is personal preference. I just find it silly to add extra letters onto a word to denote it as different from stage illusions when I'm smart enough to know the difference. Not reading a book because the "k" is or is not used is silly to me as well but to each their own. I do believe Aleister Crowley spelled it as "magick" and I believe that is where it originated.

I suggest reading the book and checking it out. Even if you don't gain anything useful you'll be able to explain why you didn't like the book.
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Re: Opinions on DJ Conway's Celtic Magic?

Post by Zili »

The majority of pagans I've spoken with don't like Conway at all or anything published by the Llewellyn company. They refer to them as "fluffy bunnies" (a derogatory term for "noob" to pagan ways suggesting that a lot of what is written is "fluff" or filler just to make them seem more important.) However this isn't true of every writer and every book there's a mixture of it all even from the Llewellyn publishing company. I suggest reading as much history as you can find on the subjects you are interested in, some of it will be dark and incorrect from the Medieval Christian view point but you just have to bite down and get through those parts.
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