A Connection To Two Elements?

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A Connection To Two Elements?

Post by airwitch23 »

My element is air, but I also feel a strong connection to water. Is that possible?
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Re: A Connection To Two Element?

Post by Starwitch »

Perhaps your new astrological sign is a water sign? Have you checked yet? Here's the chart:

Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.
Pisces: March 11-April 18.
Aries: April 18-May 13.
Taurus: May 13-June 21.
Gemini: June 21-July 20.
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17. (the new sign)
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.


Re: A Connection To Two Element?

Post by airwitch23 »

I was born under Libra but for this I am under Virgo. I read that Virgo's element is Earth. It that's true, it also makes sense. I am very green minded and try my best to protect the Earth. But is doesn't explain the connection to Water. I can say the only element I have never felt connect to is Fire.

Thanks for the information, Starwitch! Any more advice would be great!

Re: A Connection To Two Element?

Post by airwitch23 »

I was born near water in Florida so does that have something to do with it? Also, my moon sign in Leo which I know is Fire but like I said, I have never felt connected to Fire. I am very confused.
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Re: A Connection To Two Element?

Post by Starwitch »

It's my opinion that every human is naturally very connected to all of the elements. Our bodies are made up of 60-70% water, plus we have to drink water to survive. We have to breathe air to live. We get our food from the Earth. And no plant or animal on Earth would exist without the Sun (Fire). So while a person may feel a stronger connection to a particular element, which is probably due to having more positive experiences with that element (or being geographically located near a major source of it), in reality they are connected to all of them.

When humans think of fire, they generally think of pain and destruction (I imagine), so that's not something that makes most of us want to get too close to that element. But if they think of fire in terms of the Sun they may feel a deeper connection to it, knowing that we wouldn't be here at all without the awesome energy of the Sun.

I think about the Elements, the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon a lot and wonder about the ways they are all connected to us and to everything else in the Universe. It's a subject I could talk about for hours. But I try to refrain from getting too abstract on the forums since I've not met many others who seem interested. (You can't imagine how much I had to remove from this post alone, lol. I really just need to write in a blog, I guess.)

Hey it's cool that you were born in Florida. I was born in Florida too, on the East Coast in Ft. Pierce. :) My family only stayed there for three weeks after my birth and then moved to Ohio for a while, then finally to Tennessee, which is where I've been since I was around two or three years old. I'm like you in that I feel a strong connection to the ocean and I believe it was because I was born there, plus I would have also felt the powerful energy of the ocean while I was in the womb.

It would be so great to live somewhere like Hawaii where you have the mountains and the ocean in the same place. I would really miss the mountains if I lived on a coast that had no mountains. The ocean and the mountain creeks are so perfect because you have all four elements together in one place (with the Sun as fire, or at night you can build a campfire). Being in those places is one of the most powerful and magical feelings that I've experienced.
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Re: A Connection To Two Element?

Post by Starwitch »

I guess the reason this is probably confusing is because when someone refers to you as a "fire", "water", "earth", or "air" person, they are saying that the qualities of your personality are similar to the traits that astrologers have assigned to that particular element (which frankly seem to have little to do with the element itself).

Here is a description of the characteristics that each element is associated with.

From astrology.about.com
Fire signs: the spirit, inspired, energy, instinctual, outgoing, active
Air signs: the mind, intellectual, ideas, detached, social, conceptual
Water signs: the emotions, imaginative, nurturing, introverted
Earth Signs: the body, practical, sensual, grounded
The truth appears to be that astrologers created a list of various qualities that would apply to the majority of people (or at least the majority of people who believe in astrology) and then assigned a handful of those qualities to each sign. So no matter which sign is your sign, you're certain to find traits there that describe you, and if you're like most believers you'll just ignore the parts that don't apply to you. The final result will be enough to convince you that astrology is real and accurate.

Makes me wonder how many people have actually altered their basic personalities to match who they thought they were supposed to be according to their astrological sign?

Re: A Connection To Two Element?

Post by airwitch23 »

You are amazing, Starwitch!

This really helped! I do see myself in all of them now and feel more at peace. I like how you explained Fire and the Sun. I never thought about it like that before.

Thank you for being patient with me as a new witch.
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Re: A Connection To Two Element?

Post by Starwitch »

I'm really glad I could help Airlight. :) And thanks for your support, really. :kiss:

Re: A Connection To Two Elements?

Post by Sekhmet »

I'm Earth(Taurus) But I feel most connectined to Water
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Re: A Connection To Two Elements?

Post by wolfgirl96 »

I am most connected to fire but i do feel a connection to all of them

and sekhmet on an unrelated subject i love your signiture
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