location assistance

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sancus sisyphean

location assistance

Post by sancus sisyphean »

where can i locate a gypsy near san diego california?

a little background info:

after speaking with a psychic about 5 years ago, i spoke with my mother (whom i've only known a few years at that point, and we've never talked about witchcraft/spells) and she confirmed what i was told. she told me that when i was still in the womb, a gypsy happened to cross paths with her (the gypsy herself could not speak english so her daughter translated for her), she told my mother that she saw a cloud, a cloud of pure evil, pain, hatred, suffering, and loneliness that had been put on her by another person, maybe not a gypsy, but someone who understood witchcraft/spells well enough to cast a spell so strong that it would have destroyed her with a a few years.

the psychic i spoke to told me that i somehow managed to dragged most of the spell with me when i was born and that unless i find the source she will die long before her time. i was constructed 26 years ago albeit i've been told i am ageless as i have been here too long, and too many times. i understand that my soul may never rest, and at this point all i want to do is take the spell upon myself so that my mother can continue to make a world a better place. i can feel my spirit, it's old, it's tired, it's ready for hell and i want to tie up a few loose ends before i go. i had a gypsy friend who was keeping us safe, but our path met it's end, and since then my mother has gotten worse. i've spoken with my mother about offering her my heart and lungs to replace hers but she told me she'd never allow it, as she feels the natural path is the right one.

it is because of this i am willing to offer what's left of my corporeal being to the gypsy/witch who can pull the spell from her and place it onto myself, as i have nothing to lose, i am destined to hell and i am at peace with it. should the process kill me, then i will simply find my father in hell and proceed to destroy every atom of his being for breaking his promise to my mother, and to the family.
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Re: location assistance

Post by Lost_Demise »

I doubt all gypsies are witches.. There are different groups of people who where labeled under the term gypsy..

I don't believe that any negativity would have come from a spell. Your suggestion of someone casting something deathly at random sounds hard to believe. Not knowing who did it if someone did it is a little odd, wouldn't there have even been a small guess? Someone who was furious or mad enough to do that if it was done would to at least have known a person long enough to have a reason. Do you know more then you say? Do you have any guesses on who would have done it?
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Re: location assistance

Post by Asch »

This is what I am, here is where I remove my mask.
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Re: location assistance

Post by shadowx »

try imascammer.com

This gypsy is a liar and a scammer. Ignore her words, she wants your money and nothing more.
sancus sisyphean

Re: location assistance

Post by sancus sisyphean »

Lost_Demise wrote:I doubt all gypsies are witches.. There are different groups of people who where labeled under the term gypsy..

I don't believe that any negativity would have come from a spell. Your suggestion of someone casting something deathly at random sounds hard to believe. Not knowing who did it if someone did it is a little odd, wouldn't there have even been a small guess? Someone who was furious or mad enough to do that if it was done would to at least have known a person long enough to have a reason. Do you know more then you say? Do you have any guesses on who would have done it?
it wasn't random, but it's hard to pinpoint a singularity as our immediate family is hated from within the external ranks for we prosper of our own free will adverse the common practice of relying on others. i can start a list of names and be no closer finding an answer than i am now. i know no more then i say, and not to be rude but if i did i wouldn't be requesting aid. many attempts have been made on our lives, the last leaving my mother with a collapsed lung as the round was the nail that was shot into her chest by a coward from the rear. we've been through a good amount of trouble, and in the end times i wish i simply free my mother of her troubles so that she may keep watch over her younger children, my siblings.
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Re: location assistance

Post by Lost_Demise »

Thank you for giving more information, if you leave out things like who might have done it and why it makes it harder to understand things. The harder to understand it the harder it is to help. Also, its not rude to say it, as it sounds like your family is not ones who like searching for any help. I might be able to help but I would like to know more of the 'evil' over. Knowledge is power, the more given the more we can see, and the better to see the more likely one will make the correct action.

Though I myself do not really believe in a heaven or hell, or that there is a time limit for how long a soul can live again and again before needing rest. If I believed in that I wouldn't be here pissing off people who would like to see slumber away- though none of those people are on this forum(I think, not a mind reader).

So it has eaten at your mothers health, what else has it done? Have you seen its energy? felt it? smelled it?
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Re: location assistance

Post by shadowx »

it didnt eat his mothers health... from the sounds of it she was shot with a nail gun?

I see no basis to assume magick has played any part here aside from a gypsy who wants your money.
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Re: location assistance

Post by Lost_Demise »

A nail gun? I should have read more closely..
sancus sisyphean

Re: location assistance

Post by sancus sisyphean »

i can sense the skepticism, the sarcasm... i am no wayward nubile child wishing to explore an ancient religion from which all western religion (if not all) hath descended. i am a vilein, or what is more commonly known as a "villain", i know and understand the pentagram which is made by Venus as she transits the night sky every 8 years. i know of Goddess worship and how Christianity/Catholicism has almost completely destroyed it, making Paganism and anything related it to evil as to mark themselves above everyone else. i'm not here to garner attention, i am not here to prove or disprove any religion as all religion is necessary to human kind regardless of belief. i'm not here to speak my peace about existence or to shun those who ask for help.

i am here to simply find an answer, it doesn't have to be the answer, but an answer.

the "nail" was a 9mm parabellum round fired from what i believe was a non remarkable semi-automatic hand gun. i made the remark about it being the "nail" as that was the one that permanently collapsed her lung and left her right arm paralyzed. but, as fate would have it, her father wouldn't afford her the empathy and demanded she regain the use of her right arm of her own free will. she has since regained full use of her right arm, with most of the nerve endings still having active connections with the cerebellum and associated sensory systems. mind you, this was all before i was coalesced, as i was not around for any of this. much, if not all of my strength i received from my mother. but i can not allow her to die because of someone's petty jealousy. i will secure her place in oblivion as my own before i see her leave this world, even if i have to go first.

her health problems began after our separation. there were major events prior and after, but when i go home it drags on slowly as if to by me some much needed time. right now she's bleeding internally with no signs of relief. no conventional medicine nor traditional (my peoples) has been able to stop it. i have come to terms the idea that i might be losing my mother soon, but if i can, i want to allow her peace in life now.
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Re: location assistance

Post by Lost_Demise »

It sounds like the evil thing that was cast on her has definitely taken her down to a point where she might not make it. You may try though. Maybe you have an energy in you that helps refresh your mother, or maybe it was coincidence she became worse after you left. Still, perhaps a way to get rid of it could be purification? I could perhaps do a tarot reading for you, it might give an answer if I use the four corners of death. Still, if you don't want the reading I will suggest bells to you, to call to see if there are any bell spirits in the area. Bell spirits are unresting spirits of the dead who are not quite ghost but not really a living spirit. They can be attached to people or things or land. Most bell spirits are very stubborn people with good natures and they can help in making any banishment in evil things that are not of flesh easier and more effective. If you put your energy in to bells in general though it can help amplify effects of things like that. Bells are good for amplification and purification as well as sight of certain kinds. Does anything I say sound helpful at all?
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Re: location assistance

Post by shadowx »

I understand your fears and hopes, however i think what is happening to her now is probably a result of past traumas, being shot will leave its mark through time and perhaps it is a side effect of this or some other injury in the past.

I wouldnt advise you against using magick, in your situation i would be just as... desperate.. to try everything i could and would almost certainly turn to magick, however to head the words of a woman who would only charge you for her "services" is not a good idea. She could easily make predictions based on the fact your mother has suffered violence, threats or ill health in the past. Someone with the background would, unfortunately, be statistically more likely to have an early passing.

I cant help you with anything specific except to say that the origin of these events is almost certainly physical in source, i would advise you to ignore the idea of evil or negative energies and instead focus on healing the physical wounds. how well this will work i dont know, i am no healer. I hate to say it but i think you may be right in your fears in which case you need to prepare yourself emotionally for what may happen.

I am sincerely sorry for your situation but stand by what i say. Magick is not the cause of this situation, whether or not it can be the solution is a different matter. I hope she makes a recovery and if not you are part of this forum now and there will be those who will offer a shoulder.
sancus sisyphean

Re: location assistance

Post by sancus sisyphean »

Lost_Demise wrote:It sounds like the evil thing that was cast on her has definitely taken her down to a point where she might not make it. You may try though. Maybe you have an energy in you that helps refresh your mother, or maybe it was coincidence she became worse after you left. Still, perhaps a way to get rid of it could be purification? I could perhaps do a tarot reading for you, it might give an answer if I use the four corners of death. Still, if you don't want the reading I will suggest bells to you, to call to see if there are any bell spirits in the area. Bell spirits are unresting spirits of the dead who are not quite ghost but not really a living spirit. They can be attached to people or things or land. Most bell spirits are very stubborn people with good natures and they can help in making any banishment in evil things that are not of flesh easier and more effective. If you put your energy in to bells in general though it can help amplify effects of things like that. Bells are good for amplification and purification as well as sight of certain kinds. Does anything I say sound helpful at all?
i thank thee for the information, it is something i would like to investigate, but not for myself, for my mother. i am the evil i have become regardless of the reasons, and i will remain the evil i am past my existence in this world as to assure i drag every single last piece of it down with me in the circles. i would be most pleased if you did do a reading, as generally every reading i've had comes out in my favor. as for the bells, i'll research this and attempt my best. as i type i feel the energy i used to have warming my hands, it reminds me of childhood.

the psychic knew nothing of myself, nor my past, i answered no questions and i gave no information. i asked for a read and she spoke unto me hear words which have echoed every waking hour. as far as bracing for the shock, my mother made sure i was strong enough survive the next world and the one after that. i've already dealt with her death as a child, and i am prepared for it now. i will not be saddened, my judgments will not be swayed by emotions, i will not be weakened by insecurities, i will not dwell upon death, separation, nor the inability to commune with her. all i want is to do what i can to ease her suffering, so that she can spend the rest of time in this world in peace, enjoy her time with my siblings, and leave this world in peace. i do wish i could prolong her life, and even if it meant eternally continuing a sisyphean task, so be it. but i know i can not, as it is not a choice, it is not an option, as soon as she found out she would end her life.

i'm not concerned with using magick to affect a change, but using magick to find the person responsible or to find a solution to the problem, as i do not need to cast spells on her, or anything of that nature. if it comes down to not being able to do anything, then so be it, but i can not rest knowing i sat idly by and watched my mother decay and didn't do anything to help.
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Re: location assistance

Post by Lost_Demise »

You are not a evil. You are yourself but not evil. I would know if you where evil because my elemental sensitivities medicine was tampered with and my skin needs to soak it in again so that is especially sensitive. We may do bad things in the past, everyone does. You are not evil though, I know the feel, taste, smell of evil and it is not your soul or self. Your soul is clean, though your heart is darkened with memories and the feelings and emotional scars. No arguing with me on it, well not at least until I grab Mr Sir(a fake voodoo doll I got out of a dollar gacha machine that gives off REALLY positive vibrations!)

Alright, the four corners of death, bone, blood, flesh, sound. I'll shuffle, I will ask them who sent the evil to your mother, who caused the misery. It is best to ask them because it sounds like the person seeks her death, so that is their domain.

Ace of pentacles

New luck, health or money for a new "job". There is no desire to burn, or flow or fly; here is a physical need to be grounded, to do solid work, make, create and touch. Like a seed in the ground, there is a desire to sprout roots and just become. The pentacle is taken in hand, and, for now, the querent wants only to have it solidly in his pocket.

These are the aces, the raw or initial passion, feelings, thoughts and needs that can be directed into something more. They represent hope, a possiblity, an action to take. The Querent can use them, or leave them behind. Choose wisely what you take up from the Magician's table for each has its pitfalls as well as pinnacles.

Knight of Pentacles
Travel on foot, hiking, walking, cycling.
This teen appreciates the very best things money can buy - not only because he likes such things, but because he doesn't like to stand out. He's got projects going, jobs on the side, he fears not having what others have, not fitting in. In comparison to the Knight of Wands, however, this teen likes being at home. He needs to have his own room or secret place, and woe to anyone who goes into that room or changes it in any way. This teen has his own organization system for everything. On the negative side, this teen can be far too solitary, too concerned with perfection, what he does or does not have, or earning a place of respect. Fear of failure or competition or standing out may keep him from leaving his room. He values and protects beautiful things and is a loyal employee if treated right.

Opposite: The easiest reversal here is to say that something does not come to an end, or it does not die. But this may not be as good a thing as it sounds. Ever have a favorite TV show? You watch it over three seasons, it hits a pinnacle of being brilliant and wonderful...and then it starts to go down. And as it sinks and gets worse, and as it stretches out you begin to wish it had ended after that pinnacle.

Sometimes, things need to come to a blessed end. Anyone who's had someone in the hospital, alive but not alive, holding to life but not living, knows that "not death" isn't a desired thing. Not death keeps people from grieving, and from starting over again when done. It just stretches out a "not-life."

Upside-down: Turn the Rider card upside-down and the flag falls from Death's hand. Death falls off the horse. The horse is on its back and the corpses are out of their graves.

It's a grim absurdity. We might say that reversed, this card becomes a mockery of death. This upside-down card hints at some very grisly things--desecration of graves, mocking someone's death. Someone dies and their end is celebrated or laughed about rather than mourned. Or, worse, someone dies and no one offers compassion or sympathy to the widow and children.

This situation, similar to the "Blocked" interpretation, makes it impossible to move on. Grief cannot be dealt with or overcome. I imagine I'd get this card for people who were Holocaust victims or who lost so many friends and lovers during the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. It isn't just the multitudes of deaths they witnessed, but that no one cared, or helped or offered sympathy. They are left in eternal grief over the way death was disrespected.

The Star
With Aquarius as its ruling sign, The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench the Querent's thirst, with a guiding light to the future.

of Blood
Eight of Swords
A woman is tied and blindfolded within a cage of swords. This is the "damned if you do, damned if you don't," card. The Querent is in a situation where they're afraid to move. If they move, they'll get cut. However, the ropes that bind them, the blindfold over their eyes, are their own fears, keeping them still, immobile. And so the longer they stay, the more they constrain and entrap themselves. Ever been in a situation where you're afraid to say anything, so afraid that you second guess yourself, end up saying nothing, tying yourself in knots? But speaking up is going to get you cut to ribbons? That's this card. The Querent must have the strength to endure the cuts, else they'll stay trapped. They must move, for the longer they let the situation continue, the worse it will get.

Of Bone
Knave of Cups(reversed)
Reverse this card, and our newcomer is someone who is hard to motivate. They're sad all the time and they'll bring your mood down with them. This is the apprentice who does his work but grudgingly, as if wondering what the point was. They may also weep and cry way too easily and over nothing - dealing with them is hard as you have to walk on eggshells.

If not a person, the upright Page of Cups relates to love letters and messages from your loving family. Reverse this and you can expect sad messages, word of break-ups, divorce, infidelity, alcoholism, drugs. The romance or family in trouble.

of Sound
Queen of Cups(reversed)
The negative in this card, seen in its reversals, however, is a woman who uses emotions to manipulate. Makes you feel guilty or ashamed, ungrateful. She's been so kind and affectionate and helpful - how can you say no? She's hurt, wounded, saddened. She will make you do one more thing - and one more thing - to pay for all the love she's given you.

The Queen of Cups is all about using emotions or intuition or even artistic creativity to get things done. Reverse this card and emotions are either blocked or tilted up-side-down. That is, the person feels nothing, is numbed...or they have very dark feelings. This includes psychic abilities. A person's psychic talents just aren't working. Externally, the person may be taking too many medications or drinking too much alcohol, numbing or screwing up their emotions. This card, however, can also signal some bad internal problems. Hormonal imbalances, post-partum depression, bi-polar problems, and depression in general. Anything involving serious mood swings.

Of Flesh
The moon(reversed)
Opposite: trying to figure out the opposite of the Moon is problematic. Logically, it should be "The Sun." But we already have that card. So let us say, instead, that it is the "Dark of the Moon." In this instance, I would interpret the Moon at its very worst, giving its milder interpretations to the upright.

By the light of the Moon, we can still find our way - even if wild things do happen by that light. When the Moon is dark, however, dark things happen. We might well say that things are not merely wild, but primitive. Criminals lurk in the dark, shady folk with dark purposes and intents. Sexual predators instead of romance, artistic talent used to hurt and destroy. Evil fantasies and dreams. Here is the stalker, the person who wants to scare and harass.

This interpretation would probably include a bad psychological time. If the querent suffers from any problem or has someone in their family suffering through such a problem (depression, bi-polar disease, substance abuse) they are going to be going through a dark time with it. It's going to be a long dark night of the soul.

Upside-down: Turn the card upside down and the creatures are not gazing up at the Moon - the Moon gazes up at them instead. This suggests that what rules and commands the wild is no longer in charge. Base as these instincts may be, they do have a gut feeling that they are following. It's certainly topsy-turvy for the light to be looking up at them, for them to be in charge instead.

It is out of primordial ooze, out of chaos, that order comes (the Sun will follow the Moon), but upside-down, it suggests that order is moving into chaos instead. That even the guiding light of the moon has been subjected, and only the primitive reigns - unchecked, directionless, with no purpose or hope of coming to an end.

This is the sort of interpretation one might find for revolutions and riots, for countries melting down into political turmoil with no path to peace in sight. On a more personal level, you're likely to get this interpretation for a complete mental breakdown or a merciless plummet into the worst depths of drug addiction. There is no civilization. Men and women are ruled entirely by their animal natures. Complete anarchy.
Not really sure what the cards are trying to tell of the situation nor what they are saying of the person responsible, though I feel its a mix of both.
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Re: location assistance

Post by JBRaven »

Firstly I don't think if she was a real Romani I don't think she would like it if you called her a gypsy. She is more than likely a swindler.
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Re: location assistance

Post by Lost_Demise »

True, I believe I read somewhere that gypsy was word thought of by the french that was another way of calling them gyp-sies, using gyp, a word that means to take, steal. It was generally not a term they liked, but I believe there where more groups then romani given the slandering nick name. I don't think anyone likes being insulted though.
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