dreams of dogs..........

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dreams of dogs..........

Post by sheherazade »

my old recurring dream used to be of school.being in school.skipping classes & suddenly having to account for not having gone all year..blah blah..
i haven't dreamed that in a long time but lately i seem to dream of a familiar apartment & having ALOT of dogs.
the circumstances change...sometimes i leave them alone a long time...sometimes they're not trained..in one dream i bought all males & then remembered i would rather have females....
.but they're always nice & there are always alot of them.
any ideas?
btw...even a dream i had where my 6 year old kept ditching out to go to one of 2 bars everynight(????????????????????????)& would venture home alone in the dark when it sudennly occured to me..maybe i'd better go out & get her.........................
i still had dogs.
the feeling i get from these dreams?
no matter how odd or anxiety provoking they are,i feel protected.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Well first of all, I'd say that's the dogs way of telling you that it's becoming time to meet your familiar. (dog, of course.)

And from my dream diary, Dogs in dreams usually means: "Generally, dogs are companions, guardians and protectors in the emotional/instinctual realm. They have both positive and negative attributes. Among the positive are loyalty, protection, companionship, unconditional love, courage and sacrifice. Negative attributes include pack-instinct, dirtiness & viciousness.
Dogs act instinctively, and in dreams a dog may show a right way or a right decision, despite what the conscious mind thinks. However a pack of dogs in a dream may indicate actions out of control or blind obedience to something that is wrong.
Though domesticated for thousands of years, dogs still retain their wild instincts to defend, hunt and kill. These instincts are summoned when necessary for survival.
In myth, the dog is a guide to the underworld, or in terms of the dream, the unconscious. The dog-- sometimes fabulous, as in the three-headed creature Cerberus -- also stands guard over treasures and the gates to the underworld.
The dog is an attendant to Aesclepius, Greek god of healing, and to various chthonic deities, such as Anubis (Egyptian, "god of the underworld"), Hades (Greek, "lord of the underworld") Hecate (Greek, "goddess of magic") and Hermes (Greek, "messenger god, bringer of dreams and guide of souls to the underworld"). These associations connect the dog to death and re-birth, and to mantic and medicinal powers.
Dogs also represent an animal-like masculinity."

Hope that helped! :28:

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Joined: Fri May 20, 2005 5:42 pm
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Post by sheherazade »

thAnk you big_grin

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