What kind of spell I can do to my father?

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What kind of spell I can do to my father?

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Hi,please guys save the "karma" talk,I know the dangers that a spell like that can have,and I thought of this a lot,I decided to do a spell to my father,if he cannot support me willingly,he will unwillingly,so what kind of spell can I do for him?note I don't want him dead or harmed.....just manipulated please!
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Post by Witch13 »

Seriously? Are you that stupid? Hasnt you recent "girfriend spell" taught you anything? Stick your nose in the books and read a bit before you go on casting spells.
You have no brains, the least i can say is you are pathetic and this post should be locked.
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Post by Syndica »

hahahhahahahahaa omg that's so funny. i saw that last spell he did on the girlfriend and got an egg lol.

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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Hello,witch13 I'm pathetic!!!! I have depression,I do not care about other's feelings,I'M UGLY! AND FAT! AND SERIOUSLY I MIGHT NEED TO STICK MY NOSE TO SPELL BOOKS,BUT FIRST YOU NEED TO LEARN TO TALK TO PEOPLE,DID YOU ASKED ME WHY I'm pathetic?did you?do you actually know me?come live with me and if you are not thinking of shooting your brains out after one month here,I will agree with you! PLUS CAN ANYONE GIVE ME A SPELL OR NOT? IF NOT,THANKS,YOU AREN'T VERY HELPFUL!
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Post by Witch13 »

I dont know in what kind of house you live in, or how sad you are.
But do you really think that manipulating you father to giving you more will help? imagine how it would be if someone did that to you.
You are weak to the heart and you are not thinking clearly, so wake up before you hurt anyone.
And if someone here helps you out then what? you will keep on doing that because its the easy solution, aint i right?
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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

So why do I have to be the right one always?Why people have to screw my heart and I have to be the one who says "I'm not like them,I will not hurt them" plus Witch13 I don't want to fight with anyone here,I'm stressed,so I react really angry,by the way if someone was about to manipulate me?well then I should deserve it,I mean why someone waste his/her energy to manipulate me if I'm a good person and I can listen?hmm have you thought that way?
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Post by shadowx »

I will not offer you a spell, mainly because i do not know of one, but if i did i still would not share it.

Instead of influencing your father and his world, turn inward and look at your own. Use magick to help you see the brighter side, to help you see and appreciate the merits of the things you have. Instead of changing him, change yourself.

I am not here to insult or judge you, i am simply to say that it is not your father who needs to change, it is you.

And for the record i havent ever had a real girlfriend and i am 20yrs old which where i live shows i am not in the least bit attractive. I am "fat" and i have a total of 1 "real" friend and a few "associates" as i would call them. I've been through dark, dark times. I live in state accommodation and my parents split up some years back.

*shrug* Im still here. I dont want to influence anyone. When you realise that all the support, power to change and every answer is within yourself these things dont matter. Why criticize yourself when the rest of the world is so adept at it? There is simply no need. You expend all of your energy fighting yourself when in fact you should be fighting those who seek to bring you down.

Look inside.
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Post by Witch13 »

Well people hurt each other often, id like to think that these things make us stronger.. and if someone keeps on hurting you then maybe you should try and cut them off.
As for the manipulation, well who are you or me or anyone else to decide who deserves it or not?
And about listening i dont really think you are a listener when the first think you say in your post is
"save the karma talk"
things like that give magic the bad name..
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Post by Ginger Faith! »

The reason you have to be good all the time is because of that, you feel free. When you do good, it warms your heart, where doing the bad thing puts ice in your body, and heat on your jacket.
Trust me, my life has been full of hate, i have never trusted one person. You have a lucky life. You and your father, have more ties then me and my father, I am a 15year old girl that has been abused and my parents laughed at me when i told them WHAT THEIR FATHER did to me. So dont you DARE, say anything about how unlucky you are. You have a lucky life. I might not go to magick for everything because i have enough balls to tell someone to shut the f*ck up, and get outmy face.
If you need something from yo daddy, ask him politly, or just take it.
Easy peasy- lemon squeasy.
Get it? I hope you do. Open your eyes and see you arent the only one in this world who has problems. Id rather be uglier then i am now. Then what happened to me, wouldnt have happened.
Count your blessings.
Get out of that house, get a job and get to work. Do your own stuff. Dont rely on something that isnt worth anything.
Magick helps you out of tight spots, it isnt an easy solution.
And, yes, it does show poorly on Witches. It really does.
Well, my little rant has gone long enough. Get it together, man!
Get yo head on right, step forward, and get some books. help yourself.

Blessed Be,
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Post by Ginger Faith! »

dang, i didnt know that sounded so depressing.
Heh, dont worry, im cool though(:

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Re: so...

Post by Syndica »

Greek_Witch wrote:So why do I have to be the right one always?Why people have to screw my heart and I have to be the one who says "I'm not like them,I will not hurt them" plus Witch13 I don't want to fight with anyone here,I'm stressed,so I react really angry,by the way if someone was about to manipulate me?well then I should deserve it,I mean why someone waste his/her energy to manipulate me if I'm a good person and I can listen?hmm have you thought that way?

look greek i am trying to be ur friend here but it makes me upset because u use spells on others that breaks all the rules of being a witch. by the goddess i hope u don't get a backfire, well another one hehe :lol: i know ur depressed, i am depressed but i don't go on and on and using it as an exuse to do ur method of harmful and destructive behaviour. witch has a big point.

i think it would be wise to worry about ur self and using spells for urself, i can just feel the negative engery from u and it makes it want to run and do a cleansing spell. :P i think u should considering on learning and focusing possive spells. i know u sit there on ur ass in front ur computer night after night. i'm guilty on that one lol. but greek u have to start to listen to these people on this forum. don't fight it.

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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

Instead of manipulating your father to support you, why not support yourself. Sometimes you just need to come to terms with the fact that the only person in the world you can rely on 100% is yourself, and even then, you can let yourself down. So dont. Don't let yourself down.... work on yourself to make yourself stronger etc.

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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

First of all,let me declare one thing,I never said I have the worst problems of the planet,of course people have little or bigger problems than me,and I never ever said that I have depression so everyone would let me to cast harmful spells on people,that would just mean,but you know what?Karma just sits there and laughs at me instead of hitting my father for being such an ass to me,plus Ginger Faith I'm sorry for what happened to you and if you need to talk to someone,I'm right here,I want to declare something else though,you guys always saying "You are asking spells all the time" no people,I ask spells when I do need them,I do not cast spells every day and every night,but you don't live here thats why you can't see the other side,you just see the posts,I only post when I do need a spell,I'm not a spell maniac! anyway thanks I'll see what I will do. Syndica possitive spells tend to not work on me,I don't know why..... :cry:
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Post by Syndica »

hi greek,

honey people are trying to help u but u keep running away, u never answered my last question. u do need to do things for urself and i really think that why ur spells don't work because u are not centered, cleasned from negative engery i can feel it. u need to start to listen to others who are trying to help u. i am just fustrated with u because ur like a big ox that doesn't listen. bad greek bad. :P

being wiccan or being a witch is not just spells and potions, being a witch is a state of mind and body working as one. when i get to a high point being a witch i am proud to be not just my body but my mind.

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Post by Ginger Faith! »

Im fine, its not me who needs the help. Ive gone through my stages.
The only reason i put up my life story up there, is to get your attention. You have been skimming through, not REALLY paying attention to what people have to offer you. People here are EXPERIENCED, who KNOW what happens when stuff like this happen.
Dont apologize to me. Get your head on right. Do what Syndica has mentioned countless times, meditate, visualize something that will make you calm and happy. Go to your happy place(i like to do this a lot:D), or visualize some sort of white light come through and around you. Let the light purify your soul of your hatred and depression. Itll save you.
Good luck, Greek.

Blessed Be,
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