INSPIRATION:We CAN bring the Christians and Wiccans together

Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
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INSPIRATION:We CAN bring the Christians and Wiccans together

Post by Imiko »

Alright, I joined another site for Chats on Wicca, Paganism and various other things. I started a topic, and someone posted something that gave me an intense inspirational idea. This girl had said that she had talked to a Preist online, Christian Priest, and it had turned out that they lived in the same town. They met up, and did what they called a 'Prayer Spell'. Some people in her town did not agree, but others just told them to leave them alone, and now everything's smoothed over.

And here's what I thought: If a Christian Priest and a Wiccan can get along, then why can't we, as a whole, learn to get along in the future? It may take years, nay, millenniums, But the least we can do is start now, and build it up slowly. Wouldn't it be great to finally be able to co-exists? To finally be able to be friends, stand side by side, despite Differences in beliefs and morals? I know we can't get everyone, there will always be people who object. But my vision is that of peace between our religions; if a priest and a Wiccan can do it, why can't we?

Why can't we work together, and prove to people at the same time that we are not just a Cult, but an actual full blown religion?

And this is my dream. And I'll do anything to get it started, no matter what. How to do this? Well, do something SO big that it catches the eye of the Media, of course! I'm not sure what, But Idea's and thoughts would be much appreciated! Even if we take one step forwards and three steps back, I'm going to try until the day I die. Every small step will count, and until we get to the point where we can go to the media and SHOW people What we truly are, and how we can co-exist peacefully with the Christians, we have to work to get to the moment where people will listen.

We CAN do this if we band together. We CAN stomp stereotypes and false beliefs, all we can to do is TRY.
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Re: INSPIRATION:We CAN bring the Christians and Wiccans toge

Post by HonorRose »

Aww, you're sweet.

Mostly I'm more of the 'sit on the sidelines doing what I want and let the world get on with its insanity' But if you get a serious idea I guess I'd join in.
Imiko wrote:
Why can't we work together, and prove to people at the same time that we are not just a Cult, but an actual full blown religion?
All religions are just large cults.
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Re: INSPIRATION:We CAN bring the Christians and Wiccans toge

Post by Imiko »

HonorRose wrote:
All religions are just large cults.
True, true, but what I meant by that is this: People think there aren't many of us out there, and we exist in just small groups around the world. Clubs, if you will. :lol: And some lesser... educated folks believe these to be 'Cults'.

And thanks! I'll try as hard as I can. :D
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Post by HonorRose »

I know what you mean. I'm not even a Wiccan or Neo-Pagan (I am totally free-lance in everything I do) but my parents are convinced I am one of the two, and I get the feeling that they're only tolerating it because they think it's just a passing phase. *sigh*
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Post by Imiko »

HonorRose wrote:I know what you mean. I'm not even a Wiccan or Neo-Pagan (I am totally free-lance in everything I do) but my parents are convinced I am one of the two, and I get the feeling that they're only tolerating it because they think it's just a passing phase. *sigh*
I know, it's quite frustrating. However, if we put our heads together and band together we can CHANGE that! Like I said in my previous post, it'll take a while and it will be hard, but it will be WORTH the effort in the end.
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Post by Release.the.bats »

The biggest change anyone can go through with, is locally.
Even though we have computers, it is best to tell people who can see you face-to-face about yourself, your religion and what it means to you.
If people ask you about it, explain it in a more simple way and don't seem irritated or angry at them. Even if they go on to tell you your wrong and blah blah. It is ALWAYS better to maintain your 'cool' when talking to people like that, it makes the other person seem foolish on his or her own time.
Sometimes, you can find alternate ways of connecting to people. Like, if the person is elderly, maybe share some of your cooking secrets or herbology knowledge with them or offer to assist them in something. With a lot of Christians, the problem is how our religion is thrown at them, just like their religion is thrown at us. Only we constantly see billboards, churches, crosses etc. and it is meant to seem positive. They see horror movies, television shows about fake magick, and identify the pentagram as an 'evil' symbol. If someone starts to seem uncomfortable or uneasy about what your telling them, ask them why. What is it that has caused them to act in such a way and figure it out together. Sometimes, the person won't listen and right when you say 'wicca', 'pagan', or 'magick' they flee or attempt to give you a beating. Don't worry about people like that, generally you can tell who would respond the best with the knowledge, who needs a little reinforcement and who is insecure about their beliefs and might try to attack you.
Always be polite, always make them rethink their situation.
I do it all the time.
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Post by Imiko »

Thanks for the advice, bats! ^^ I shall do that. >: D First, it will get on local news, and then on NATIONAL! THEN I SHALL RULE THE WOOORLD!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! XD

((Sorry, had to put Pinky and the Brain in there some how. ;) ))
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Post by RuneGeek »

Release.the.bats wrote:Even though we have computers, it is best to tell people who can see you face-to-face about yourself, your religion and what it means to you.
I agree. Negative feelings about another person are much easier when they're just screen names; when you're face-to-face, they see another human being and often they'll respond differently.

I think one-on-one is important, too. If there's more than one, there's a chance of them playing off one another, getting a bit of the "mob mentality" going.

I that that's the best we can do, honestly... live good lives, be an example of what pagans really are, and be willing to share the truth with others and dispel some of the myths.

We can't get around the fact that Christian teachings say that what doesn't come from their god comes from their devil, and that those who are not for them are against them. But at least we can try to show them that we're not bad people.

Post by Saulamaye »

At my old job, I was really good friends with our Director of Nurses. He was an ordained minister with the 7th Day Adventist church. He knew I was a Pagan, and he just loved to hear what was going on in my "religious world". He would ask me questions about our sabbats and rituals. We are such good friends. He was one of the few from my old job that was invited to my marriage ceremony.

He just got a new apartment and he asked me if I would come and do a cleansing for him, I mean, how cool is that?
He also was our Employee Advocate, and one day a lady from another department came and made a very degrading remark to me about my religion ... I'm not one to cause trouble, or anything, but this was a bit much. He overheard the comment, and he was very insistent that I file a formal complaint. He even helped me with it.

I mean ... that's the way it should be. Everyone accepting of one another's beliefs.

We also had a Baptist minister that worked there, and he made it a very "hostile environment" for me.

I eventually got fired from that job for my religious beliefs. I had worked there for four years, but when they found out my "religion" they sure found a way to get rid of me.

It's a shame people just cannot accept others for their beliefs. But the way most Christians act, I sure don't want to be one! But I'll be tolerant of them, in fact, I think I've been too tolerant of them.... but that's just who I am.

Post by Her_Child »

What a wonderful place it would be if all religions could get along. I've met many open-minded christians, and also many close-minded ones who would stop listening to me at the very mention of the word "pagan", and would begin praying for my soul! Thanks by the way, my soul's just fine.

The biggest hurdle in my opinion is that quite simply, christians believe that their way is the ONLY way. Their God is the ONLY God, only their 10 commandments, only their bible, so on and so forth. With this belief structure it makes it very hard for them to accept anything else. To them, accepting a Pagan and asking questions to gain understanding is NOT something they should do in accordance to their faith.

Thankfully there are plenty exceptions to the rule. My wife is one of them! She's christian, and though she isn't "happy" with my faith, she knows that it's just that: FAITH. The one thing that will not be compromised.

For now I think we should just be the best people we should be. We should not cram our faith down a reluctant person's throat, but we should welcome any and all questions.

I'll never forget what a cheerleader told me in high school years and years back (man I"m getting old!) "you know after talking to you, well, you're not evil after all"

Post by Saulamaye »

[quote="Her_Child"I'll never forget what a cheerleader told me in high school years and years back (man I"m getting old!) "you know after talking to you, well, you're not evil after all"[/quote]

That's funny..... I made friends with this new lady that started working with me... oh, about a year ago, (and we are still good friends, in fact she was the other one that came to my wedding from my old job) Anyways....
When we first met and she found out I was a Pagan, she said about the same thing... She told her husband that I had the most gentle spirit, and how kind I was, nothing evil about me at all!

Thank goodness .. her husband used to have a roommate that was Wiccan. So, he explained a lot to her about that religion.

But her and I have remained great friends. She, too, loves to ask me questions and hear me talk about my "spirituality".
Yeah... it would be a great world.... but like John Lennon said, "imagine"...

Post by infinight888 »

I am partly Christian as i worship jesus and im obviously more open minded than most others or I wouldnt be here talking right now. Me and my friend started studying witchcraft together, anyways his mom is complete Christian and has started reading a book called "knowing your enemy" and it's about satanists AND Wiccans

the problem is most christians are to closed minded, but your story does give hope

I have an idea :idea: , we set up 1 day like some type of wiccan/pagan awareness day where all the Wiccans/Pagans have some type of protests (not protest but something similar). maybe you can use lots of different websites to gather Wiccans all over America for these rallies (that's the word, oh well). You could start by using that sight where you heard the story
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Hate to be the rain on the parade,'s not gonna happen. As I've seen somewhere in here, Christians are simply TOO narrow-minded. They are trained from an early age to be good christian, however, in turn...they are also TRAINED to be unaccepting and intolerant of those that are different in any way. This brings about discrimination and while I would enjoy seeing the fall of the of that, it just isn't going to be...

Post by infinight888 »

ShadowPhoenix wrote:Hate to be the rain on the parade,'s not gonna happen. As I've seen somewhere in here, Christians are simply TOO narrow-minded. They are trained from an early age to be good christian, however, in turn...they are also TRAINED to be unaccepting and intolerant of those that are different in any way. This brings about discrimination and while I would enjoy seeing the fall of the of that, it just isn't going to be...
if im correct most of the people on this site come from being a Christain, as it has already been stated all Christains wont change but some will. look around in the world, blacks are no longer forced to ride in the back of the bus, why? because someone tried, they tried to make a difference and now the world is a better place because of it. And if it can be done by races then why can't it be done by religions. all we can do is try

Post by purplesummer »

Saulamaye wrote:I eventually got fired from that job for my religious beliefs. I had worked there for four years, but when they found out my "religion" they sure found a way to get rid of me.
I would have taken legal action against them. Legally they are not allowed to fire you because of your religion.

I am friends with some very open minded Christians. I am technically Gnostic however I just label my spiritual views as my own without putting a label to them, there is no real label for them. We have completely different theologies about the trinity in Christianity and she was cool with that. She had a more traditional approach to it but she was completely fine with my views being different. More Christians should be like her.
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