Begginer Gardening, Halpz pleaze?

Love to garden? Me too! Garden talk and photos goes here: Flower gardens, vegetable gardens, organic gardening, natural pest control, houseplants, more.
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Begginer Gardening, Halpz pleaze?

Post by Rifts »

Anyone got a good argument for a small garden out front of the house? onl spot available, I'm pretty sure. (don't want my little plants to fight full grown tomatoes hence I have to use the front.)

Also, whats good for a beginner gardener?
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Post by JackRabbitSlims »

I would suggest buying planter boxes. They're cheap and you have a lot more space.

I would start off with herbs, and veggies.

I bought a bunch of seed packs when I first started.

The were:
Thai basil

And then some actual fruits and veggies which were
Watermelon, hot red peppers, Peas, and lettuce.

Things you can and actually want to eat.

I find it best to buy pots called "peat pots"

They're an organic little pot that you start your seeds out in, then you can plant the entire pot because it will decompose, and the roots will push out.


Those are cheap too, like 20 for $2.99.

Your family doesn't need to know they're used for magickal purposes, just for the kitchen or something. :)

Ah! I also would recommend making a wand. Mine has come in handy especially while digging in fresh dirt to plant pots.

Don't want to run into any centipedes. :) ahh that only applies here nvm. :D

One last thing, do you wake up early for school?
Cause I wake up at 7 and make sure to water my plants around then, so I have time to spend time trimming them and talking to them. :) they love when you talk to them. And try to think of your plants as yourself. You wouldn't want to go a day without water, neither would they. :)

Hope all this was helpful!

.You are Beautiful.
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Post by Rifts »

That'll give me something to do at 5:00 AM

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