Simple ways to live magickally

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Simple ways to live magickally

Post by missbelladonna »

I know a lot of other people feel as if they're "bad witches" because they're not doing spells often or doing a full moon ritual every month. I definitely felt this way recently, but I broke down routine and realized that the years I've been a witch have instilled some magickal habits in me! It's like when I'm not doing a spell, I'm still living my life in an intentional way, and anything done with intention could be magickal! I also think these ideas could help someone who isn't sure how to start. They're kind of baby steps in a way, and it definitely seems overwhelming with spells, rituals, etc when you start.

Here are some things I found in my routine:

keeping a bird feeder and filling it with seeds regularly as offerings to nature-- I live in the suburbs, and I never saw as many cool birds until I did this! It definitely helped me align with nature energy.
wearing crystal or gemstone jewelry
taking a crystal to bed
saying a simple prayer (doesn't have to memorized) when you need strength or feel thankful
simple and short meditations such as grounding
art with intention
making sustainable choices like carrying a water bottle instead of using a plastic one, reducing waste, recycling, picking up trash
connecting with your pets as familiars
reading about the craft-- you learn spells and rituals, but you learn the philosophy of the craft as well!

What are small ways you incorporate magick in your routine?
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Re: Simple ways to live magickally

Post by SpiritTalker »

Even Witches with clients don’t do spells every day. ‘N who says witches throw spells 24/7? Where does that even come from? Witches do live normal lives with family, including pets, study & job responsibilities that fill most of our time, and add in spirits & spontaneous psychism on the fly. I think you are so right to consider routine; I stopped buying plastic containers of laundry soap & kitty litter, & any areas where there are options I choose non plastic.

Edit - oh, things I do regularly are: keep shungite in my drinking water, light a daily thanks candle, meditate a bit with chants, sky watch, feed outdoor critters, simplify full moon ritual to accommodate the teeth chattering cold 🥶 outside & my achy-breaky joints.
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Re: Simple ways to live magickally

Post by Aesennyll-IF »

I like to do a gratitude list before I go to sleep, then I send love and light to the world.
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Re: Simple ways to live magickally

Post by moondustandunicorns »

Thank you for this reminder.

After a break of several years, I'm getting back into practicing the craft (2020 led me to realize my spirituality has suffered), and I've been struggling with how I can live more witchy in a day to day way.

Already I can see improvement in my mental health and my motivation, so I'm excited to continue down this road and see where it takes me.

Some things I try to do daily:
Pull an oracle card
Say good morning to my deities
A visualization every evening
Lighting candles and giving a prayer when I need help or guidance

Before I do any kind of serious magick, I want to brush up on my visualization skills so that I can properly protect myself while doing it.

I will be incorporating some of these other suggestions into my day, too.

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Re: Simple ways to live magickally

Post by pixi »

I like to do things like banishing something by stirring my morning coffee or tea counter clockwise (widdershins) or stirring clockwise to invoke something (deisul). Spontaneous grounding visualisations when I find myself struggling with being in my head too much. If the weather isn't rainy, sitting by my back door to have moments of just being there and admiring nature. smileylove
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Re: Simple ways to live magickally

Post by SapphireRoad »

I'm doing a little odd thing. I'm sharing my magical knowledge on the internet, so that the gratitude of readers bless (and over-energize) my field. This way I don't have to do exorcism when I try to sleep, in many cases. Not sure how to handle the over-energized phenomenon though.
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Re: Simple ways to live magickally

Post by SpiritTalker »

@Sapphire - have you ever researched or tried using orgone energy generators to block electromagnetic frequencies? There’s a lot of information available on it. Just a suggestion.
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Re: Simple ways to live magickally

Post by Firebird »

I do like to light an incense in the morning, and sit in the garden with my coffee watching the lizards (there's bunches of baby ones running around lately) and just listen to the surroundings, if the cat comes around giving her a pet and seeing her look at me reminds me of the connections to all things.
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