Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

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Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

firebirdflys wrote:Hi KookieKrisp, sometimes tapatalk doesn't translate well here and you image is not visible. :(
Except I use Tapatalk so I can see it. Haha [emoji23]

Oct. 23 would be a amazing! The longer he stays in a develops the better!

Those of you sending love and light, I think it is helping! (And, maybe all of our Christian family praying - which has been such a struggle for me too.. it’s not that I don’t pray but they are always saying “have faith in God”. And, to me that’s a little naive. Many children who’s parents have “faith” die everyday. When I was 12 my Sunday school teacher died of brain cancer and she was a wonderful woman full of faith. I do have hope. I full of hope and positivity, but that’s not enough for certain family members who do have “faith”.)

Anyways, yesterday was our ultrasound in town, not at the specialist and we saw some very good things! We saw him pee! He is getting urine out and the bladder is shrinking! It was 7cm last week and 5cm yesterday! However it was very odd shaped. It was, and normally should be very round, but yesterday it looked long, stretched and oblong shaped. All that info was sent to the specialist and we should hear her analysis today sometime. We also have an appointment with her next Thursday. I think the fact that we saw him urinating and the bladder is smaller is a very very good sign and I’m so happy and grateful!!

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SapphireRoad »

Blessed be

I'm keeping my goodwill on silently,
mind my pm and ask anytime you like for herbal, or astrological advices of any kind

only with medical lore abbreviated (kidney, bladder, immune system etc.) so that I can give feedback without being lost in it (rather via pm lest that focus be dispersed)
Take care and wish you all the best.
ᚩ ᚷ ᛒ (God and Goddess runes in union)
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

This is great news girl!
Will be the first of many blessed urinations, :fairy: just wait till you get to the first pee pee in the toilet! Weeeeeeeee!!!!! LoL
You sound good,
blessed be.
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Update: My most recent ultrasound looked the same as the one before. Which is good! The bladder was smaller than it has been by about 2 cm and no longer has they keyhole shape to it which was concerning. I will go next week to an ultrasound in my own town to monitor bladder and amniotic fluid levels, which will save us the 5 hour round trip. Then back to L.R. At the end of July to see a Pediatric Urologist who can start preparing us for options/needs after birth.

Meanwhile, the school I work at is getting pressure from the government apparently to open back up. 2400 people in one building.
Most of the students are children of essential workers in food processing facilities and are highly affected by Covid. (Do a quick google search on covid rates on Northwest Arkansas, Washington and Benton county and you’ll see that we are currently a hotspot in the US.

Only option to stay home my district is giving me is to take a Leave of Absence which means no pay, no insurance, and that I can’t qualify for unemployment while I’m gone. Since I need my insurance and pay for my son’s medical bills, it just isn’t an option for me. I’ll get to explain to my boss tomorrow for the first time, he’s been on vacation, so we’ll see what he has to say. The covid relief act could possibly help, but from what I can see only for 2 weeks at 2/3 pay and put it 10 more weeks unpaid after that.

Just taking it daily and always asking questions. Trying to find the best solution for us. Hope you all are well!

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

We're doing ok, what a conundrum you are in though. I hope everything works out.
And that's really great new about baby, and the 5 hour drive!
Good to hear from you.
Blessings, FF
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Just checking in letting everyone know my pregnancy is going well. Things are the same but not worse so to me that’s good news! Little man is 5lbs today and still needs about 6 weeks to “cook” before we get to meet him. He’ll be born sometime between Oct. 21 and 24 meaning he’ll be on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio. I’m secretly hoping for a a Libra but I’ll be okay either way. He will still need some surgery and will spend a little time at the Children’s hospital after he’s born but we feel like he will be in good hands there as we’ve met with all the doctors. Hubs and I got his nursery all set up and ready for him except we still have to assemble the crib but we have time. I’m back to work which is this whole other bag of crazy to deal with but I’m just hanging in there until October and take my time off to be with him. We’re lucky that Covid still has my husband working from home so he can be with us and won’t have to take paternity leave. We feel very lucky overall with how things have turned out and we’re just so excited and ready to have our son here with us. I hope everyone else is well!

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SpiritTalker »

Blessings on you 3, & med staff
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

Sounds like things are working out Rosie! When the roads open up smoothly that's the Goddess letting you know this is the path and all will be well. Your positive attitude does facilitate this, so keep smiling (even if no one can see it behind your mask 😷) Keep up the good gratitude 🙏.
Keep us posted, you're doing great mama!
Bb, Firebird
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Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Well, he’s a libra! He made his appearance in this world 2 weeks early on October, 13, 2020 and weighed 8lbs! We are still at the children’s hospital over a week later unfortunately. I wrote something (long) to my Facebook to explain to friends and family and I’m just going to paste that here to update you friends here. I’ve changed his name to BB on this thread for Baby Boy.

It’s time to open up and share what’s going on here. Some of you may have noticed BB wearing a feeding tube in his pictures. We learned early in pregnancy that he had an issue related to his bladder and ureters causing them to swell and we were told that it was most likely a blockage in his urinary track somewhere.

We learned after birth that BB has something commonly called Prune Belly Syndrome. Prune-Belly syndrome ( PBS) also known as Eagle-Barrett syndrome, is a rare disorder characterized by partial or complete absence of the stomach (abdominal) muscles, failure of both testes to descend into the scrotum (bilateral cryptorchidism), and/or urinary tract malformations. The urinary malformations may include abnormal widening (dilation) of the tubes that bring urine to the bladder (ureters), accumulation of urine in the ureters (hydroureter) and the kidneys (hydronephrosis), and/or backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureters (vesicoureteral reflux). The cause of this is unknown and affects 1 in 30-40,000 births.

We are currently at Arkansas Children’s Hospital where we will remain for an undermined amount of time. BB’s hydronephrosis (kidney function) is the most critical and important aspect we are dealing with atm. He’s far too little for a transplant. The Nephrologist at children’s has advised us to feed him breast milk at larger rates than appropriate for his age to flush out the kidneys. So whatever he cannot finish from a bottle, he gets fed through a tube. He has blood drawn once per day to check levels of chemicals in the body and show how the kidneys are functioning. If his kidneys were to fail, that’s how we would know. He would then start the process of receiving dialysis.

Mommy and Daddy couldn’t be more worried about him, and at the same time so proud of him. At barely 7 days old he has been through a lot and has handled it like a champ. The one thing he really doesn’t care for is the blood draws which are taken from his feet. Because of Covid, only one of us is allowed in at a time to be with him. Daddy does the day shift and then mommy does the night shift. This has been really hard on us but we are doing what we have to do. Again, we don’t know how long we will have to be here, but we have goals to meet. One of which is for him to be able to finish his bottles in no more than 20 mins.

Sweet BB also has a broken clavicle from delivery so his arm is in a sling, a bit of jaundice so he spent two nights under the bili lights, and a pneumothorax which should clear up on its own. Through it all he has been a trooper! He is the sweetest baby! He is hardly ever fussy and he sleeps a lot. He has beautiful big blue eyes and opens them from time to time to check out mom and dad. He’s gets lots of attention from the nurses for his full head of hair and cute chubby cheeks, a real ladies man.

We appreciate all the love and support we’ve been shown and know many of you are thinking of and praying for us. We will continue to take the situation head on, one day at a time. We love BB so so much and we will do whatever it takes to get him well and take him home!
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

Ha! Congratulations and welcome baby Moonflower!!! :fairy:
You had been on my mind very much lately, sorry to hear about additional problems but I have a good feeling you will overcome. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. What a difficult and stressful time this would be even without coronavirus, >HUGS<
So hey....In retrospect I was only a day off when I had the 12, flash up! :shock: :mrgreen: that's preeeeeeety close ::coolglasses::
Hope you folks get nestled back at home real soon.
Many blessings, Firebird
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SpiritTalker »

Virtual hugs to your little family... and special guidance for the MDs.
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

firebirdflys wrote:Ha! Congratulations and welcome baby Moonflower!!! :fairy:
You had been on my mind very much lately, sorry to hear about additional problems but I have a good feeling you will overcome. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. What a difficult and stressful time this would be even without coronavirus, >HUGS<
So hey....In retrospect I was only a day off when I had the 12, flash up! :shock: :mrgreen: that's preeeeeeety close ::coolglasses::
Hope you folks get nestled back at home real soon.
Many blessings, Firebird
Yes, I was induced on the 12th, so maybe that is what you were feeling! We are blessed because we have been granted an exception for until Tuesday so we can be together in the hospital. My husband is so glad to be here even if we are sharing a tiny futon to sleep on!

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

SpiritTalker wrote:Virtual hugs to your little family... and special guidance for the MDs.
Thanks friend!

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

We were worried we would miss out on Halloween this year being at the hospital but they were so kind and dropped off a cute caterpillar costume for BB’s first Halloween! We hope this hungry caterpillar just keeps on eating! Image
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

Cute as a bug!
How cool the staff helped make Halloween more special, very nice. If only they knew how special this holiday really is to you. You guys should be getting out of there soon, right?
So? kinda interesting that number popped into my head, 12 and that was it! Yea!
Thanks for sharing, may he blossom into a fabulous butterfly :fairy:
Bb, FF
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