Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

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Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by EveningWithAstaroth »

Hello all.

I have a question on my mind, and was not quite sure where to post it, or if this is the right section, as this section states post a spell or ritual and this is not a spell, but a question in regards to certain types of spells. I do apologize if this is in the wrong place.

I had recently performed a witch bottle protection spell, which went horribly awry in that it actually brought an instance to me- or event- in which I needed protection.

I can not go into too much detail about the event itself as it may involve a possession of an individual- which acted in the way that I needed to protect myself by snapping the individual out of the state they were in.

It is a very long story, and the forum has rules about entities, which makes it difficult for me to speak about protecting oneself from such entities, which I have too much experience with- not because I practice dark magic, but rather I practice blessing magic, and have experience with having to help protect and exorcise individuals. All these experiences not asked for by me. I do nothing to bring them to me. Frustrating indeed.

But what my actual question is what are the reasons for an occurrence where an individual writes up and casts a protection spell- and then draws in a situation where the individual needs to be protected- in my case- speak up and protect oneself?

Is this a cosmic joke type thing, where one wants something- protection- then whichever tricky God states- "You want to write up a protection spell do you....? Well well well! Here is a situation where you'll need it"!!!! Like a tricky God throwing a dodgeball at your face: "Here catch"!

So that is a question I have been pondering.

What could be the possible reasons for a protection spell backfiring in such a way?

Any help appreciated.

Thank you all for reading.
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Re: Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by SpiritTalker »

You explained very well. It brings to mind a couple similar experiences in which the very thing I didn't want is what I got, and I have the feeling it happens to most of us like a Catch-22 cycle. IMO it must be something in the way we visualize. Perhaps we bring an image to mind (or use phrases) that we mean to illustrate or to act out imaginary protection taking place ... So for it to take place there has to be some event to protect against. Instead of willing protection we maybe need to will safety & well-being. Its the Same general principle but a different nuance.
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Re: Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by barker »

Karma. Your protection spell (tested) shall prove you absolutely beyond fate if it did prove to be the truth. On the other hand, if you were just lying to yourself and protection was not the actual choice then you get to learn.
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Re: Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by Crazy Cat Lady »

I find sometimes I am drawn to doing a thing just before I need it. This could be the case for you, intuition prompting an action you will need shortly. What do you think would have happened if you had *not* just done a protection spell? Would you have been in danger? Would you have been as aware of danger as quickly if protection was not already on your mind?
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Re: Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by EveningWithAstaroth »

Crazy Cat Lady wrote:I find sometimes I am drawn to doing a thing just before I need it. This could be the case for you, intuition prompting an action you will need shortly. What do you think would have happened if you had *not* just done a protection spell? Would you have been in danger? Would you have been as aware of danger as quickly if protection was not already on your mind?
It would be so much easier to explain openly the circumstances of the event itself, and what exactly led up to it to get a clearer answer, but it involves the demonic- however this was not something willfully summoned, the forum rules here place all demonic experiences under taboo, and myself being unsure of exactly what the law exactly is on this, feel very uncomfortable going into detail. I've not been on this forum long, and do not wish to be banned over such trivial thing as mentioning the D word. Unfortunately this makes it so so so much more difficult to be able to speak of my beliefs in these things, that those big old D's indeed exist. Unfortunately I have found many many people are very much unaware that they exist. And if that was not enough many many more are unaware exactly to what extent that they do.

This makes it so much more difficult to describe personal experiences with these things, which may not even be the fault of the individual or even of their own willful accord.

What I experienced was not of dark magic. I was not summoning anything, nor practicing a dark spell.

Despite this both I and my beliefs are silenced.

Many forums have rules about these types of discussions. Those that do allow such discussion, have a member base full of those that have not had these same experiences, and therefore when a topic posted asking people's thoughts on the D's are posted, the response is usually along the lines of blame the humans because I don't believe this, as I've not experienced this. So you get responses of: Demons don't exist. It is in the mind, what you put forth you get back, or people attract negative experiences to themselves. Or negative or low vibration people- attracts negative or low level experiences....

????? Why am I being accused of being a low vibe negative person because I mention something someone else simply just so does not happen to understand???

You see it really is a catch 22.

It saddens me, that negative entities have came to me all my life, and I've never invoked, evoked, or summoned them in any way at all. And I struggle with this... weekly. And I deal with every single experience as it comes.

I am not even doing anything wrong. I've had experiences with these beings where I've had to protect myself, protect others, whom too have seen them, and have had to help a friend of mine through a literal possession as well as others.

And if I talk about it? I am damned as negative.

Despite the fact I've never asked for this. When I asked God for a calling this was not what I had in mind. Not by a long shot.

But this is what none the less I am forced to deal with.

What I do, is nothing new in a spiritual sense. It is exactly the same thing as exorcism. Technically It is exorcism, and blessings, and protective means.

The catholics have done this.

The difference is, I am pagan and a monotheistic worshiper of God, not Catholic.

I've found many do not take this subject seriously enough, and all those whom do imply those either possessed or those whom see these things to exist as Satan worshipers whom are negative people who practice dark magic.

Would a spiritual person- the person whom told me I attract these negative experiences to myself was a Buddhist... would a Buddhist say these things to a priest?

As to your question about perhaps I was drawn to do this. Let me explain the whole of the situation or try to as shortly as possible with no usage of the taboo D word: I was drawn to read the tarot after I had performed a witch bottle spell. On my personal witch bottle I drew by intuition an x. I then after was drawn to use the tarot, and for a while had been wanting to practice using the pendulum along with tarot, so I figured, read the cards why not?

When I read the cards the imagery with the card spread was uncanny- they are gypsy fortune witch cards- a broken glass image- a railroad image, the scythe, and right above the female center representation of the person read for- in this case myself- was the rapiers card- there two swords crossed to form an X.

It looked like perhaps an accident to me, but I had the feeling with the X that I had marked myself somehow, as if I had cursed myself.

I asked the pendulum will there be an accident? Yes. Anybody killed? No. Others? No. Myself? Yes. Will I be hurt? Yes.

Eventually I finished asking. Wheels in my head, I started stewing about it, wondered if this was even the truth, wondered if I would stub my toe, wondered if it was simple lies. I stayed indoors. Wanted to go out of doors for a smoke for air, but became afraid to. Finally I asked my pendulum one more question I asked "Has this accident now passed"? I received the answer yes.

I thought to myself- forget it, I will not live in fear. I went out doors for my smoke.

Sat on the front porch close to the street as it was raining a little by this time it was morning and light out of doors.

Then a neighbor seemingly under some sort of possession- do not ask me to explain how I knew this- started coming towards me acting very very strangely, said nothing. I thought at first perhaps he had wanted a cigarette and expected him to ask as he got closer, I noticed his eyes. He never said a word or asked a thing, but kept walking quite fast towards me, a neighbor but a total and complete stranger, approaching me very quickly, not saying a word.

He got half way across the street and I finally felt my boundaries were crossed as I noted he was acting very very strangely by approaching someone he did not know, had never before spoken with, a female and approaching her quickly without saying a thing.

I felt my boundaries then were being crossed why? Because you do not approach a stranger in that manner. If you want to ask a question you simply ask, if you want a cigarette all you have to do is ask. This is not a scenario with the individual's behavior of wanting to ask for a smoke. This is not proper behavioral way to approach a stranger, male or female, ever. And my warning bells went off and I outright yelled at the guy. And I looked at him. Dead in the eye, and I spoke up for myself. His eyes changed then a look of shock overwhelmed his face, he looked unaware of what had overcome him, and I noticed a physical change as well. Whatever had him in its grip was no longer there. And what did he do? He lurked! The man continued to Lurk! He backed off a bit, went to step back, then tried again to step forward at another angle as if trying to continue to approach me. Then finally another neighbor having been on his roof hammering looked from what he was doing when he had heard me yell at this guy. He didn't say anything, just looked over at the guy a while, while the guy was in the process of lurking strangely... the neighbor hammering after watching this man's behavior a few seconds went back to his hammering but this time very loudly, and looked back at the guy once a moment, then continued hammering louder.

It was at this point this man crossed back over the road to his car parked on the other side of the street at his building 3 yards before where I was at my house. Meaning his car was not parked right across from where I was, he had to deliberately have walked from where he had been parked, up to my house. He got into his car, backed up into his driveway, still sat there and watched me, then finally left.

That is the circumstances in their entirety.

I cast the spell, read the cards with pendulum, and when I finally went out of doors after having been lied to by the pendulum, was confronted with a human being under possession.

And I am wondering what that is about.

At first I had thought I attracted a circumstance where I needed protection.

But a few weeks ago I remembered I asked a group of Christians at a spiritual forum before this event how a demon could possibly get to a person from simply reading the tarot. They gave me an answer I felt did not answer.

Now I am left wondering if this experience itself was my answer. And who else but God answered it?

But in the end... does this question being answered make me feel any better at all?


In the end I still struggle with experiences with these entities.

And all I can muster to wonder is WHY???

I wonder what you all will be thinking after you all read this? Perhaps there will be some "She's crazy...." Or "I don't know what to think"... Or the ever present "I don't believe her...." or perhaps "Yep well she has gone and got herself banned she said the taboo D word...." Honestly? I am very very tired of experiences with these types of entities happening to me. They happen and I don't know why. They happen whether I summon anything or not. And for the record? I never have. These entities just come to me. And I'm left with nothing else to do but deal with it the best I can.

And I keep asking God over and over and over...... What is the point of this?

Why do these demons keep coming to me? Why must I deal with this?

Oh and one of my more recent questions I ask God "Why The Hell Wont You Help Me"?

His response? No answer.

So that was the situation itself in its entirety. There have been many others...

It is getting very old.

And I am growing very tired....
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Re: Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I can't pretend to have any answers but will tell you that I believe you & don't think you're crazy. You're really asking "why you." It seems logical that an exorcist would attract hostile spirits who would want to stop them from doing their job, especially if the exorcist is any good at their job. Word gets out. Years ago I met an RC church sanctioned exorcist from Chicago. He traveled to wherever he was called to do the job. He was very good at his job but didn't like the job. He'd rather not have to do exorcisms but he understood that is what he was called to do because that was the work that needed to be done.

I've seen & heard the spirits of the dead & been plagued with precognitive visions since childhood, and at times it was so oppressive I feared I'd go nuts. I entered a convent to get away from it. The mystic contemplative environment made it worse! (oye, did it ever!) I begged god to take psychism away and let me be like other people. So one day while i was quietly sitting at work a voice out of the blue asked did I really want to be like other people & an experience-vision unrolled of what that would have been like & how my spiritual understanding would be cut off. He gave me a choice right then. No I didn't want to be so blind. Then I "got it" that there are no half way gifts. You don't get a little of the pie, you get the whole thing. Both the sweet and the sour are needed to educate us & 'equip us or we can't do the job that needs to be done.

In your example I thought the man hammering on the roof came to your aid. So you weren't dealing with the matter alone. Those increasingly loud bangs were helping drive away the possessing spirit. Loud noise is a traditional way of scaring away evil spirits.
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Re: Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by EveningWithAstaroth »


Wanted to say thank you for your considerate and helpful comments.

I was feeling the frustration, and blues at the time of posting, and of course questioning God- I am sure he is used to it. :D

I am feeling a bit better lately. Have not given up the idea of casting protection spells when I feel the urge.

Simply hoping the next one just doesn't come back to haunt me.

Blessings, and thank you all.
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Re: Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by Crazy Cat Lady »

Sorry I didn't get back to you right away, I haven't been on in a few. I think you are accurate in your assessment of the situation, and am even more convinced now that what happened here is that you had a ..... premonition? Intuition? That led you to take protective steps, and be more aware of your environment, because 'in the moment' would have been too late. I agree that it can be disconcerting, and lead to feeling like you somehow made the events happen, but I really believe that is not the case. I have had similar experiences. All kinds of critters are attracted to the vibes given off by magic users, and especially those given off by people who are sensitive to them and can do something about it. We do excorsisms rather casually at our house, lol. We live in a very active area.
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Re: Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by SapphireRoad »

EveningWithAstaroth wrote:And I keep asking God over and over and over...... What is the point of this?

Why do these demons keep coming to me? Why must I deal with this?
Yo, I said there was a post of yours I admired. This one is not the one I mentioned. This one is even cooler.

SpiritTalker wrote:It seems logical that an exorcist would attract hostile spirits who would want to stop them from doing their job, especially if the exorcist is any good at their job. Word gets out.


I entered a convent to get away from it.
For those that read Bible even in the latest re-edition of Vangelo in Italian still stands Jesus quoted "Sono venuto gettare fuoco sulla terra." The whole phrase was "I didn't come to bring peace, but to hurl fire on Earth." Sometimes fashioned to sound less aggressive as "I didn't bring peace, but a sword."

So I agree with the uh exorcist to attract hostile spirits since merely the soul's presence in this world is a constant challenge for them. Did we come to live peacefully and now just got attacked? Who was the first aggressor actually doesn't matter much, that'd be like a musing on who was first, the hen or egg. So it might indeed be that our souls came deliberately here to challenge those spirits.

ST from the ways you sometimes fashioned your speeches I had the suspicion that you might have had the monastery history in your life. I'm glad to know that now for sure.
EveningWithAstaroth wrote:Oh and one of my more recent questions I ask God "Why The Hell Wont You Help Me"?
The Jesus' God is rather humble, granting the people the willpower and the freedom of choice to see how much they do care for the inner light. "Will you accept me?" From God's point of view it is posing the creator to equal position as the created. It's like asking someone to go out on a date. You can be as much noble and awesome as you like, you stand powerless in front of the person that has a freedom and right to refuse you.

More daunting way to look at it would be to see this God merely as a leader of one star team. If people rather stray to more from his point of view perverse ways of living, they might simply decide to feed and raise another kind of empire within the galaxies.
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Re: Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by SpiritTalker »

@ Sapphire Road - it was psychic visions that I was running from. Once i was in the convent’s contemplative environment the psychism increased in intensity plus 🤪. I faced it by using an intensive journaling process to remember all I could & eventually accepted the psychic foundation of consciousness as explained above Re: the gift is the whole pie, not just a slice - that it was the key to my spiritual understanding of my soul. It was not an off switch. The experiences are lessons in soul-school 🥴. Over the 2nd half of my lifetime & to date the experiences have been less and less severe. So far so good 😊
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Re: Why is it a protection spell may backfire?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

So there's a lot of nasty spirits. Mazoku (opposite of the gods) and yokai (mystery spirits). There is no one solution. There may not even be a best solution. Just better ones. :)

Don't lose hope!

Maybe the unintended side effect was how and the intention the spell had. My solution is to layer up with different barriers. People don't discuss this much but the spirits can break down protection spells.

Another suggestion, because hauntings increase under the evil eye, is to start doing evil eye protection and warding etc. This may have to do with the person you mentioned earlier.

Don't freak out, because the spirits may feed off your negative emotions. Try to calm the mind.

You can layer your spells too. Like casting them everyday or put on atop the other.

You may want to try a banishing or exorcism then a protection. Remember to take breaks.

If you're feeling particularly bold, then I suggest dream working and going into the otherworld to banish or defeat this entity. But only if you think you are skilled enough to do this as it is dangerous and may require a one on one fight.
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