Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

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Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Hey all! Anyone want to have some fun and guess my pregnancy details? I thought it would be interesting if those who work with divination use their various tools and methods and see if they can guess correctly!

So, here goes! Will I have one baby? Twins? Triplets? Quads? (Oh yikes, please no! Haha!) multiples run in my family so I thought that would be a fun one!

Gender? Genders?? Lol

And finally, I’m due in October so guess the date! Which day in October will I deliver?

Anyways, it’s all for fun and also I thought it may be a cool way to test your divination skills!

So what do you think??

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

12...that was the first number that came up, so I don't know if that's the due date or conception date...pretty sure it's not amount! LoL
so far I can't say about amount (lol) or genders. I'll be back on that one. Did you do any fertility treatments? I think TwilightDancer did a fertility spell and it worked, did you do any spell to conceive?
Good to see you around, how are you hanging in there amidst all the corona scare?
bb, FF
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

No fertility treatments or spells here! But my great great grandmother was a triplet. That was a ways back but it’s possible to pass those genetics on and I could possibly carry the gene for “hyperovulation”. My husband’s grandmother is a twin and great grandfather was a twin, and even though they say it only matters if there are multiples on the mother’s side, my OB was very concerned with how many multiples we had and wrote down all the ones we told her about so she was aware...? I’ve always wondered if I would have multiples but that could be because my mom always talked about “the triplets” and how no one else has had any since so she felt they would “pop up” again in our line unexpectedly.

The Covid situation has been pretty crappy. Working from home, which was nice for a week or so, now it’s just boring and actually more difficult than just going in and doing it. I was possibly exposed to the virus by my uncle who got it being a nurse at a hospital, so I had to postpone my first ultrasound. I’ve been given the all clear (I never had symptoms or was tested or anything) and I can finally go in tomorrow for the ultrasound! I feel like I’ve been waiting a month and I’m so excited! Well, it was 3 weeks.. so tomorrow we should hear a heartbeat and find out if there are multiples or not. I’ll be happy either way! Gender can’t be revealed until later.

Hubby is anxious from being cooped up. He’s a “doing type” and can’t sit still long. He actually starts a new job tomorrow but will be working from home to start, but at least he’ll have something to occupy his mind! He’s kind of driving me crazy! Fortunately, they are letting him come with me to the doctor still so I’m grateful for that.

And you FF? Staying safe so far? I know there is a thread where everyone has shared how they’re doing. I’ll try to make some time to read through and hear from everyone tomorrow. Hope everyone is well and staying positive, I know it’s hard to when there is so much negative and uncertainty happening to and around us. I’ve been fortunate and I hope everyone else has as well.

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SapphireRoad »

Hi Rosie, I'm glad you stopped by.
I really like listening to your storytelling, you are describing events of life in such manner that one can learn a lot about how certain aspects of life look like.
Blessed be :fairy:
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

SapphireRoad wrote:Hi Rosie, I'm glad you stopped by.
I really like listening to your storytelling, you are describing events of life in such manner that one can learn a lot about how certain aspects of life look like.
Blessed be :fairy:
Thanks SapphireRoad, I’ve always been a story teller by nature and said one day I will write a book. I just don’t know what story I want to tell...?

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

It seems that this post didn’t take off the way I expected. Not trying to make it all about me, I thought it would be interesting for people to use divination to guess. So I will go ahead and tell firebird fly she was right, I am not carrying 12 babies! Hah! I saw the doctor on Monday and.. there is only 1 baby! No multiples after all. :)

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by SnowCat »

My cousin's wife didn't know she was having twins until she delivered twins. I have zero divination to offer right now. The COVID mess is kind of sucking up all my energy in that respect. I had been feeling, for several months, that something bad was coming. I didn't know what. Now I do.
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

Hey there! what? not 12? oh, whew! LoL
Ya know there is a phenom in families that are prone to multiple births called the vanishing twin. I have a friend who has "absorbed" her twin while in the womb, and apparently it is more common than one would think. It's not a bad thing. We may have discussed the Chimera before.
In any case I am really wishing for a pleasant pregnancy for you. Splurge on those cravings and enjoy the dreaming, (I dreamt in super high definition) and don't let the emotional waves be a thing. We are here for you, Please feel free to check in, whenever, and let us know of your progress.
So maybe a Libra?
Blessings to you,
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

So I find out the gender of my baby next week! Last chance to take a guess before I get the info to share!

Also, If you’d like to take a guess, it will either be a Libra or Scorpio based on when they decide to make the debut to the world.

This is odd maybe, but if it’s a boy I’d like him to be a Libra. And, if it’s a girl, I’d like her to be a Scorpio!

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

Here it is...… Girl and a Scorpio!!
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

birthday... 11-11-20 :fairy:
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Well.. the news is in. And.... it’s a boy!

Sorry FF, good try!

We got some bad news too. I could use some good vibes and if anyone is willing to light a candle for my baby, I’d be so grateful.

We learned that our baby boy has distended bladder. Basically this means there is an obstraction in his uterine tract and he cannot urinate properly. This can be bad if the blockage is full, and if that’s the case the prognosis could be bad, affecting his lungs and kidneys. If it’s only a partial blockage, then there is a much better prognosis.

I will have to go to a larger city than my own to see a specialist next week. I will likely have to travel there often for check ups and possible procedures and likely have to deliver there as well. Baby will possibly need post birth surgery.

I have been crying since I’ve heard all this. It’s impossible not to be sad or scared. Impossible. But, I’m trying to remind myself that I need to be positive and put that positive energy out into the universe. Husband has been super supportive and holding me and telling me it’s all going to be okay. We’re still not sure how to tell our family because we don’t have all the facts yet, and they are suppose to come to our house this Sunday so we can tell them the gender and celebrate. I know I’m sad about it and I don’t want them to be sad too.

Thanks for letting me share.

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by Firebird »

Well rats. And double rats, I'm so sorry to hear he will have to have surgery right away. That is so scary, I will definitely send good vibes...all along good vibes. And maybe the birthday is right? Be strong girl, the baby can feel your tension. Hugs, Firebird
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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Please send good vibes today. Going to our local University Medical Center for another ultrasound and to meet with a genetic counselor. They won’t let my husband attend because of Covid. He’s so upset he can’t be there. Hopefully I will be able to call him and he can listen. This center is connected to the one in the bigger city I mentioned where they have specialists in pediatric urologists that we don’t have locally. I’m just hoping I get to leave with some answers today.

We told our parent yesterday. They were concerned too but we encouraged them to stay positive until we get some real information. Thank you all for your concerns, prayer, candles and positive vibes!!

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Re: Guess my Pregnancy Details! (For fun!)

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Unfortunately, the prognosis was very very bad. I will be leaving in Thursday for Houston, 9 hours away from my home to see if my baby boy and I are candidates for fetal intervention surgery. I’m not sure when we’ll be home. I’m terrified but I have to do whatever it takes to try to save his life. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

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