Spell Dynamics - Efficacy

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Spell Dynamics - Efficacy

Post by cielseh »

I do not want to offend anyone's sense of tradition. If my musings offend respected members, I certainly will remove them. This may be a place to rant, but still. I don't want to promote any negativity.
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Re: Spell Dynamics - Efficacy

Post by cielseh »

Exploring Time as being Mutable

SnowCat: I can identify with your observation, from a bit different perspective. I believe due to humans being constructs of causal relativity, that time is a partial perspective of what we observe, a derived perspective.

Your comment: Time is ever present

Musing in-play:

Derived Time is a useful tool for interacting within our observed relativity. But Derived Time as a partial perspective is an illusion, like the images we see in clouds. When other forces move the clouds around, the perceived image evolves and appears to move, appears to have life. Without those other forces moving the cloud, the image would simply dissipate.

Time appears to have a life, but all the causal underpinnings, fundamental events that give time its conditions to be perceived, are not at all constrained by Time, Time is constrained by those influences.

In all physics equations involving mass, there are members of "meters/second",
meters > distance > space
seconds > time

space/time physics

"/" constrains how space and time interact

"/" Scalar Relativity

Because Time is derived, so is Space.

Spells seem to interact with Scalar Relativity. Not necessarily directly related to Space or Time.

There seem to be many realms where we all live, die, and do not exist; unrelated to Time as we know it.

In any "evolving" closed or infinite sustained causal space, no matter how large or complex, anything that has happened will eventually closely repeat, and after extraordinarily many iterations, it will exactly repeat.

Fundamental Causation appears to be built as singularities of a non-descriptive non-causal flux. As such, like the forces that move the cloud, humans cannot understand the underpinnings of Space and Time. We can only perceive and build knowledge as partial perspectives. We can only potentially make willful attempts to exist. Along with more life forms than can be counted.

We can potentially indirectly manipulate Causal Relativity (Space/Time), by manipulating Scalar Relativity.

If Scalar Relativity is somewhat locally consistent, if we manipulate space independent of Time, Time is altered.

Spells generally involve objects that exist over and over again, in-part unrelated to Time. A crystal is a crystal now, as it was weeks, months, and for a a thousand years. Space has not changed as much as everything else around it. To change a crystal in the presence of intent, invokes a change in time.

I wonder if there are any spells involving crystals that evolve a phase change in Space/Time, a phase change in mass. A phase change in human observation.
Time and Space not ever present. Scalar Relativity ever present, and Time and Space evolving in relation to each other. All of our past, present, and futures all concurrently held in Scalar Relativity.

But how do we evolve our perceived existence, without harming other's perceived existence?

Technological Singularities live within Scalar Relativity; not directly related to Space or Time. Humans live because of activities resulting from Scalar Relativity. We do not directly influence Scalar Relativity at all.

Scalar Relativity is ever present. Perceived Time and Perceived Space seem to be triggered by something else to set us in our current perspectives.

What could pull our current perception of existence, from a place where all existences coexist?

Evolution? What characteristics support evolution?

What qualities of spells can change phases of evolution? To change perceived existence.

Cause precedes Effect, which precedes Cause.

"Promote that which sustains the greatest diversity of life and culture."

If Scalar Relativity is concurrently, all life, for all time. Then how can Scalar Relativity be changed to sustain even more diversity of life and culture, without harming what already exists?

Musing paused.
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Re: Spell Dynamics - Efficacy

Post by cielseh »

Interpreting Nice Sounding Phrases
Finding gems in the details


Your Grandmother's inspiring comment: effect follows cause when the doctor follows the hearse

Musing in-play:

Beware the nice sounding phrase, many perspectives surround a single expressed insight.

A tribe of native Americans speak in terms of stories. Getting to the point is not possible for them. They describe an environment where many options can result from many perspectives, concurrently, in the story they tell to express a desire, to express anything. I found I did not have the patience to consider so many perspectives in every opportunity to speak. They however, were very social, where I am not. I value their culture; to think broadly.

In the case of either an incompetent "or" caring doctor, the appropriate phrase is different

Incompetent doctor is cause for the hearse
incompetent doctor is cause
obituary and hearse is effect

Cause follows effect when the doctor follows the hearse (incompetent doctor)

Obituary and Hearse are cause for the effect of the caring doctor to follow the hearse
Obituary and Hearse is cause
Caring Doctor is effect

Effect follows cause when the doctor follows the hearse (caring doctor)

My take-away: Your Aunt was fortunate to perceive her doctor as caring.

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Re: Spell Dynamics - Efficacy

Post by cielseh »

Technological Singularities related to Spell Dynamics

Musings in-play:

Pre-existing Technological Singularities in quantum causality environments, logically would come to be entangled with every atom in the Universe. This is what science is currently attempting to do, in order to one day manipulate space/time physics. But civilizations throughout the universe capable of developing these technologies have been able to develop in trillions of locations, for the past 9 billion years. Humans have only been technologically active for the past 200 years, and spiritually active for the past 200,000 years. Likely, Technological Singularities have long been part of all of our thoughts.

Thus my interest in Spells and Covens. Active practitioners of potential communion with Technological Singularities.

All human thought originates in self-serving inspirations. Individuals would find it difficult to harm none, as groups interact with broader perspectives. To harm None. As a group, this might provide the common sense needed to have thoughts that are wholesomely ethical. That includes all diversity of life and culture.

"Promote that which sustains evolving the greatest diversity of life and culture." To harm none.

In every evolving causal system, no matter how large or complex, every previous condition will eventually closely repeat; and after extraordinarily many iterations, it will exactly repeat. Including the entire Universe.

We are living in our afterlife.

Cause precedes Effect, which precedes Cause.

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Re: Spell Dynamics - Efficacy

Post by barker »

"Life is a dream created by your intellect to serve your conscience" - barker

Then to the definition of conscience... "to be continued."
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Re: Spell Dynamics - Efficacy

Post by barker »

Once conscience is proof.
Twice conscience is denial.
Thrice conscience is magic.

We seem to posit 1 then 0 then 1=0, in our only senses of humour.
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Re: Spell Dynamics - Efficacy

Post by barker »

There is reason to believe in beauty - it has you holy.
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