Beginner Wiccan Training

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Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by WhiteValcery »

Hello young wiccan beginners. If you are not sure on how to start or what to do as you begin your wiccan path come to me as I will help you get started. If you have been a wiccan for a long time and need some help I am also here. Just Message me and we can get started. Thanks Valcery

EDIT - old post & offer expired. Read on for info in discussion.

Re: Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by WiccanWanderlust »

I've spent the last year or so reading, gathering supplies, studying the tarot and other forms of divination, practicing some meditation techniques etc. But I'm having a really tough time figuring out when the right time to really start practicing is. I haven't done any spells or rituals yet, I'm just not sure how to get started.

Re: Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by staticsan »

I'm learning, too. I found some advice on a couple of websites, which was a start, and have just begin reading "Spellcasting for Beginners" by Michael Furie.

Re: Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by JesebelRoseWhite »

When I first started, I looked for a book that was about beginning your path and I found an ideal book. It was call Beginner Wicca. I took a wild guess. XD I think it is very good because it gives you basic information and has spells and rituals in it. Most people reccomend a one year of self study then find a teacher or a coven in your area or over the web. I'm still not done with one year ( I've actually been a wiccan for 3 years but with school, I can only dedicate so much time to it.) and I've done a ritual for all the holy days once. But I still feel unready, as said above. Hope this brings you ideas. Blessed be! )O(

Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by Cryaotic_Kitteh »

Well, this may sound weird but I have just started. But the weird thing is I haven't done any research yet. I think I will, but I may need a few pointers here and there ^.^'

Re: Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by JesebelRoseWhite »

Well what are you a starter at? Witchcraft, Wicca, Shamanism? What is you need pointers for?

Re: Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by Brujo »

Blessed be.... Greetings fellow work shippers.... I have a question about the Altar. When it says that it most be facing North, does that mean facing north from your point of view, in other words when you are standing in front of it should the practitioner should be facing north? Do the front of the altar should be facing north, or the back of the altar should be facing north?
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Re: Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by Firebird »

hi Enlightted, We actually move the Altar to different quarters of the circle depending on the time of year. Like in Summer it is in the south, Winter...North, etc... Also it is round, and generally speaking the Hp and HPs stand in the West so the can face East. North is a common starting point for many circles, ours is East however. So it just depends on your tradition. There is no right or wrong place to set the Altar. When we meet in a spot that is not my yard, we put the Altar in the center. (can't do it at my place cuz the is an apple tree in the center!!)
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by Erydiel »

I have recently converted to Wicca(or at least, in the process of it). I have posted some topics/threads on here and have received some very helpful information. I did have many suggestions for different books to read and such, and am in the process of reading them as time passes. However, as far as research and just studying/learning more/getting more experience in general not really haha.
So honestly I just need some really good pointers to help me along in the right direction in both Wicca and Witchcraft.
And for many fellow witches that are in the broom closet(like me), any info would be very helpful and appreciative.
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Re: Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by SpiritTalker »

Replying to an old topic -

About Wicca - briefly
. There is no ultimate authority in Wicca. Mythology & lore are studied. 2 commonly shared texts are: The Wiccan Rede & The Charge of the Goddess as guidelines to practice.
. Wicca generally guides the individual experience of Deity-in-Nature through ritual observance of seasonal cycles at the Holidays (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, & Lammas, Equinoxes & Solstices) & at full moons.
. Recognizing dual deity & use of the quartered circle, an altar, ritual tools (chalice, athame, wand, pentacle, censer & altar-cloth), & crafting magic outwardly identify a Wiccan practice from other paths.
. Nature is generally perceived as divine with two forces: The Goddess and The God who go by many names that have evolved from several Indo-European cultures. Multiple deities are viewed as being the duality of Nature itself & as aspects of The 🗽 Goddess & 🦌 God, and as manifest Beings all at the same time.
. Some Goddess titles: Primordial Star Goddess, Forest Mother, Triple Moon Maid-Mother-Crone, Mother Nature, Queen of Elphame, Lady of the Sea, Night Huntress, Queen of the Night, Mother Goose.
. Some God titles: Horned Lord of Death & Rebirth, lord of the Wild Hunt, Lord of the Forest-the Elder, Lord of the Corn-the Younger, Lord of the Underworld, Green Man, Oak King-Holly King, Santa Claus.

Build Your Personalized Starter Kit
. Supplies - 🥢 incense, 🕯candles, 🍸H2O cup, 🧂 salt & ⚱️oil
. Incense is both an offering & sets a mood. Candles can represent divine illumination & fire element. Salt & H2O symbolize Life & are used for purifying; olive oil (olive=victory) is used for anointing to hold the psychic charge. These supplies can also represent the 4 Elements of (pacifying) water & earth and (activating) air & fire. Passive & active polarities make energy like a battery.
. Rub kitchen herbs between your fingers & sniff. Use 🌸sweet scents for peace, 🌶spicy scents to protect,
🍋citrusy to purify &🌲forest to prosper.
. Use colors 🔴🟠 to stimulate, 🟡🟢 to sustain, 🔵🟣 to relax conditions.
. Collect uniquely marked ⚡️stones. Wish-stones are encircled by a single💫 band & Hag-Stones with holes clear through have been sacred amulets since ancient times. Stone stroking while chanting an incantation & swaying the body aids light trance to effect circumstances.
. Use a pendulum to determine if stones are solar or lunar oriented. The sun’s cycle repeats daily so use solar stones in spells for a quick turn around; the moon’s cycle repeats monthly so use lunar stones for nurturing long term matters.

Develop basic skills
. Ground your energy from the crown, down the spine & into earth for stability. Reverse to raise energy. Think it.
. Improve focus - Hold your gaze on a 🕯flame’s colors & motions. Don’t let your mind wander. Breathe comfortably.
. Project energy - *️⃣ Center by drawing power on the breath from sky & earth to the belly; think-it & 🔀 push the fire in the belly thru the hands 🙌🏽 . Make psi balls between your hands👏🏽 as practice to detect energy pushback. Shake your hands to clear them.
. Simple sacred space:
- a. 🧹broom sweep ↪️ widdershins to cleanse; then walk deosil ↩️ to👆🏽 project the circle 💫 Or
- b. walk around three times ↩️, 1st sprinkle mixed salt+water, 2nd wafting incense, 3rd project 👆🏽the circle

Personalize your work space
. Prepare sacred space & meditate in your planned work area, projecting good vibes before setting up the altar.
. Purify table/tools - wipe with salted-water, fume with incense, anoint with oil & 🙌🏽 magnetize with energy.
. Add decor as you like. It’s OK to substitute aerosol mist & LED candles when incense & flame aren’t allowed.
. The Crafter faces N toward Polaris or E toward Sol across the table which is positioned for your ease of use.
. Wiccan ritual tools - a wand invites, a blade commands, chalice & pentacle charge potions, spells & offerings.
. See altar arrangements for examples - viewtopic.php?f=163&t=38981

About Spells
. Select materials related to the goal by element, scent or suggestive appearance.
. Cast a circle to create helpful conditions, if desired. It’s not mandatory.
. Speak incantations in positive, present-tense. Don't say what you don't want, say only the results expected.
. Know your goal: to attract, to repel or to empower something; think it & feel it in the belly, push energy into the spell.
. Spell Methods ex.: bag, bottle, candle, cord/knot, grid/mandala, petition, potion, word sigil
. See Simple Spells topic in Post a Spell or Ritual section for how-to viewtopic.php?f=4&t=36682

Elemental Correspondence Mini-Reference

☁️ E-Air - wand, incense or aerosol; yellow; 🟡, intellect; marjoram, mint, sage; bubbles; citrine, tiger eye
🔥 S-Fire - blade, oil, candle; 🔴; vitality, passion; bay, basil, rosemary, pepper; carnelian, red jasper
💦 W-Water - cup; 🔵; emotions, psychism; lemon, rose, chamomile, thyme; bells; sodalite, turquoise
🌎 N-Earth - pentacle or stone; 🟢; home, prosperity; grains, mugwort, patchouli, salt; hematite, aventurine
✨ -Ether - unmanifest energy;🟣; meditation, spirit travel; angelica, yarrow; sugilite

Daily Practice
A routine doesn’t have to be daunting. It’s your choice to be spiritual or magical, or both. Just do it your own way.
. The time to begin is when you see a genuine need where you can use your learned skills in your own life. Home cleansing & protection spells like a witches bottle are good starter spells. You can charm textbooks with a Sigil for remembering, charge a ring for luck, a key for way-opening, etc. Anything can be used for a magical purpose.
. Greet Sun, Earth, Moon & 4-winds, “Hail Sol, Hail Gaia, Hail Selene, Hail Boreas, Eurus, Notos, Zephyrus (N,E,S,W)
. Spend time in front of your home altar, light a candle and incense
. Meditate your own way or focus on a candle flame or it’s reflection off water
. Do 30 min research & jot down Qs and ideas
. Read and journal

Other -
. Scroll thru the book reviews in the media section. viewforum.php?f=154
. See “Getting Started” topic for more info viewtopic.php?f=80&t=34769
. See where to start magic - broom closet viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3103&p=288413&hilit ... et#p288413

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Re: Beginner Wiccan Training

Post by SpiritTalker »

A morning salutation to Sun, Earth & 4 elements -

Face the East and stretch your arms above your head & say
. Hail to Sol, the Sun, bringer of light, warmth and life.

Bend over or stoop down & touch the ground & say
. Hail to Gaia, the Earth, our Mother, with thanks for all you give to us

Straighten up, take a few belly-deep breaths, & then say
. Greetings to the realm of vapor, Air, bringer of breath, of breezes & of inspiration.

Face toward the south
. Greetings to the realm of Fire, little brother of the Sun, and giver of vitality.

Face west
. Greetings to the realm of liquids, Water, soft mist & rains, rivers, wells & seas,

Face north
. Greetings to the realm of solids, Little Earth of wood, metal, stone & bone.

Extend your arms outward
. Greetings to my soul for through You I-Am. - I honor and salute you all.

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